The other night my family sat around the dinner table saying grace. We had enjoyed a lovely, if unremarkable, summer day.
On behalf of the family, I gave thanks for our food.
For each other.
For sunshine.
For my son’s eye healing.
For friends.
When I finished, I looked over at my six-year-old daughter. Could it be? She seemed to be tearing up!
“What is it?” I asked her, touched that a simple prayer may have provoked such strong emotion in her.
“We’re just the luckiest family in the world!” she proclaimed, genuinely starting to cry.
Why, yes, we are, I thought. We have so many blessings!
“We’re the luckiest family in the world,” she continued to gush, “because we have Monopoly piece 451 from McDonald’s and all we need is piece 452 to win the million dollars!”
I’m lovin’ it.
Monopoly house image courtesy of James Barker /
Jenn @ says
Awe how cute.
Jenn @ recently posted…Throwback Thursday: Best Friends
Allie @ The Practically Green Mom says
That is too cute! 🙂
Allie @ The Practically Green Mom recently posted…Little Helpers – Household Chores for Preschoolers
TheBargainBabe says
bahahahaha! She sounds like the perfect match for my older son!
TheBargainBabe recently posted…Uh, Sorry About That
Andrea @the Distracted says
LOL. Kids are constantly surprising us aren’t they?
Andrea @the Distracted recently posted…Maybe You Really Do Have It All
Roshni says
oh gosh!! ahahahhahaha!! Kids bring us back to earth with a thunk!! 😀
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Growing Up Madison says
LOL. You sure are the luckiest family in the world. Kids are such fun! 🙂
Growing Up Madison recently posted…Throwback Thursday: Baby’s Tummy Time
Melisa says
Oh that’s awesome! I love kids’ one liners.
Melisa recently posted…Thrifty Thursday: 30 Day Goals and Building Our Savings
Tammy Doiel says
That’s so funny! I was in the car with my kids today, and said the verse I had read this morning how we should continually be praising God for His blessings. So I asked what blessings they could praise the Lord for–one said books, and another kept saying one thing after another. It was great!
Tammy Doiel recently posted…Thrifty Thursdays: Cashing in on Summer Reading Programs
Jen @Making Our Life Matter says
Great post! I love when everyone shares their blessings!
Jen @Making Our Life Matter recently posted…When Life Gets Crazy Busy
Michelle says
That is too adorable!! My kids used to do that too…all we need is this piece and we will win…. Nevermind that they probably make one of those pieces and it’s on the other side of the world…hehehe. We never won anything! But at least she has hope!
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Mare says
sweet! take every blessing you can get!
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Rabia @TheLiebers says
So sweet! I hope you find that other piece!! 🙂
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Five Minute Friday: Lonely
Tess says
Ha ha-too funny!
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Stephanie says
Oh goodness, that’s beautiful. So great when kids can see the blessings they have.
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Not Winning Mom of the Year says
HAHAHHA, that just made me laugh out loud and the baby is sleeping right beside me!
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karen says
I just love the simple innocence and joy of kids…so sad when they lose that.
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Leah Davidson says
This. Is. Priceless!! I love how kids think and say what they feel with such innocence and honesty!
Leah Davidson recently posted…Terms of Endearment
Heather says
I love when I get to see small insights into other people’s lives – ESPECIALLY when they remind me of when my own two kids were so freaking adorable. Thank you so much for a smile this afternoon.
Heather @
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