I know I’m supposed to put my kids aside on Valentine’s Day and focus on my marriage. Heck, I fully realize that I’m supposed to put my marriage before my kids every day if it’s going to survive and thrive!
Yet, I understand (and hope) that my husband will be there with me in 10, 20, even 30 years. And my kids, on the other hand, might be out there in the big, bad world without me in 10, 20, 30 years. They’ll be young adults in 10 years, and full-on adults in 20-30 years.
So I want to embrace this Valentine’s Day, this year, with my kids at ages 11 and 8, and tell them just a few of the many things I love about them.
To my son, age 11:
- I love that you prayed for your teammate the other night at dinner.
- I love that you told me recently in the car, “Mom, can I tell you I love you now? I don’t want to be embarrassed when we get to my friend’s house.”
- I love that you are enamored with that video game, Card Wars, even though I’m totally pretending to understand and get it.
- I love that you have been playing with your little sister a lot recently.
- I love how you adore our cat.
To my daughter, age 8:
- I love how much you love your big brother.
- I love that you care about school and doing well in school.
- I love that you told another girl at hockey practice, “Do you want to dance?” when you tagged her out and she didn’t comply.
- I love how you play so happily and so completely with your barbies, stuffed animals, and American Girl dolls.
- I love that you favor sweet TV shows like Full House.
To my kids on Valentine’s Day
I love you guys! Now could you please give your Dad and me some privacy Saturday night? 😉
Now it’s your turn. What do you love about your kids this Valentine’s Day?
Oh my gosh, your son asking if he could tell he loves you before getting to his friend’s?! So sweet.
I love how strong and independent my baby is. She’s so spunky and hilarious. I like that she is assertive about not being ignored and rewards attention with lots of smiles and hand-holding.
Jessica @ Absurd, She Wrote recently posted…Catching a Break
Aw, I love to hear about your baby! Mostly because your love for her shines through in every word. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…To My Kids on Valentine’s Day
Aren’t kids wonderful!
I have to admit that I have been guilty as well of feigning an understanding of something my child is telling me that seems a bit beyond me 🙂
Happy Valentines Day to you and your cuties!
Jen recently posted…My First Ask Away Friday!
Yes, that feigning thing is an art! I think someone should hold a class on it, just like “How to bathe your newborn” or “How to install the car seat.” Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours, too!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…To My Kids on Valentine’s Day
So sweet! Especially that comment from your son!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Five Minute Friday: When
I know! That’s a keeper. And another reason I love blogging so much. I immortalized the moment here!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…To My Kids on Valentine’s Day
“I love that you told me recently in the car, “Mom, can I tell you I love you now? I don’t want to be embarrassed when we get to my friend’s house.””
Aww… I remember saying something so very similar to my mom and feeling guilty 🙂
These are such great lists!
Celeste @Leapfrog and Lipgloss recently posted…eShakti Custom Tailored Women’s Apparel Review
I just love all of the wonderful things that you had to say about your kids!