Friday, April 26: I receive note from the Kindergarten room parent regarding all the activities for Teacher Appreciation Week at my daughter’s school.
Monday, April 29: I send the handmade card to school with my Kindergartner for Teacher Appreciation Week.
Tuesday, April 30: I send a box of Kleenex to school with my Kindergartner for Teacher Appreciation Week. Just in case the box gets lost in the shuffle of ALL the supplies that ALL the kids must be bringing in, I write “To Mrs. Teacher, Love, Sydney” on the box in Sharpie.
Wednesday, May 1: I remind my daughter to be extra nice and thankful to her music, gym, and media center teachers. After all, it’s their day to be and feel special this week!
Thursday, May 2: I totally blow off signing up for the Teacher Appreciation potluck. But I do express my thanks to the Heavens above that some Martha Stewart-types will have that potluck covered. You go, girls.
Friday, May 3: I express thanks to the Heavens above that the principal is hosting a Teacher Appreciation breakfast on his own dime and I don’t have to remember anything, say anything, or do anything.
Monday, May 6: I get the email from the Principal announcing the START of the fabulous Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, 2013.
May you celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week better than I did!
Image courtesy of Sicha Pongjivanich /
Haha!! Unbeknownst to you teachers of Sydney’s are saying to themselves all week “wow, Sydney and her mom are just sooo genuinely… it’s not even teacher appreciation week and look how lovely they both treat me!
Keep smiling =)
Oh, I like the way you think. Maybe they really did think we were so thoughtful and kind last week! 🙂
This put a smile on my face today! It’s the thought that counts, right? Good thing you didn’t make anything for that potluck!
KJ, visiting from SITS
KJ @PlustheMagic recently posted…Disney Debuts a New Way to Play…
I’m laughing at the thought of showing up for the nonexistent potluck last week!!
HAHAHAHA! Better to be early than late though. I tend to run the other direction. 🙂
Mare recently posted…Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz – part 2
Excellent point, Mare! Better early than late. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Timeline for the Best Teacher Appreciation Week Ever
You can just appreciate them twice as much as everyone else!!
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…Teacher Appreciation Day
Thanks for thinking I’m good enough to celebrate twice. Who am I to burst your bubble? 😉
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Timeline for the Best Teacher Appreciation Week Ever
Hahaha, I’m laughing with you not at you right??? Why not start a trend and have Mothers Day and your birthday celebrated twice… just a thought
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…With Love From…
Celebrate Mother’s Day twice? You’re on to something.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Timeline for the Best Teacher Appreciation Week Ever
That’s awesome. 😀 That is totally something I would have done.
Shecki @ Greatly Blessed recently posted…More Than A Memory: The Candace Kate Story GIVEAWAY
Ha! This is totally awesome! I love your May 2nd… snorted reading that one.
I homeschool and I’ve been hinting heavily that it’s teacher appreciation week. Nothing yet.
Thanks so much for sharing this fabulous post (and for linking up with the SHINE Blog Hop)!
Wishing you a lovely day.
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom recently posted…Shine Blog Hop #1
Well my kid INSISTS that he has received NO PAPERS about T.A. Week so I don’t even have a clue what we’re supposed to do.
TheBargainBabe recently posted…Teacher gift: “Soapin’ you have a great summer!”