If you’re like me, then sometime in November your favorite easy listening adult contemporary station started playing Christmas songs.
Now, I enjoy Christmas music as much as the next person. However, not all Christmas music is good music. And, not all Christmas songs should be played over and over ad nauseam. Indeed, there are many Christmas songs that I can only listen to once, if at all, and then I’m yelling, “Nope. That is TERRIBLE!” at the radio station.
“What are these Christmas ditties?” you ask.
Here they are, the 10 Christmas songs that drive me bonkers:
1. Dominick the Donkey
This one emerged a few years ago. I think it should have stayed hidden. The chorus is particularly grating: Chingedy ching, hee haw, hee haw!
2. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Okay, it was hilarious when I was in the 6th grade. In 1982. That was the ONLY time it was hilarious.
3. Any song by Mannheim Steamroller
Why isn’t anyone singing? What the heck is a Mannheim Steamroller anyway? Why do I hear a synthesizer? And why isn’t anyone singing?
4. The Twelve Days of Christmas
It gives me heart palpitations to listen to anyone count all that stuff over and over again. I Googled this song because I swear it lasts 12 minutes. Well, most versions are under four minutes. I guess it only seems like 12 minutes!
5. The Little Drummer Boy
There is one version that I find soft and reverend, but otherwise I usually dislike this song. Especially the version by Bob Seger for some reason! All those “ba rum bu bu bums” make me crazy. Can you imagine being Mary, who just gave birth, when someone shows up in the labor and delivery room banging a drum?
6. Happy Xmas (War is Over) sung by either John Lennon or Sarah McLachlan
First, why is it “Happy” and not “Merry” Christmas? Second, why is it “Xmas” and not “Christmas”? And what war are they singing about–Vietnam? That’s a bummer. Why is Sarah McLachlan singing about Xmas in Vietnam, too?
See. I’m confused.
7. Where are you Christmas? by Faith Hill
I like Faith Hill. I hate this overly dramatic song that doesn’t inspire any peace, joy or yuletide cheer in my eardrums.
8. I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
The title says it all. But then the kid’s singing voice says it all, too.
9. All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth
Oh, yeah? Well all I want for Christmas is this song to stop being played!
10. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause
If you sensed a theme in my last three choices, then you are correct. Basically, I hate kids singing cutesy Christmas songs in their whimsical–aka GRATING–voices.
Plus, if I’m in the car with my kids and they hear this song then they get suspicious. I have to act calm, cool, and collected while I’m sweating in order to preserve the magic. I resent the effort.
There you have it, the 10 Christmas Songs That Drive Me Bonkers. Let me assure you, dear readers, I’m not THAT much of a Scrooge. There are plenty of other Christmas songs I love to hear. I’m even the type who gets sad on December 26 when the easy listening adult contemporary stations revert to their normal programming.
Is there a holiday song that drives you bonkers? Or do you have a favorite Christmas song? I’d love to hear!
My BFF’s son is named Dominic. That song gets a lot of play at his house! I’m also not a fan of the group songs. I feel like they are too obviously a collection of artists trying too hard to make money by singing about Christmas.
What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…A Time to Celebrate
I love old Bing Crosby Christmas songs although I admit I close my eyes and try to forget that he wasn’t a very nice guy IRL! I also enjoy my Colbie Caillat and Amy Grant Christmas albums.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Christmas Songs That Drive Me Bonkers
Alvin and the Chipmunks… oh just shoot me if I hear that song again!! And I am SO with you on all of these!! *Except The Little Drummer Boy”- I do like that one, depending on who is singing it! Also? That Maryah Carey song “I don’t want a lot for Christmas…” I don’t know the title, but she sings those lyrics. SO annoying. Actually, there are MANY more that drive me bonkers!! You got me thinking…
I used to like that Mariah Carey song until they played it 52 times per hour. And my radio stations can’t stop playing Bob Seger’s Little Drummer Boy. I don’t know why, but it drives me crazy!!
Yes to Alvin and the Chipmunks. Thankfully, my adult contemporary stations don’t play that one. But then why do they think that hippopotamus song is a good idea to play?!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Christmas Songs That Drive Me Bonkers
Haha, yes, I agree with some of these. I have not heard the hippo song before? Now I need to listen to it.
I’m tired of hearing All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carrey. I mean DUH of course you want your loved ones with you.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Yes to #3!! And I have never heard the donkey song before. I am going to need to Google it. I will probably be sorry I did…
The donkey one I’d never heard of either until a few years ago. Good luck listening to it!!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Christmas Songs That Drive Me Bonkers
Awwww mannnn…Dominick and the hippo song always make me smile!!!! I love Little Drummer Boy, too. My absolute favorite is O Holy Night.
O Holy Night is beautiful. I’m trying to think of the modern version that’s so nice — oh, it’s by Josh Groban. So good. And clearly you aren’t alone in liking those others as I keep hearing those ditties on the radio! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Christmas Songs That Drive Me Bonkers
I actually only know the “drummer boy” and “all I want for Christmas” in heavens know how many versions, but from the titles alone I’m kinda glad I don’t know the others.
Honestly, I like the really old, traditional Christmas songs the best. Everything modern reminds me of how things have been commercialized.
Alex recently posted…Untold Stories – Recently
I like traditional carols, too. Especially Johnny Mathis singing Christmas carols because they are traditional and he is my mom’s favorite so that makes me happy.
Bahahaha your comment about Mary in the delivery room and here comes a kid with a drum… I laughed out loud. ;P Thank you for sharing this great post at Friday Frivolity!!
Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Wherein My Cats Decide My Dog Isn’t So Bad… Plus linky!! Come link-up and join the fun!
I haven’t heard all of these. I can agree with some of these. I actually enjoy John Lennon’s Happy Xmas (War is over).
The Christmas Shoes song, now that song is depressing. I get angry at the store clerk for not just giving the boy the darn shoes. I’ll be honest, I usually skip that song.
Thanks for sharing with us at #MMBH
The number one song that comes to mind is Alvin and the Chipmunks. I turn the radio as soon as I hear the first note. I think someone needs to destroy all copies. Haven’t heard the donkey song, but that sounds pretty terrible too. For the most part, I’m ok with what they play on the radio, but there are a few I’ll just turn away from when they come on because they’re not my favorites. Fun post! Stopping by from SITS. Enjoy your weekend.
One word: Chipmunks. Their Christmas Don’t Be Late song is even worse than any of those “sung by children” duds!
O Holy Night is definitely my favorite.
Mo recently posted…An Evening At The Paint Bar
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas…..I believe is the most annoying Christmas song!!! I turn it EVERY time it comes on.