A little while ago I shared a random list of things I want to complain about.
Surprisingly, I’m not the obnoxious, lonely whiner that I thought I was. That’s because many of you joined in with your own complaining and/or commiserated with me.
Thank you!
Of course, this has only made me want to keep complaining because it’s nice when someone shares your pain, right?
So here are a few more things I want to complain about:
1. I can’t figure out why random strangers are always parking in front of my house. I don’t live in an urban environment where parking is scarce. I live in the ‘burbs with a wide-open street.
Who are these people? I find this weird because when I go to someone’s house, I park in front of that person’s house. Shocking, I know. But clearly the universe sent out some memo I didn’t get about parking in front of a random stranger’s house and then hoofing it to where you are going.
2. I got some new Pier 1 outdoor pillows and gleefully ripped off the “Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law Except by the Consumer” tags. In doing so, I promptly ripped open a good portion of the pillow. Mold, mildew, and vermin who are seeking a home, you’re welcome.
3. I noticed a couple giving each other intense back rubs while they sat in front of me in church. Yes, I know that Song of Solomon is part of the Bible. No, I don’t want it reenacted in front of me while I’m trying to listen to the sermon.
4. To whoever keeps leaving 3 drops of coffee to burn in the bottom of the coffee pot at work vs. taking 60 seconds to make a new pot: I will find you. And I will teach you how to make a new pot.
5. That the end/beginning of school is vastly different depending on where you live. I’ve been watching millions of families celebrate the last day of school since early May. Meanwhile, we won’t be done until June 14. Then, there’s Back to School with some cockamamie folks going back to school at the end of July (hello, Indiana!) while we don’t mosey back until after Labor Day. It’s like if we all celebrated Christmas at different times over a 6 week period. Cray-cray.
6. That it’s the end of the school year and there are 52,971 things to celebrate, buy, put away, go to, and honor. Times two kids. If you’ve never read Jen Hatmaker’s End of School Year mom piece, then run over right now because it is awesome and TRUE. Just a snippet:
“Teachers, we need to make a deal that after April testing, we don’t have to do anything else. You don’t. I don’t. I don’t care if you watch movies in class five days a week and take four recesses a day.”
That’s it – for now. I’m sure with a fresh season ahead I’ll find plenty more things I want to complain about: bored kids, having to shave my legs since it’s shorts season, etc.
Until then, tell me what’s bothering you right now. Go on, get it off your chest and join me in complaining. I promise I won’t judge.
Kelly L McKenzie says
How very refreshing! I’m not alone in the complaints department this week. Love that blowdryer photo by the way – did I tell you that already? I am currently awaiting the refund of an unnecessary airline ticket that has made my blood boil. I can’t talk with anyone as my son booked the original online. Does that make sense? Your cushion dilemma is something I would do. Thank you for the heads up!
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Lessons In Frustration
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Oh, good luck with the ticket. I spent an anxious week waiting for one from American Airlines. Somehow I didn’t trust their process but it actually DID work. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. I have a lovely pillow with a big hole in it that I can send you for you to rest your weary head…
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Things I Want to Complain About Part II
Amber says
Oh, I HATE when people park in front of my house. This would usually happen on weekends because people on our street loved to have parties. I’d get so uncomfortable. I even ranted about it on Facebook once but most people were all, “Uh, you don’t own that spot..” I feel I do. It’s in front of MY house!
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay!
Katy says
I agree! I understand when people are having Christmas parties or Grad parties, but people seem to park in front of my house all the time when they are not coming to my house and when there is plenty of other street parking. I find it weird. If I’m going to someone’s house, I park in front of that house, you know?
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files says
Oh my goodness. We have all the end-of-year parties, field trips, art shows, project expos, class poetry readings, teacher gifts times 3 kids in school! Plus my husband got a new job, we have 4 kids’ birthdays and birthday parties within a month and a half of each other, and we just had a baby. We are barely holding it together here.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…7 Quick Takes about Useless Acronyms, Unconventional Television Medleys I’d Like to See, and the Importance of a Well-Placed Comma
Katy says
Hang in there! God gave you a sense of humor as one of your strongest gifts and this is probably why.
Karen says
Great list and totally agree. I can’t stand when people don’t signal when making turns, make terrible left turns, and leave their dog poop in the ground instead of picking it up, I wish I had a magic wand to zap them. Stopping by from the #MommyMondayBlogHop
Karen recently posted…Sneak Peak Saturday
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Ooo, Karen, I agree! I just found dog poop out near my mailbox and I don’t have a dog. It happens enough that I’m wondering who the culprit is. Does a child walk the dog? Does the dog walk itself? Pick it up. Grrr.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Things I Want to Complain About Part II
Rabia @TheLiebers says
People park in front of our house all the time. It really irritates me. We once had some people park under our tree and the limb needed to be cut or else it was going to fall. They were parked there for a week. I called the police because I didn’t want to be responsible to damage to their car since we couldn’t cut the branch until they moved.
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Manly Wind Chimes
Katy says
Ugh. Annoying! And why didn’t they park in front of wherever they were going?!
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who finds this irritating.
Allyson Greene says
I hate when people park on the opposite side of the street right behind our driveway! We too live in the burbs there are plenty of driveways and other places to park!!! Sometimes I want to hit the car as I pull out just to teach them a lesson, but I don’t want to pay more for insurance!! #MMBH
Allyson Greene recently posted…Camping Must Haves You Probably Haven’t Thought Of
Katy says
Ooo, that is so true about parking behind you where you’re going to pull out. Okay, now I’m wondering if I should be thankful they are all parked in front of my house. Because at least I’m not going to back into them, lol!
Janine Huldie says
Love your new list and am so with you, especially on the end and beginning of school dates being different all over the country. Here in NY, we don’t end until June 24th, while many are almost a month into their vacations. Seriously that is just crazy and insane!! Visiting back from #happynowlinkup
Janine Huldie recently posted…She’s Losing Her First Tooth and I’m Losing My Baby
Katy says
Wow, June 24 is the latest I’ve heard. I thought our last day, June 14th, was ancient compared to some!
Chris Carter says
HA!! Those are all so worth complaining about, Katy! What’s with the cars parking on our streets? WHO ARE THEY?
And yeah- you made such a great point about the school schedules all over this country- why can’t we all do this thing together? And JULY? I thought we were early going back in early August. Shame.
I remember back in the day, all schools seemed to run on a schedule like yours. AFTER labor day we would start… those were the good ol’ days.
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