The kitchen area at my work was flooded with bubbles recently.
They were everywhere, in every single nook and cranny. It was a giant mess that thankfully I didn’t have to clean up.
The cause of the bubbly disaster? A young coworker had put dish washing liquid in the dishwasher instead of dishwasher detergent.
As a mom, it made me realize that there are more life lessons I need to teach my kids than how to read, or live by the Golden Rule, for example.
Indeed, I present the following 10 life lessons I want my kids to learn:
- Hold the door open for the person behind you. Make eye contact with her/him and smile, too.
- Know that I love you and you did the right thing when the person you held the door open for does not say “Thank you”, look you in the eye, or smile.
- Insurance is a necessary evil. By prepared that you cannot possibly afford all the home/auto/life/renters/jewelry insurance that an insurance agent thinks you should purchase. That’s okay. Carefully consider what you need and can afford. Just do your best.
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: open yogurt and pudding cups AWAY from your body. That is, grab the tab or lid farthest from your body and peel it back towards yourself. This way when the yogurt or pudding inevitably flings out all over the place, it will fling out AWAY from you, not on you. Trust me on this one.
- When you get to the point in your life when you buy a car, be prepared that a car dealership will try and sell you 1,024 things besides the car. Like tire insurance or paint protection. This life lesson is kind of like the insurance one. Carefully consider what you need (probably none of it) and can afford (probably none of it). Just do your best.
- If you are old enough to buy a car, and no one buys cars anymore because everyone uses Uber, then remember that old people like your mom used to buy cars and be nice to the old people.
- Don’t pass gas in someone’s face, no matter if that person is your sibling and supposedly asked for it. Manners–and kindness–matter.
- This one’s for my daughter: wear nude colored undergarments beneath white shirts and white pants/shorts. Dark bras and panties show through, but so does white, which pops like a light bulb.
- Broccoli is good for you, but if you eat too much it could make you gassy.
- Always use your turn signal when driving. Never assume the other drivers can read your mind.
I’ll continue to ponder life’s greatest lessons and share them as I see fit.
Now what about you? What life lessons can you think of that your kids need to learn?
I didn’t learn the nude underwear lesson until much later in life. You are doing your daughter a wonderful service by telling her now! And yes on the yogurt front. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been doused. As for the “helpful” suggestions from folks on what we need to buy, you’ve reminded me of whenever I buy some form of electronics. “Want warranty on that?” No thank you, the chance of your product failing within two years is on me. I’ll walk the dangerous line and think about it every single day. Thankfully my phone and my tv and my stereo (Ha! Does that date me?) are all past the two year warranties … Mind you, come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind warranties on them now. Now how do you feel about standing and offering your seat when an older person gets on the bus or subway? I’m of two minds now that I’m older. Twice in the past two months youngsters have hopped up for me. It was very, very odd. I mean I’m delighted that they are so courteous. BUT. Do I look like a crone? I guess so. How did that happen? I hasten to add that I did smile graciously and thank them. Sat down the first time, but not the second. She looked so hungover I knew she needed to sit more than I did.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Just TypiKel Test
Your comments are always better than my posts. I love that, Kelly!
No one has offered me a seat, yet. However, my friend (also in her 40s) was automatically given the senior discount at the Goodwill store last week and we are STILL laughing about that! And, I think I can now join the senior center in my town at the ripe age of 45. Might do it for the discounted classes. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
These are great lessons that so many kids haven’t learned in the last few years. Thanks for sharing! #globalblogging
…and thanks for visiting! #globalblogging
I feel like #9 and #7 are connected. lol. As far as nude undergarments, I solved the problem but just never wearing white. 😉 #HappyNow
Julie @ Logger’s Wife recently posted…Homeschool Preschool for Cheap
Well, first I’d have to get my kids to *Eat* broccoli, but then you’re right! 7 and 9 are definitely connected.
White shows so much dirt, too. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
Love this post!
As for my advice: Leggings are not pants. Always — leggings are NOT pants — no matter how old you are.
Thanks, Angie! I don’t have any leggings, btw. My legs look like drumsticks in leggings and even the dreaded skinny jeans. Not good!! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
Too Funny. Really Really Funny because Your Life Lessons are Really Really True. 🙂
Jeanne recently posted…Seeing Passion
Thanks, Jeanne! Funny and true – those describe me, too, I hope!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
Always be nice to old people. That should be like the golden rule. Love the rest of your list 🙂
Jen recently posted…Home For The Holidays The Clean Version
Excellent life lesson, Jen! I agree. It’s respectful and kind.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
Some fab advice there, especially the yoghurt one; that one is a disaster if you get it wrong! I also like the underwear advice. I have tried to impress on my girls the importance of wearing matching underwear, but my 13 year old will not follow my advice (apparently matching undies are not cool if you’re a teen). Oh well, maybe daughter number 2 will take it on board. #happynowlinkup x
Oh, I’m so glad you agree with me about the yogurt. In other words, I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s ever happened to! Good luck with your girls. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
I feel the same way Kelly does about people offering me their seat on the train but I sure do expect everyone to offer their seat to my 8 1/2 month pregnant daughter and am shocked when they don’t! My two overriding words to live by are “Listen to your gut; it will rarely lead you astray.” and “If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.”
Also, let me pass along this: the wise words of my dear friend’s mother (who passed away well into her 90s without a single wrinkle on her face).
“Whatever you do to your face, do to your neck.”
Mo recently posted…Traditions And Prognostications – The McLuxies
Wise words, Mo! I particularly like the tip about your neck. I’ve been trying to follow that one, but I probably started a decade too late. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
Always be nice to kids younger than you – they look up to you and it makes their day!
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…Why I Don’t Care Anymore About Being the Fun Mom
Ooo, good one! So true. Younger kids will always look up to you and soak up your kindness.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Life Lessons I Want My Kids To Learn
I love the original posting and then all the comments too! Well done!
Aren’t the comments great? I’m enjoying them, too! Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂
Great post I will defiantly be teaching my son theses lessons especially the one about the yogurt it is so annoying when it goes all over you.
Hahaha! Love these! I’m 42 years old and I JUST figured out to open a yogurt container away from me (and over a garbage can).
I’d add that it’s very important (and not tattling) to tell your parents if someone is being unkind to you. Bullying seems to be more pervasive than ever and it’s even more critical to know about your children’s friends AND enemies.
Great post! #happynowlinkup
Carolina Twin Mom / mary Peterson recently posted…Andy Cat for President
These are great! My son is an obsessed door holder. Sometimes I have to finally just pull him away because he will stand there for hours. I had to teach him about #2. Some people are so rude ;).
We recently had to live through #5 with my daughter. Car dealerships make me crazy. Just when you think it’s almost over, they have 15 more things to try to sell you. You are so right. It’s amazing!
Candace Playforth recently posted…Share Your Testimony Through Blogging
Those car dealerships. I wish someone had warned me! I recently bought some portraits at JCPenney, too, and laughed when they tried to sell me more portraits when I picked my order up. You know, the portraits I had already ordered and now they wanted me to order more. Yikes.
Haha! YES to that silly old yoghurt cup! Oh gosh it gives me heart palpitations! I keep thinking, “WHO MOVED THE WET WIPES?” .. 🙂 I still can’t believe people don’t use their turning signal… Drives me nuts! Great lessons.. #globalblogging
Yes to all of these! It always irritates me when my kids don’t hold the door for the person behind them. And it astounds me whenever I see a woman wearing white undergarments with white clothes. All it takes is one look in the mirror, right?
Leslie recently posted…Change Your Decor in a Snap with a Reversible Shelf Backing
My son is bad about holding the door open. I just have to pound it into his thick skull over and over! I chalk it up to being a man. My daughter is 3 years younger than him and totally gets it.
Haha. Really enjoyed your list!!! The door holding thing is my favorite!! Oh, and the nude bra! Must remember to tell her this secret. #happynowlinkup
The Rambler recently posted…Open Letter to Old Jolly Saint Nick.
The nude undergarments one is so helpful, right? I can’t remember if that was from my mom – or the lady at the department store. Either way, it’s a good one.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Reasons I Watch Christmas Movies in November
These are HILARIOUS!! I especially love #7!! lol
We are looking at buying a used car this afternoon… I’m with you on that one!
And add to your yogurt, those market fresh soups with those plastic containers… good Lord I can’t even count how many times I splashed myself ripping those tops off!