We had our first snow today in our little corner of the world.
There’s nothing like snow to make you feel like a bad mom or dad. That’s because my thought is always, “Please don’t snow enough to make it a snow day.”
And I bet this morning bad moms and dad all over metro Detroit were scrambling before they had to leave for work and/or the kids had to catch the bus to school.
I present a hypothetical scenario from this frosty winter’s morn:
“Where are your snow pants? You’re going to miss the bus.”
“I don’t know. Where’d you put them?”
“I didn’t put them anywhere. They’re your snow pants.”
“I can’t find them.”
“Where are your snow boots? Don’t forget to pack your other shoes to wear in school when you get there. Remember last year you forgot your shoes (like 8 times) and it was always on gym day and you complained that it was all our fault that you had to walk the track around the gym rather than participate in gym class. What do you mean you don’t know? And where are your snow pants?”
“I’m gonna miss the bus.”
“Where are your gloves? I don’t care that you don’t want to wear them. You have to. Why is there only 1? Did you find your snow pants yet? Your boots? Did you pack your extra shoes to change into when you get to school? What do you mean you need lunch money? Oh, crud did the bus just leave…”
“M-o-o-o-m, I missed the bus! And I can’t find my snow pants.”
And so on! I’d love to hear what your first snow morning was like.
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