My kids returned to school on Tuesday. Technically, this means I survived the Back to School season since they are now back! But, oh, how I wish they had gone back to school in the 70s.
Let me tell you why:
1. No email. In the 70s, nobody sent out endless attachments. Or links to Google Docs. Or “replied all” back and forth one zillion times about who was bringing napkins to a class party.
2. No social media. In the 70s, I wouldn’t have to worry about when my kids might start sexting. Or over-achieving moms pinning adorable, labor-intensive bento box lunches on Pinterest. Or super moms posting pictures of their advanced six-year-olds reading Harry Potter on Facebook.
3. No recycling. In the 70s, I wouldn’t spend whole minutes staring at the piles of art work my kids bring home wondering, “Can I recycle this paper if it’s got tempura paint on it?” or “Is this foam shape considered a Number 5 plastic?”
4. No privacy. In the 70s, class lists were public, usually mailed out or posted on the classroom door. You found out exactly who was in your class with the rest of the world and didn’t have to call/text/post for weeks trying to find out.
5. No car seats. In the 70s, if little Johnny needed a ride to soccer, I’d just swing by and throw him in the back of my wagon with the other 8 kids.
6. No obesity or sugar police. You want a cookie? Have one. You want some sugary Hi-C from the giant tin can? Drink up!
7. No bento boxes or satellite TV. In the 70s, all we had were cool metal lunchboxes and Charlie’s Angels, CHiPs, and Dukes of Hazzard. And it was good.
Did you survive back to school? Or do you have any ideas how going back to school in the “old days” was better?
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/
Those were funny! My school still puts class lists on the door of the classroom. Yay! And I do like email so I can email the teacher without my kids knowing! I agree with most of them though!
Tammy Doiel recently posted…We’re being featured on Missy Homemaker!
I just love the kids not to back to school. Those are minor reasons for us not to go to “school”. I can compare between my youngest kid who goes to public school and those elder that don’t go to school. The latest ones are healthier
Adelien recently posted…My Homeschool Lesson Planning
My brother still has his Dukes of Hazard lunch box from 1982. He proudly displays it in his kitchen. lol
Things were so much easier without so much to worry about. I’m afraid I’m not very well-equipped for today’s world.
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Underdog WonderBlog Wednesday: Creative K Kids
Lol- that just totally brought me back to my childhood. It was cooler to go to school with your Charlie’s Angels lunch box. haha!
Tess recently posted…Capture your summer memories
I loved how things were when I went to school, but I also really like how it is now for my son, too. He has dozens of opportunities I never had. So lucky!
Terra recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Snails
I tell my kids that school back in those days, well life back in those days was so much more fun than it is now. Of course they don’t believe me. I’m sure they’ll be telling their kids that things back in the year 2k whatever was better as well. 🙂
Growing Up Madison recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday: Caring For A Sick Toddler
This is too funny! How did we ever survive all that sugar and sitting on the floor in the backseat without a seat belt? And what is with those bento box lunches anyway?
Colleen @ MommieDaze recently posted…You Know You’re From Indiana When…
Oh, so true!!! The list made me laugh as I could relate to every single one! But the 70’s also had really bad hair:)
Leah recently posted…Back to School
Right about the hair! Center parts? Ironed hair? Yikes. Of course, my spiral perms in the 80s still haunt me. 🙂
Ha! And I agree to all of it.
Lou Lou recently posted…Neighbourhood Watch
And don’t forget that the 70s were Abba’s best decade my Swedish-resident friend!
I’m with you 100%. Parenting seems so much tougher these days. So I’d compromise here with the crappy fashion of the 70s for the simplicity and a world without the Internet! 🙂
Kerry recently posted…Spying on my Kids
I’m flashing back to Marcia and Jan Brady’s bell bottoms and center parts!
That class list thing is so annoying! It’s not like I can’t walk into the classroom on Back to School night and look at all the desks! Why can’t they just tell me who is in my kids’ class!?!?!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…A-Hiking We Will Go!
Oh my gosh, I KNOW!!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Why I Wish My Kids Were Going Back to School in the 70s
I was a 90’s kid but not much has changed with the schools except for safety..When I was in school the doors were never locked and anyone could walk in and go wherever they wanted during the day
Nicole Copeland recently posted…No More Kids Meals at Taco Bell?!?!
Things were so much simpler then! And you, like Nicole said, there was never a fear of some crazed person walking in and shooting. 🙁 I am said so much fear is in our world.
Stephanie recently posted…Frugal tip: watch for super berry sales
Those were awesome! Life was certainly a lot simpler back then…and we survived just fine!
Michelle recently posted…Parenting in a Foreign Land
This might be heavy- and even ignorant-but I don’t remember having the soul rocking fear of sending kids to school with a risk of a gunman entering in on a shooting rampage. I don’t recall… was it safer back then? It feels like it was… but perhaps because of news and internet etc, we just know more.
Chris Carter recently posted…Devotional Diary: Find The Light in Empowerment
Love this! It would be great to have kids enjoy the simpler life from the 70s again.