This week’s funny stuff hearkens back to my blogging roots. That’s because I’m sharing the random things my kids said that just made me laugh!
Who’s Marky Mark?
My ten-year-old son and I were watching Nickelodeon. A commercial came on for the 2014 Kids’ Choice Awards, hosted by Mark Wahlberg.
10yo: Who’s that?
Who’s that? I thought. You don’t know who Marky Mark is?
Me: He’s an actor. He’s my age.
10yo: So he’s old?
Free Ice Cream
My 7yo and I were in the car.
7yo: Mom, is ice cream free in heaven?
Me: Yes.
7yo: Then crash the car!
What happens at the mall, stays at the mall
My husband took our daughter–a sweet 7-year-old, just a wee first grader–to the mall.
What did they do there? I’m not sure.
But they sent me this picture:
Hoping you laugh a lot today and this weekend! I’d love for you to tell me a joke or something funny that happened to you recently in the comments.
Technical stuff: Mark Wahlberg photo courtesy of Nickelodeon at
Ice cream photo courtesy of rakratchada torsap/
Hilarious. Marky Mark is my all-time #1 celebrity crush.
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Oh, I was devasted when I learned Marky Mark was about half a foot shorter than me. I can’t pull a Nicole Kidman and date a short guy, sorry!
So he’s old. SIGH… How come Scooby Doo isn’t old? That show came out the same year I was born. Just did a post on that, usually I don’t know obscure facts. I would not do well at Jeopardy. Anyway, I am not ready to be old.
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