I’m on vacation with my family this week, frolicking with bears and wolves in Yellowstone National Park and visiting the wilds of Montana where my parents spend their summer. I’m also probably busy yelling at my kids to stop fighting in the back seat of our rental car. Such is life, no? But while we are seeing the sights in a hopefully clean and comfortable rental car, I used to spend my summers driving through America in a relatively nice, if ugly, RV. This handsome 1970s Sportscoach was affectionately named “Betsy” by our family:
Betsy took us to every state (except Hawaii–we had to fly there obviously!) I’ve seen so many National Parks that I can’t remember their names. Which made me curious. I certainly love Yellowstone – the mountains, the animals, the geothermal features. Yet Glacier National Park also holds a place in my heart. It’s got mountains and animals, too, and it’s where my husband and I spent our honeymoon so long ago. The Grand Canyon is also gorgeous and awe-inspiring. And, now that I live in Michigan, I’m amazed by the sand and water at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (okay, okay, so it’s not a National PARK but it’s close enough!). Tell me about your favorite National Park (or National something). I’ve probably been to it growing up, but was too busy moaning and groaning about why Dad didn’t stop at every Dairy Queen to fully appreciate it! Midway Basin Geyser picture courtesy of aeypix/Freedigitalphotos.net
We live within steps of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I’m fairly certain it’s the only one I’ve ever been to.
I’ve always dreamed of owning a motor coach. It seems the only obvious way to travel, especially with kids.
Maggie S. recently posted…Informed Consent
Maggie, we just looked into renting an RV for next summer and decided it’ll be car trips and motels for this crew! ($$$)
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows
I didn’t really appreciate the National Parks when I was a kid either. I wonder if any kids really do. Now though, I want to see some of the ones I saw way back when again…Yellowstone is one of them. That one made the biggest impression on me as a kid. I would love to go back.
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…Cannellini Bean and Mint Hummus
I would recommend going back! We only spent the weekend there but it was so cool. I’d go back again.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows
I visited Arches National Park in Utah just a few years ago. It was truly awe-inspiring!
katie @ pick any two recently posted…4 Ways to Accept a Compliment
Haven’t been to that one. Must put on the list!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows
Definitely the Grand Canyon…still one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in real life. Hope y’all are having fun! :)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Comfortable Is The New Fashionable
Love, love, love the Grand Canyon. Especially the Brady Bunch episodes about it! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows
Betsy took you to EVERY state (except Hawaii)? Seriously? Wow. That is very cool. Growing up in Canada we toured our province every summer. At least that’s how I remember it. It was probably once every four summers. We never allow our mom to forget the time she offered up warm milk (it slept in the car overnight) and Alphabits in the motel glasses for breakfast. My other memories are of my dad promising to stop “soon”, being wedged into the backseat (no seatbelts of course) with my brother and sister and at least one huge german shepherd, and swimming in countless over chlorinated motel swimming pools. Nope wouldn’t change a thing.
We did slip into Alberta a few times. I remember Banff National Park as being a treasure as was Lake Louise. Unfortunately with major recent government cutbacks our NPs are under threat. All park rangers (the ones who gave talks and guided us on walks) have been laid off. There is even talk of raising funds by charging folks per wildlife that they see. Spot a bear? Pay $1.00. I know! Crazy. How they’d regulate that is beyond me …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Top Ten Reasons To Host A Dinner
I traveled through much of Canada, too, in good ol’ Betsy! My dad rarely stopped as well. That’s probably how I made it over most of North America. Doing 500 miles a day gets you through a lot of places.
One of our family jokes is the time Dad drove us through Boston in the RV and pointed down a street, without stopping or slowing down, and saying “Look there’s Paul Revere’s house.” Thanks for the brush with history, Dad!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows
When we lived in the States we did two big road trips through loads of National Parks – we called it our National Parks crawl. We also visited NPs in Alaska and Hawaii. What I loved is that the US is so diverse. My favourites – Grand Tetons, Zion, Mt Rainier, Mesa Verde, all for different reasons. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any on the East Coast. We will just have to come back some time!
Yes, our parks have a lot to offer! I wish they weren’t so spread out, tho, so we could see more of them easily. But that would spoil the fun and the diversity of the good ol’ US of A I bet.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows
P.S How come you lived in the US and didn’t pop over to see ME? 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Our Wild West Vacation Highs and Lows