I think it was an end-of-the-night, let me empty my pantry because I have no more candy type of thing! Which reminds me. I better dig around in my cupboards for some backup in case I run out of candy… Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Worst Trick or Treating? Wordless Wednesday
Rabia @TheLiebers says
That’s still quite the stash otherwise!! 🙂
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…10 on Tuesday Wednesday
Katy says
Our neighborhood is great for trick-or-treating. I’m hoping for some entrees this year! 🙂
pearl says
that’s a great idea. something to offset the candy. but hea.vy.
Katy says
It was also useful in a soup recipe a couple weeks later!
Darcy says
If you’re gonna go THAT route, why not give out cool toothbrushes? (is that an oxymoron?). Not nearly as h-e-a-v-y-!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
I think it was an end-of-the-night, let me empty my pantry because I have no more candy type of thing! Which reminds me. I better dig around in my cupboards for some backup in case I run out of candy…
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Worst Trick or Treating? Wordless Wednesday
Sheryl says
Well, it is TRICK or treat – that person opted to offer a trick I guess. Did you trick them back?
Too funny!
Sheryl recently posted…How to Mentor Your Own Child
Katy says
We did not trick him back. I’m hoping for some good pantry staples from him again this year!
Lou Lou says
Lou Lou recently posted…Good News
Ashlee says
HAHA your son’s face says it all.
Ashlee recently posted…5 Reasons Why Halloween Is Better As An Adult