I had a rough patch a few weeks ago.
My husband’s grandma died after a long illness.
Work was stressful for more than one reason.
My blog got hacked and it took a lot of days and a lot of money to fix it.
There was drama on my son’s baseball team.
But in the midst of all that we celebrated Will’s 10th birthday, which was joyful. And there were two small incidents that came out of his birthday celebration that I will treasure forever.
These are the little things in parenting that just make my heart sing.
First, my daughter Sydney, age 6, made a card for her big brother’s birthday. It was covered in flowers and sported a picture of her speaking the words, “I love you Will”.
She told me she drew the green robot on the card because she thought he might like robots better than flowers.
Cue heart melting!
Second, there was this note that Will placed on our bed one night. The words he wrote touched my heart.
So when life gets you down, remember that your kids can always lift you up.
I’ll be back to my usual sarcastic self momentarily. Thanks for letting me share a snippet of my parenting joy!
Well as experienced as you may be at being a bad mom, clearly you have done something right at some point!! You’ve got two sweet kiddos there!
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…My Bucket List
Thank you, Rabia!!
I agree with Rabia. You must be doing something right. My kids are too young for this stuff ,but I hope one day I can be as good of a experienced bad mom as you!
Andrea @the Distracted Housewife.com recently posted…Goals for the Week of 7-22
You and Rabia are so sweet. I just about cried reading your comments. Thank you!
What beautiful notes! My Grandma once showed me a similar note my Mom wrote her after her first day of second grade (or thereabouts) – it was so surreal imagining my mom as a little girl… now you’ll be able to do the same thing in a few decades!!
Regan recently posted…On the Water
Yes, nice to have for posterity!
And when they are fighting like cats and dogs, too, I can remind myself that they have their sweet sides!
Siblings fight, but when it comes down to it, they are there for each other!
Tess recently posted…Fairytale Brownies and a Giveaway
Aww both of those cards are so sweet and thoughtful.
OH MY GOSH, his note is the best thing EVER!! 🙂 What a fantastic thing to find. So sorry about your blog getting hacked and your hubby’s grandma.-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Would You Rather: Have Dated Jake Ryan or John Bender In High School?
Thanks! And I wouldn’t wish the blog hack on any blogger. So yucky in so many ways. But, if you need some cialis please let me know. I have connections now.
oh, isn’t that so very sweet!! How cute of them both! I love how thoughtful each of them is!
So sorry to know about your husband’s grandma passing away. My condolences to your entire family.
Roshni recently posted…Random Thoughts from the T-Ball Diamond
Thanks, Roshni.
Awe 🙂 The hand made things are the best!
becca recently posted…Sit Around Saturday: Then I Laughed
You have a couple of the sweetest encouragers! You are definitely raising them right!
And I hope life slows down a bit for you soon. I’m so sorry to hear of your family’s loss.
Rebecca @ A Beautiful Ruckus recently posted…Learning to Love My Figure: The Manhattan Dress
Thanks for the praise and the condolences, too.
So sweet! Aren’t you glad we have to precious moments? It makes parenting worth it. Hug your wonderful kids!
Mare recently posted…Handy Re-dos
I love the handmade stuff. My son got me a handmade gift for Mother’s Day and I cherish more than the stuff they buy. Hope you’re having a great week!
Growing Up Madison recently posted…July 2013 Bluum Toddler Box Review
Aw, how beautiful those notes are! They are so sweet and kind, those kids. I’m sorry for all you’ve been through 🙁 It is a gift to focus on the beautiful things when times are hard.
Stephanie recently posted…What is your kid’s currency?
So very sweet! I love when my boys leave me notes too. My 13 year old still plays this game where he’ll slip me a note and we write back and forth having a conversation that no one else knows about.
You are doing it right Mama! Great mom, great kids.
Melisa recently posted…Thrifty Thursday: Frugal Fun at the Lowe’s Build and Grow Clinic
OMG I am dying… your kids are so sweet.
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…Soccer Mom
This is so sweet! I love the little notes! Whenever I feel like I can strangle one of my kids, I remind myself of those priceless moments when they melt my heart with the nicest note or the sweetest compliment. You must be doing something right:))
Leah Davidson recently posted…My Girl
Thanks, Leah! Nice to have you come by. 🙂
Oh my this is so heartwarming! Kids are a great cure for a rough patch. Thanks for posting to the Honest Mom link up so I could enjoy this. 🙂
Jen recently posted…wonderfully weekend :: triathlon
So sweet! My 3yo daughter totally owes me notes like these when she’s older for being the terror that she is right now. Thank you for sharing.
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