Every year my husband’s workplace throws a Halloween potluck.
And every year my husband waits until the night before the Halloween potluck to lament how he doesn’t have a costume.
He wants to be festive and join in the fun, but he just runs out of time and steam.
Luckily, he’s married to me, the woman who is well aware that he has 67 flannel shirts in his closet. And, the flannel shirt is an awesome buliding block for easy-peasy Halloween costumes.
Here are 7 Halloween costumes based on that closet staple for men, the flannel shirt.

1. Lumberjack

All that’s needed is a flannel shirt, jeans, and an axe. Add a belt and boots for extra lumberjack flair.
Goes well with a beard and beanie, too!
2. Brawny Paper Towel Man
Pull out that (preferably red) flannel shirt and jeans and carry around a pack of paper towels.

Your man’s Halloween costume as the Brawny Paper Towel Man is complete.
3. Al Borland from Home Improvement
Gen Xers like me will definitely remember Tim Taylor’s affable sidekick Al Borland from the 90s sitcom Home Improvement.

Besides the flannel shirt, your man can don on a tool belt and practice saying “I don’t think so, Tim” for extra Al Borland/Home Improvement authenticity.
4. Wilson from Home Improvement
If Al Borland is too mainstream for the man in your life, then he can always dress up as the mysterious yet affable neighbor Wilson from Home Improvement.

5. Mike Heck from The Middle

Throwing on a flannel shirt and dressing up as the dad from the 2009-2017 hit series The Middle is made even sweeter if your man is tall.
Actor Neil Flynn, who portrayed dad and everyman Mike Heck, is 6’5″.
6. Hipster

I don’t even really know what a hipster is. But I know they wear flannel shirts and look like, well, hipsters!
7. Yooper
With a nod to my current status as a Michigander, I present the 7th and final easy Halloween costume for men that features a flannel shirt: the yooper.
Yooper is the nickname for someone who lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula or U.P. The winters are so cold and so long up there in the U.P. that flannel shirts are worn year-round.
There you (and my husband!) have it: 7 easy-peasy Halloween costumes for men that use a flannel shirt.
Have a warm and cozy fall and a boo-tiful Halloween!
Thank you for explaining Yooper! I got all the other references, and was feeling rather smug until I hit Yooper. Timely post – my great niece is – drum roll, please, a lumberjack this Halloween. She’s 7.
Lumberjack is a classic that never goes out of style. Happy Halloween!