This week the entertainment world is abuzz with the news that Brooke Burke-Charvet has been replaced by Erin Andrews as co-host of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars.
I’m not a rabid fan of the show, but I do tune in every now and then. I LOVE the host, Tom Bergeron, because he cracks me up and keeps it light. I was never a fan of Brooke, yet I didn’t necessarily dislike her either. But I can’t think of anyone less likely to be a fun co-host than Erin Andrews, who was super competitive when she danced on the show and comes from a sports broadcasting background. It seems an odd choice to me.
Thus, I’ve come up with my own suggestions for who should be the new co-host. Here’s who I’d rather see co-hosting Dancing with the Stars:
1. Miss Piggy. She’s the ultimate diva, dresses beautifully, and would really know how to put dancers in their place. Plus, she’s owned by ABC/Disney so it’s a nice fit.
2. Betty White. She can rock the sparkles whether in a sweat suit or a ball gown. Her wit is legendary. She says more with a look than most people can say with complete sentences. I can just see her zinging a lot of the dumber celebrities. Awesome!
3. Caillou. Put this little guy in a tux and watch the sparks fly as he whines, “Whyyyyyyyyy?” to every celebrity exiting the dance floor. I envision Tom Begeron going beserk from hearing his whiny voice and eventually beating the crud out of Caillou. Who doesn’t want to see that?
Those are my suggestions. Now I’d like to hear yours. Do you have strong feelings about Brooke vs. Erin? Who do you think would be a great co-host on Dancing with the Stars?
Photo credits:
- Miss Piggy: Getty Images
- Betty White: Wikimedia Commons licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
- Caillou: PBS
I love your reasons for picking Caillou!! Let’s take him out, once and for all!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…#TuesdayTen: 10 Things that Happen on a Perfect Day
Ha ha! I can see everybody taking out Caillou on the ballroom floor. So awesome.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Who Should Co-host Dancing with the Stars
Caillou, definitely him. Betty White is…overrated. Miss Piggy gets on my nerves. Erin Andrews seems too sportsy. Cailliou is good. Maybe DWTS can have a break in the middle of each show where we endure the puppets of Teddy and friends’ shenanigans. (my kids both detest that part of the Cailliou show).
TheBargainBabe recently posted…Friday Funnies
Those puppets make me crazy, too. What is the point of them?! Really old Caillou’s sometimes have puppets AND kids dancing in really bad overalls. Yikes!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Who Should Co-host Dancing with the Stars
Your feelings PERFECTLY mirror my own. I ADORE Tom. As far as I’m concerned he’s all they need. I didn’t like Brooke, but I didn’t dislike her either. She was just…there. But ERIN? Ugh. I actively dislike her. I WOULD rather have Calliou than Erin. (And that’s saying something) I’d rather see the Ebola Virus cohost over Erin Andrews. Blech. –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…We Had Words With An Actual Celebrity!
Ebola Virus–hee hee!! How about Arie as co-host? <3