Ready for my Friday run-down of things that made me chortle this week? Here we go!
This one was my favorite funny parenting cartoon:
And these were some GR-E-A-T (as Tony the Tiger would say) tweets:
We are not going to see the Lego Movie because the 5YO’s Elsa cake is already ordered for April. This is straight-up mom logic, people.
— Suburban Snapshots (@SuburbanSnaps) March 12, 2014
If Pinterest was realistic it would be just photos of pizza delivery receipts pinned to Meals I Didn’t Make boards.
— Honest Toddler (@HonestToddler) March 11, 2014
If by “cleaning my house” you mean pacing from room to room staring at my phone forgetting what I’m supposed to be doing” then yes I am.
— ManicMomday (@welfarehoe) March 12, 2014
What’s tickling your funny bone these days?
Don’t forget to follow little ol’ me on Twitter, where I’m guaranteed to get lost in the lightning fast jumble of your feed!
I mean, where I’m guaranteed to show up and make you laugh!
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