It’s Spring Break in our house this week, which means the kids are home from school, bored, and asking why we didn’t go anywhere.
Funny, they don’t seem placated by my answer: “Mommy and Daddy DON’T get Spring Break plus you just went to Disney World in February so be quiet.”
Anyhoo, since I’m complaining about Spring Break, I figured you should hear about the other things I want to complain about. Here we go!
1. I vacuumed extensively recently. You know, because of cleanliness and all that. My reward? One of my beloved earrings given to me by my now-passed grandmother is missing. I’m pretty sure the sun, moon and stars were aligned such that the only time I ever dropped one of those earrings (a small stud) coincided with the biannual extensive vacuuming I did of every surface in my house. Which also coincided with the annual cleaning of the dust chamber and filter by my husband, so I can’t even root around in 6 months worth of dust looking for the stud.
The moral? I shouldn’t vacuum.
Hmm, so maybe I shouldn’t complain about this one after all.
2. Ladies who put their makeup on at red lights. I don’t get it. If you’re that organized to bring makeup in your car, how come you aren’t that organized to throw said makeup on your face in 2 minutes at home? I can barely get myself in the car, much less accouterments such as mascara and blush.
3. Speaking of motor vehicles, what’s up with people who turn wide to turn right? It’s not like we’re driving boat-like Cadillacs from the 1970s. Please stay in your lane instead of swinging into the other lane where I’m having a heart attack thinking you’ll hit me when you want to make a right turn.
4. This is minor, but it drives me Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs when teachers say, “Have a great break!” What break? My company does not sync its schedule with my kids’ schools at all. I take time off work to watch my kids fight with each other and complain they are bored.
5. People who tsk-tsk me whenever I say anything remotely bad about teachers (see above). I KNOW. Teachers are SAINTS and I’m the DEVIL for suggesting anything else.
6. That trash day is always the windiest day of the week. Because nothing says “Ha ha” like the the universe taking your trash can lid 1/2 mile down the street every Thursday until it finally disappears and then you’re one of those neighbors with lidless trash the rest of your life.
7. The Gwyneth Paltrow smoothie recipe chock full of cordyceps (a parasitic fungus) and moon dust. That’s just silly!
What’s got your goat recently? Anything you’d like to get off your chest? Do share and make me feel normal (at least somewhat!) for complaining about stuff.
This tickled me pink this morning, and I mean early morning. Woken up by a hungry toddler! Thanks for the laugh. Sorry about the earring though! X
Aw, thanks! Truly, I share what I write in hopes it entertains someone else, so I feel very happy to know you laughed! Fingers crossed you and your toddler get a nap later.
#1: When those kinds of things happen to me I always say that it’s the Universe reinforcing my bad behavior.
Yup, that’s what it feels like. Clearly I shouldn’t vacuum!
Amen to #4! There is no break once you have kids, just long to short and then really long breaks from school where they are bored and we are annoyed.
Love this!
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up # 2
“Where they are bored and we are annoyed” – perfectly put! I linked up, too, thanks for the nudge. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Things I Want to Complain About
I am annoyed because my kids had Spring Break last week. This week they only have school M-Th. They are out again on Friday! I don’t even know what to do with them. I can’t keep taking time off for all these work days! And wouldn’t it have made more sense to have Good Friday off and THEN Spring Break!??!?!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…E: Emily #AtoZBlogging
I feel your pain! I hope that by the time my kids are parents that there is more harmony between the work week and the school week.
I loved your Emily post! Anyone reading this comment go read Rabia’s post on Emily. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Things I Want to Complain About
Oh my goodness…the FIGHTING! One entire week of listening to my kids fight. I’m not sure how any two people could fight so much! I thought I was teaching them to use kind words and to help their neighbor, but clearly, they aren’t listening to mom. I never was so happy for them go back to school as I was this week.
Erin, it’s good to know I’m not alone. I, too, thought I was teaching them how to be decent people in the world. But the fighting and snark and picking at each other is crazy! Fingers crossed that Monday comes soon–and we all still like each other. 🙂
Hi Katy, I think you have found a very valid reason for not vacuuming, hope you don’t mind if I borrow it? I used to watch women applying their makeup on the train and wonder how on earth? I can barely manage to put it on in a stationary mirror in the bathroom without going wonky somewhere!
One of my bug bears is people who walk round the supermarket eating things before they’ve paid for them. Yes the freshly baked bread in Lidls is very nice, but why not wait until you get out of the shop at least… I’ve even witnessed people trying to get away with paying for said items. I just can’t get my head around it.
Hope that helps you feel normal!
Debbie recently posted…Malteser Ice Cream recipe
It does Debbie, thank you! I’m laughing at all the people eating as they shop. It’s so true!
Yes! Our trash day is always really windy too. I hate it. Then I have to chase the trash down the street. Ugh.
I don’t get the makeup in the car thing either. Or messing with your phone, for that matter.
Gwyneth is just nutty. Her website makes me go ???
Amber recently posted…We’re PCSing But We Don’t Have A House Yet
Yes, Gwyneth. Somebody out there loves her website, just not me!
Your post gave me a much needed chuckle this morning. Must be something in the air (or all that wind) because I was in a complaining mood as well. The make-up in the car one really baffles me. I was behind a woman brushing her hair at a red light yesterday. It’s not every day I find myself yelling, “Stop brushing your hair and drive!” Hope you survived Spring Break with your kids.
Glad I gave you a chuckle. I giggled at you yelling, “Stop brushing your hair and drive!” because who would ever think they’d say that?!
Oops, guilty of the makeup at red lights — well, at least I used to be 20 years ago! I just never could get it all done before I had to run out the door because I always hit that snooze button one to many times. BUT…I always did at red lights, not while driving! 🙂 A couple of times I even managed to get pantyhose on at a red light, too (hmmm, should I be admitting this??). When the commute is 1 1/2 + hours each way, every minute counts! Haha! And I hope you make it through spring break!
Wendy recently posted…Dinner by Candlelight, Dancing by Firelight…At Home (Or Not?)
I am impressed by the thought of pantyhose at a red light! That’s talent, lady! Thanks for coming by. 🙂
Aw, Katy. I am SO sorry about your earring. I do hope it turns up. Perhaps in the hood of a hoodie you’ve not worn for months, or perhaps in the toe of a shoe or maybe it’ll roll out from under the American Doll Bed … Oh and those boats that are Cadillacs. Geez – you’ve reminded me of the time I had to drive our friends’, This was in a strange city, after the stiffest gin and tonic served to woman. Horrid. Think Cameron Diaz in that mini in The Holiday …
Of course, I’m positively grinning over #5. Folks react the VERY same way up here. Drives me batty.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Happily It’s Not Strep
Yes yes OHMYGOSH YES to all of these!! I literally LOLed at many, and well, the lost earring kinda sucks. I’m betting you could dive into that trashcan and forage for that sweet stud. Wouldn’t THAT be a HOOT? You could record it and publish it here. I have done that when things have gone missing… it’s an ugly task. I know.
Chris Carter recently posted…Ten “Must Read” Articles On The Internet
Thankfully, our trash can lid is attached. Where do you live that it’s so windy?
April recently posted…Keeping Eyes on Daniel
Michigan. I guess the wind starts blowing in Chicago and just keeps going across the midwest!
Oh my goodness this list was SO funny… I’m so glad you shared at #FridayFrivolity even though I’m late catching up on my reading!! DEFINITELY pinning and tweeting. ;P
And when I call it funny I also feel frustrated on our shared behalf for a lot of them… and so sorry about your heirloom earring. 🙁
Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom recently posted…Stuff I’ve Been Thinking About Lately…. The Art of Zen via Coloring, Faulty Puppy Waste Disposal Units, and Downton Abbey
Oh my… just read the smoothie recipe… DYING OVER HERE…. 😛
Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom recently posted…Stuff I’ve Been Thinking About Lately…. The Art of Zen via Coloring, Faulty Puppy Waste Disposal Units, and Downton Abbey
I KNOW, right?!?!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Beauty of Ordinary Moments
See. This is precisely why I don’t vacuum.
You gotta wonder about Gwyneth. Parasites in a smoothie? Nope. I’m more of a cookie dough in my milkshake kinda girl.
I have tons of things to complain about. You may have just inspired a post for me. lol
WebMDiva recently posted…I Made A Salad. Am I Pinteresting Yet?