I’ve heard Moms and Dads express regrets. That they didn’t enjoy the little things with their kids. That they yelled at their kids when they shouldn’t have. That they didn’t savor the time they had with their kids before they grew up so fast.
Well, my regrets are a bit different. I regret teaching my children three things:
1. That I’m ticklish on my feet. My strong 8-year-old now dives for my tootsies every time we are goofing around. Stop!! Stop!!
2. The whole Slug bug/Doodlebug/Punch Buggy game. That’s the one where you holler “Slug bug” when you see a VW Beetle. This was fun for about 1 day. Since that day, my children have been fighting over who saw a slug bug first. And who has more slug bugs. And who saw a slug bug first. And who has more slug bugs. And who saw a slug bug first.
(Thank God I did not teach them the version of the game where you punch someone in the arm!)
3. The phrase “Whoever smelt it, dealt it.” As a mom, sometimes I smell something bad and fear the worst. Who needs the bathroom and how fast?!? So my innocent question of “Who did that?” is now answered by either of my children with “Whoever smelt it, dealt it!” Then I usually see the kids give each other high-fives, make fist pumps in the air, and laugh hysterically. Good one, kids, good one.
What are your regrets?
I LOVE the show Burn Notice and I am guilty of allowing my children to watch reruns with me… well, more like they are in the same room while I watch the reruns. Anyway, they like it. They like the guns, the explosions and they enjoy watching Michael Westin (the show’s main character). Reed let his sister borrow the 1st season of Burn Notice on DVD and as she walked out of our house with it, GQ starts screaming and crying, “Noooo! Don’t take my Michael Westin!!” It was a major meltdown we had to deal with that evening! MY REGRET: Allowing my children to become BIG fans of Burn Notice! I know for sure the show is not a “Y” rating. Epic parenting fail… EPIC, I tell ya!
Ashley L recently posted…Blog Name Change
I love your honesty!! And at least you are having some fun family time together, right?
“…fun family time together…” Sure. We can call it that. In all honesty (since you love my honesty) 😉 the show itself isn’t sooo bad. I mean, I can only count maybe 2 or 3 sexual encounters and the violence mainly involves blowing things up. The violence… okay… it isn’t what kids should be watching. But I let the boys watch the Lion King and within that plot you have an uncle who kills his brother, while attempting to kill his nephew as well… I don’t know… seems kind of worse. I suppose you could argue Burn Notice is better because no one kills their relatives and the Burn Notice characters try to avoid killing anyone. You could also argue that the Lion King is an animated film where the main characters are talking lions. …
Ashley L recently posted…Blog Name Change
The slug bug game? I banned it, I tell you I banned it in any car in which I drove or was a passenger. Some kids just live to punch their siblings.
Elizabeth recently posted…Virtual Friends
Sometimes, there are also a lot of things I regretted teaching my kids especially some games that are really addicted..
Myrtle recently posted…Sharepoint Hosting
I hear you, Myrtle!
Well, since we are being honest here, I regret teaching my kids that I am a bit of a push-over. Wish I could go back an tell myself: STAND FIRM! 🙂
Linda Kinsman recently posted…Friday Follow Up
Thanks for your honesty! We could start a confessional, I’m sure.
You are so right Katy!
Linda Kinsman recently posted…Happily Breaking Rules
Ha! I’ve got 4 older siblings and can remember getting slogged hard, really hard everytime we saw a beetle. Classic kids, Classic.
Lou Lou recently posted…Sweden’s Symphonie Fantastique
My little boy is only one year old, but I already regret teaching him “I’m gonna eat your nose” game. His nose is so cute, it was irresistable for me to kiss. But, now, he won’t stop biting my nose and laughing! Found your blog through the blog hop. Glad I found you!
Dr. Momsie recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – The Fate of a Bully
Ouch! Cute story. Thanks for commenting!