It’s not the sleepless nights, whether that’s because you have a teenager out with his friends or a newborn who only sleeps 2 hours at a time.
It’s not the worrying. Will my child’s best friend be kind to her today? Will my son make the baseball team?
No, motherhood is hard because of summer vacation.
Take last Thursday for example. My 9-year-old was at a computer camp for the morning (more on that next week!) and it was just me and the 5-year-old at home. I decided to put on my “good mom” hat and do crafts with my daughter.
See, I could be a good mom!
First, we blew up Ivory soap in the microwave. All the good mom blogs had been posting about that this summer and it looked easy enough.
Blowing up soap took about 5 minutes.
Next, we created rock collages with homemade dough made from salt, flour, and water. We kneaded the dough, patted it into circles, and pressed Sydney’s rock collection into it. That took about 15 minutes, plus we had to leave them in the oven on low for 2 hours.
Finally, Sydney went rogue and created her own craft idea. She rolled the small balloons we had in the house in the flour left over from the rock collage project. This lasted about 5 minutes.
We started our craft-a-palooza at 8:30 am.
It was 9:10 am when we finished.
And I had a giant mess to clean up, no more “good mom” ideas left in my brain, and a whole day in front of me.
“What’s next?” asked Sydney.
And THAT’S why motherhood is hard!
Ashley L says
I hate that “What’s next?” question! Hate it! I get asked every meal, “What’s next, Mom?” It’s as if I forgot serve a 5 course meal or something! I want to know who is serving them more than a 1 course meal?!
Katy says
Ugh. I’m with you, Ashley!
Katy recently posted…Why Motherhood Is Hard
Patricia P says
Kids don’t realize that making time for messy crafts and projects doesn’t mean that we don’t have all of our usual chores to do like laundry and dishes. We now have a designated craft table in our house, so at least the mess is contained. That exploding soap experiment looks like fun!
Patricia P recently posted…When Six Year Olds Make Lunch
Katy says
A few people on Facebook also inquired about the soap blowing up thing. Here’s the link I followed:
Katy recently posted…Why Motherhood Is Hard
mare says
Too funny! I don’t get the point of blowing up soap, but it looks fun. Putting an unwanted CD in the microwave is fun too. It’s crackles and comes up with cool crack lines. 🙂 School will be starting soon!
mare recently posted…I Joined Pinterest (God help me)
Katy says
Thanks for the CD tip! And the reminder that school starts soon. 🙂
Not Winning Mom of the Year says
Who are you? Mary Poppins?, The fact that you even dreamed up one activity to do puts all the rest of us moms to shame. So, at 9:10am I would have done what any summer mom does, packs the kid up and goes the the grocery store, bank, gas station, and vaccuuming.
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…A Fivesome
Katy says
Mary Poppins gets paid, right?! And at least 1 day a week off? So, no, I’m not Mary. 🙂
Katy recently posted…Vacation, All I Ever Wanted
Melanie says
Help Wanted: Cruise director for tiny people that cry and rarely appreciate your work. No pay. No coworkers. No vacation. No mental health coverage.
Melanie recently posted…Hope Marches on, and Sometimes I Do Weird Things
Lesley Forbes says
I am finished!!!!! I am exactly the same as you. I have nine year old twins who test my mothering skills every day – and a hundred times a day on holidays! All those ” good” moms are either delusional or lying!! That’s my story and I am sticking to it!!
Visiting from SITS
Lesley Forbes says
Ps I love your blog.
Katy says
Thank you! All read moms are always welcome to come and laugh. 🙂
Ana says
Visiting from Sharefest!
Never heard of blowing up soap – but looks pretty cool! A creative way to have some fun with kids 🙂
Ana recently posted…Fitness Friday: Week 3
Mothering From Scratch says
{Melinda} Yes! Especially in summer … there are so many hours to fill and so difficult to find productive things to fill them! And I’d like to tell you it gets easier as they get older, but it really doesn’t. In some ways, it is harder because they get bored more easily. Ivory Soap in the microwave just doesn’t cut it with my 15-year-old! 🙂
Mothering From Scratch recently posted…A Wonderful Life It Is Not
Kimberly says
Wow can I relate to this post! My son is the exact same way – bouncing from one project to another then asking what we are going to do next. It is utterly exhausting to constantly be trying to entertain him. I try to be a good mom sometimes by doing crafty stuff with my son but sometimes it is hard to even get motivated when I know it won’t last more than 30 minutes and then I will just have to find something else for him to do!
Kimberly recently posted…Decluttering via Facebook
Recreateanddecorate says
HA! funny and cute! I remember those days, that’s when you join a gym, take them to the child care and you take your time working out, then you go spend the afternoon at the pool or Mcdonalds playground!
My girls are 10 and 12, still take 10-15 to do a craft and then they are done!Dropping by from sits
Anna says
Oh my! Am I with you on this one. I made finger paint last week, and it took longer to make it than it did for my 3 year old to be over it. *sigh* Times like these year-round school sounds like such a great idea. I’m looking forward to princess dance camp next week, so I’ll only have my 17-month-old, but then, what do I do with a him? 🙂
I guess no one ever really said it would be easy, and I feel silly for assuming it would be.
Stopping by from SITS!
Anna recently posted…DIY Friday | Homemade Glitter Finger Paint
Katy says
Ooo, good luck with your toddler! I found that age the hardest. So busy, no complete sentences, and what DO you do with them?! 🙂
Ashley says
I feel you on this. Though, mine is 2 and we don’t do a whole bunch of crafts yet, we will be starting soon. But the whole awesome idea only takes like thirty minutes of the day up thing…SUCKS! 🙁 I know how annoying this can be. :))
Ashley recently posted…Social Sunday!
Karen Childers says
Funny I wish I had more time to spend with my kids . I have a 10yr old a 8 yr old and 2 yr old between cleaning and my arthritis I can’t do alot with all of them I wish I was super mom
Katy says
Thanks for reminding me to focus on the positive–like being able to do these crafts with my kids even if they weren’t super exciting or successful! In the end, I think our kids just like to be with us, not necessarily be doing “stuff” with us. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting.