Here are some funny cartoons to enjoy!
Which one can you relate to most? There’s a VW commercial airing these days where a businessman starts jamming to A-Ha’s “Take on Me” from the 80’s. If my kids start singing that song, I might be the happiest mom on the block!
Love it!! My daughter actually has a lot of old music (some even dating back to my mother in law’s day) on her iPod!
Michelle recently posted…How to Tell If Your Cat Loves You
The middle one is completely true; in my case at least! I think my kids like most of the music I would have listened to. Unfortunately I find myself listening to current pop music more now that I did when I was a kid.
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Five Minute Friday: Write
I sang Margaritaville to Brady the first three years of his life as well as John Denver and the Eagles. Not 80s hair bands, but maybe he will one day enjoy mom’s 70s tendencies (I blame it on my 3 brothers, all of whom were at least a decade older than me). The first one is funny too. I can’t remember anything!
Stephanie recently posted…Garlic Parmesan pull-apart bread
My kids ROCK the 80’s songs!!! They can sing 8675309!!!!!! not missing a beat or a word!!!! Not to mention countless others… 😉 LOVE all of them.
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I seriously pondered stealing the first cartoon out of the three. The other day I spent a huge amount of time getting my makeup on, getting the kid ready, making sure I had everything… and almost left the house without putting on pants. *rolls eyes*
meeshie recently posted…And Bessie says Mooooooooooo
I can certainly say that I relate to the first one a lot more. It seems like all my brain cells are gone. I wouldn’t trade them for the world though. 🙂
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