“Don’t love things that can’t love you back,” a wise man once said.
Actually, it was a guy who installed a closet in my house. Nonetheless, his advice is solid.
Yet, there are inanimate objects I love that don’t–and won’t–love me back.
Things like a floral top I found in my closet recently. I bought it in 2007 when I was shopping for clothes to wear when I returned to work after having my daughter. The top, made out of cheap polyester, was cute and made me feel good about myself.
I can’t get rid of it because when I look at it, I remember not only how it made me feel, but that special time in my life when I had my infant daughter.
It made me think about other things I love that can’t love me back.
My car
I had a 3+ year battle with a lemon car that, for legal reasons, I am not allowed to discuss. Sigh. But after that struggle I landed my latest car which I love. Having a car that doesn’t work makes you really love a car that does work.
Darn Elefun. Every time I try and put the game Elefun in the charity pile, I see my son’s face as a toddler. Gleeful, reaching to the ceiling, trying to catch those plastic butterflies that took 5 minutes to shove back in the Elefun trunk and less than 30 seconds to shoot towards the sky.
Hand-written cards
My daughter is a writer-in-training, I’m happy to report. She writes the best cards, like this one from Mother’s Day last year. I treasure her writings.
I also have a big box of letters from my husband, written when we were dating and going to separate colleges. This was just before the dawn of e-mail, but I’m glad to be so old to have physical remembrances of that time.
Seems silly, no? But I love my pair of scissors. They are substantial and cut beautifully. They sat on my mom’s desk for years and somehow she let me have them when I left the nest. They were a bridal shower gift to my mom back the ’60s. How cool is that?
I could go on with more things I love that don’t love me back, but that might get weird.
So tell me: do you love things that won’t love yo back? What are they and why do they mean something to you?
I, too, keep hand-written cards. I have a cedar chest full of cards, awards, accomplishments, newspaper clippings, etc. in relation to my life. Once in a while I’ll go through it and go down memory lane.
Terra Heck recently posted…Stinger 3-in-1 Insect Zapper – Review
Yes! I’m jealous that you have a cedar chest in which to store your treasures. That would be ideal for archival purposes–plus I bet it smells really good.
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
I love my blog. lol
Good one! 🙂
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
Ah what a lovely approach to those valuable treasures in your life, Katy! Reading yours, made me think of some of my own- like all the beautiful cards I have received over the years and kept, different clothes because of the memories of me wearing them, and even many of the kids’ blankets from when they were babies. BUT I beg to different on this- I think they DO love us back with all they hold in them. I feel the love every time I look at them. 🙂
Christine Carter recently posted…High School 101: The Bridge Between Holding on and Letting Go
Ooo, excellent point Chris. I’m glad you have some objects with lots of meaning, too.
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
Oh my gosh we no longer have Elefun! How have I allowed the 4 year old to never play it? That is what happens to the 4th child, right?!
Ha ha ha, she’ll survive just fine. I’m sure she’s playing with other toys you just can’t get rid of for sentimental reasons. 🙂
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
What is this elefun you speak of
kristin mccarthy recently posted…Lesson of the Day: Don’t Be An Ass
You are missing out (NOT–those butterflies are a pain the butt to collect and stuff back in it!!)
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
I love my bed as it is comfy, soft and warm and always gives me the best sleep #globalblogging
Ooo, I feel the same way about my duvet! It is awesome. Now I’m sleepy. 🙂
I am still laughing over your first two lines of this post. Those closet installers know a thing or two about life, I tell you!
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…10 Sounds That Are Universally Feared by Parents
He was so wise! And the closets turned out great, too.