The following is a true story about a family listening to 80s music on a road trip.
I have changed their names to protect the innocent.
I’m kidding. Usually I don’t mention their names anymore because supposedly that makes me an oversharing, hyper mommy blogger.
I digress.
The scene
A couple weekends ago my family was trapped, er, seated in our SUV for the nearly 5 hour road trip to Pittsburgh. We were headed there so my son could play in a hockey tournament.
“I want to listen to 80s music,” said my husband.
My heart lifted! There’s nothing I love more than 80s music except maybe Swatch Watches, but they’re from the 80s, too, so it’s sort of the same thing.
“But not CHEESY 80s music,” he finished.
Hmph. There went my Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam playlist.
The playlist
I fired up an Amazon Music 80s playlist. Then I got out my notebook to record the following hilarity.
Playlist: Hello by Lionel Richie
Husband: This is the world’s most terriblest song. It should be on the 80s Crap Playlist.
Playlist: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Husband: Ugh. I hate this song.
10yo Daughter: I like it.
Husband: I hate it.
Playlist: Footloose by Kenny Loggins
10yo Daughter: What’s this movie about again?
Me: It’s about an outsider. He moves from Chicago to a small town where dancing is banned.
10yo Daughter: So it’s stupid.
Playlist: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham
Husband: NO.
Playlist: True by Spandeau Ballet
Husband: No. God. No.
Now don’t you worry, we found plenty of acceptable 80s tunes to jam out to. These included songs from A-Ha, The Police and Duran Duran, among others.
And for those of you astute enough to remember that I have a teenage son, you’ll notice he did not partake in any of these conversations. You can guess why: he had his headphones on the whole trip. I barely remembered he existed until he asked for snacks.
Do you like 80s music? Road trips with your family? What songs would you add to the playlist?
Ha – if all else fails put the headphones on!! Love it. I can’t imagine we would ever agree on this in our car. I just pop my sounds on when I’m on my own and listen to my girly tracks. #tweensteensbeyond
I was so surprised he wanted to listen to 80s music. It’ll probably never happen again, especially since he hated most of the playlist!
the driver gets to choose on our road trips unless I’m the passenger then I get to choose, in fact I jsut choose the music for all road trips and it’s always the 80’s but no soft rock or anything cheesy. It’s been a long time since we’ve done a road trip with he kids though #tweenteensbeyond
chickenruby recently posted…Things I wish I’d never done as a parent
I love it that no matter what you get to choose!
Katy recently posted…Conversations With My Family About 80s Music
Haha! My 80’s oldies station 🙂 is now programmed in the car. The children love it, but I LOVE it more!!
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #80
Good to hear that your children have been raised with an appreciation for the classics! 🙂
Katy recently posted…Conversations With My Family About 80s Music
You can’t go wrong with 80’s music. We have a station in the UK dedicated to it Heart FM and it is our family favourite, especially with the teens bizarrely as not their era. Well my daughter’s favourite I should add my son would rather eat chilli peppers than listen to 80’s tunes. #TweensTeensBeyond
Jo – Mother of Teenagers recently posted…Tweens, Teens & Beyond #22
Yess! You all have iHeart radio 80s station, too! Tell your son to put on his headphones. 🙂
Katy recently posted…Conversations With My Family About 80s Music
I ADORE 80s music, I truly believe the era can’t be beaten. Well, obviously I’m biased – it’s my era lol! Makes me laugh the number of times my eldest comes into the kitchen and asks if I’ve heard a certain tune…9 times out of 10 it’s from the 80s! #TweensTeensBeyond
Midlife dramas in pyjamas recently posted…Dear Bladder…
Like, totally, 80s music is the best! So happy to find another fan. 🙂
I love 80s music…the good and the bad. The bad songs are fun to listen to because they are Personal favorite: Rock Me Amadeus by Falco. It’s so bad it’s perfect.Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!
Leslie recently posted…Why on earth are we taking on a 6-week kitchen renovation?
So happy to meet another 80s music fan!
P.S. My husband would HATE Rock me Amadeaus. Meanwhile, I know I had that tape!
HA!! I adore 80’s music and I’m sure a similar convo would have unfolded in our car too! I think my favorite LOL lines were your girl saying “So it’s stupid” about Footloose. NO IT’S NOT! Make her watch is STAT. 😉
Christine Carter recently posted…How Moms Make Plans: It’s Always Through Texts
Ha ha ha, Chris! But have you rewatched it lately!? There’s a scene with domestic abuse (her boyfriend hits Ariel) that I totally glossed over in the 80s. Woah! Otherwise it’s awesome.
I can’t believe you actually get to choose the music I am so impressed! My teens dominate the sound system controlled by Blue tooth from their phones. Whoever invented that has got a lot to answer for! This is hysterical and a priceless snap shot of family life, thanks so much for sharing with us at #TweensTeensBeyond
My kids aren’t old enough yet to master the Blue Tooth. My 14yo doesn’t know about it–yet. Now I know my days are numbered!
Nicely played, Duran Duran. We’ve managed to get the girls hooked on Stevie Wonder. Job done.