My children, ages 10 and 6, have both finished kindergarten. However, I still feel trained from their time in kindergarten to save every single empty box, canister, or toilet paper roll. That’s because the kids always needed such items for kindergarten projects, particularly the construction corner.
The construction corner was where they taped toilet paper rolls to egg cartons to cereal boxes to make rockets or boats or whatever else their imagination inspired them to create. Ingenious, really. And a cool way to teach math concepts.
And sending in things for the construction corner was so easy that even I, the Experienced Bad Mom, could do it. Every month when I sent in my collection of toilet paper rolls, I felt awesome. As I consciously saved empty cereal boxes and those super cool Pringles chips containers, I would tell myself, “Way. To. Go.”
Until the day I put this empty box in my daughter’s backpack:
I bet that mom or dad was surprised when Little Johnny brought home a rocket made from a tampon box!
True story, though: my daughter came home with a boat made from an empty Preparation H box (that I did NOT send in!) so at least I’m not alone in my blind dedication to sending empty boxes to school.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever sent to school or daycare?
On the plus side, most kids in kindergarten can’t read and almost none of them would know what it was anyway! LOL!
Emma @ P is for Preschooler recently posted…Easy Bird Toy (and fine motor practice)
Excellent point, Emma! I like how you think. 🙂
That’s awesome!! When I taught day care I had a kid who brought his mom’s undies to school statically attached to his nap blanket!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…His Mercies are New Every Morning
I taught daycare, too, but we only ever go stray socks or fabric softener sheets. Undies would have been much more exciting!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Don’t Send THIS to School
lol- I would be one of those moms to send a box like that without thinking.
Tess recently posted…Tuesday Things
It’s the thought that counts right?
Laura recently posted…In-Laws Can Be Strange Creatures
HA! That’s awesome. It totally sounds like something I would have done.
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Thankful Thursday: Gratitude
That is priceless!!! HAHAHA!! But again, at least between the Kotex box and the Preperation H box…all ends are covered!
Hysterical!! =)
Carrie recently posted…Things got heated up, then Satan spoke, and that’s why there’s a disclaimer.
Good thinking a bout both ends!
I’ve never brought in anything crazy (surprisingly) or maybe they spared me the embarrassment but my son did introduce his two year old daycare class to my mole (“beauty mark”). They each politely said hello to it and told it their names.
Herchel S recently posted…An unexpected kindness
That’s one for the ages, that mole story! Your mole sounds very friendly, too. 🙂
LOL Note to self: Do not send in tampon boxes. Got it.
So happy to have helped!
Love this! Just priceless and something I could totally see myself doing. What a treat to find you via the SITS Sharefest, I have now added you to the “sites I must visit” list in my head!! (I also am now following you on FB because the list in my head idea never works out very well!)
Kathy Radigan recently posted…Getting Possessed with Kathy and the Dishwasher: 7th Victim – Emily of Fourtuitous
Thanks for visiting! Glad you get my sense of humor and hope I show up in your Facebook feed some time. Always a crapshoot with Facebook. 🙂
Haha, oops! In your defense, I have heard of kids bringing much more embarrassing things (for the parents!) to school.
Bev recently posted…Five Things You Might Not Know About Me: The Childhood Edition
Yes, I’m sure those teachers have seen it all!
LOL! I hope the teacher didn’t have to have any “what is this for?” discussions. Honeslty, I think I’d prefer this over the Preperation H box!
Have a great Saturday Share fest!
Carla recently posted…Real Into Reads No. 32: Are You Extraordinary?
I’m just glad that most kindergarteners probably couldn’t read a box like this! The Prep H box went over my daughter’s head thankfully.
That’s hilarious! Reminds me of the time my stamping buddies and I were doing a stamping event and someone showed us how to make some very “feminine slippers” out of these products. My husband was at first horrified, then he thought they were hilarious and would ask me to show them off to our friends, although I would have to pick them up as he wouldn’t dare touch them! I keep telling him, it’s not contagious, but I don’t think he believes me! To make them, you just stamp flowers on the top of one pad for the base of the slipper, then take another one, stamp some more flowers and wrap it across for the toe part and use the natural stickiness to stick it to the base pad. Makes an adorable pair of fluffy slippers! #SITSSharefest
Adrian recently posted…Yeti the Adorable Snowman
Wow! Sounds very feminine and unique. I’m not sure I blame your husband for being afraid. 🙂
hahaha!! Oh man–that’s too funny! I bet the teacher sometimes gets a laugh at the random types of boxes that get sent in!
Rachel G recently posted…Funny Not Vulgar