Ten days ago the power windows in my car stopped working. The good news? They work some of the time. The bad news? They work some of the time.
So my husband and I are re-visiting the discussion of whether or not it’s time to buy a new car. (Mine’s a 2002. Stuff keeps breaking!) And when buying a new car, do we trade in the old one or sell it ourselves?
Which got me thinking about a classic EBM story from the archives. Click here to read it and then come back and let me know if you think this adds to my used car’s value!
Does the air work? If so, who needs windows!
christy lillie recently posted…Dirty Little Secret
Right! The air works. So I can drive around like that all summer and NOT have a new car payment. It does put a cramp in my drive-thru style, though. The Tim Horton’s people laugh at me when I open the door at the drive-thru window to get my goodies!
I must say- no.
The Mommy Psychologist recently posted…Guess Who Is Sleeping Alone Again Tonight?
You think? 🙂
Katy recently posted…Bitty Baby: The American Girl Gateway Drug