Did you know that inland from the shores of Lake Michigan lies some of the most beautiful farm country you’ll ever see? We witnessed it ourselves last week. In particular, we visited a working dairy farm, Country Dairy, where we took an informative and fun tour. We saw the milk bottling facility, shivered next to aging cheese, petted the calves, and watched the cows get milked.
There were four cows being milked by those electronic tit (hee hee!) squeezers. We were about ten feet away from one of the cows hooked up to the milking apparatus when it lifted its tail.
Now my husband, who has more farm experience than I do, automatically jumped back. But me and the kids just stood there.
So the cow lifted its tail, my husband jumps back, and then the cow poops. Because the cow was hooked into the milking apparatus, it was standing on concrete. So when the poop hit the concrete, it SPLATTERED EVERYWHERE.
We were luckier than many families standing closer, but we still got a few splatters on our pant legs. Well, all of us except my husband!
Never fear, though. My family loves poop and talking about poop, so this story simply becomes part of our poop folklore.
What’s your experience with cows? Would you have known to jump back when the cow lifted its tail?
I wouldn’t have known before, but now I do!! We just walked through the dairy barns at our county fair and the kids love it! I wish the cows weren’t all facing away from us though. I get a little tired of looking at cow butts!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…What Makes Your Kids Freak Out?
I laughed right out loud with this one. I grew up with several friends who milked so yes…when a cow is in a milking stanchion, stay away from the business end!
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Thrifty Thursday: Regaining Health on a Budget Part 2
Ha! That is hilarious! Brady is fascinated by “number 2” talk as well and I’m sure we would regale others with the tale for years to come. What a fun experience (minus the poop).
Stephanie @ From the Burbs to the Boonies recently posted…Summer days are made for water
So gross! But such a great story to tell afterwards!
Katie @ Gift of Curiosity recently posted…Ocean Montessori trays
LOL that’s too funny! I’ve never been to a cow farm and the closest we’ve been to a cow is at the petting zoo where they had one there. Sounds like a great experience that you won’t forget anytime soon.
Growing Up Madison recently posted…Throwback Thursday: Baby’s First Foods
What a funny memory!! You all will laugh about this for years. When I taught school I brought an entire class of second grades to visit a dairy farm. Thankfully we didn’t have any experiences like this! 🙂
Michelle recently posted…TBT #4: An Engagement
Clearly she didn’t appreciate so many people ogling at her ti.ts! 😀
Roshni recently posted…Sibling love – Brotherly love
Oh, gross! I have no first hand experience with cow poop, thank goodness, but I’m glad to have this tip.
Ann recently posted…IGTravelThursday: Bike Races
My book club met last night, and of course we ended up talking about pee. I was about to share your story when I realized quite a few people were eating chocolate-based desserts and refrained. I’ll just retweet it. 🙂
Frankie Laursen recently posted…Save Lives: Give Blood (or money/time/publicity)
I would go stay on my grandma’s farm in the summer when I was a kid. I remember helping her feed the cows every day. She was a very proper lady, and she did chores in high heels! Imagine that!
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