I’m pleased to be your #1 source for foreign policy updates. Earlier this week, you may have caught my blistering exposé on Canada. Now I’m ready to tackle world domination as I participate in a “Finish the Sentence” blogging prompt.
The prompt? “The first thing you must do to take over the world…”
The first thing you must do to take over the world is get off the computer. Or smartphone. Or tablet. Or Google/Samsung watch thingy that is sort of like a computer, smartphone or tablet. Then you can concentrate on world peace and economic…
I wonder what’s on Pinterest today? Let me pop over. Oh! That cartoon is funny. {Pin} I must find some football-shaped food recipes for the Super Bowl. {Pin. Pin. Pin.} And I need some Valentine’s Day ideas and -wait- did I just see my first Easter pin? I need more Easter pins! Easter will be here before you know it {Pin. Pin. Pin.}.
Wait. I was telling you that in order to rule the world you need to get off your computer/smartphone/tablet/watch thingy. Let me get back to that.
Twitter alert on my smartphone! Oh, someone favorited my tweet. Let me reply. And look at that snarky tweet. Ha ha! Ooo. Pictures of football-shaped food. And Valentine’s Day ideas. And new people to follow. A retweet! Woo hooo!
Seriously, as I was saying, in order to take over the world you must get rid of your computer/smartphone/tablet/watch thingy. That way you can concentrate on world peace and economic…
I wonder who’s on Facebook? That new mom keeps posting a picture a day of her newborn. Wonder what the baby looks like TODAY. And what are my blogging buddies up to? I must click on their links and read. And HuffPo Parents and Scary Mommy and BlogHer.
Okay, so I have to charge my smartphone right now so I have a few minutes on my desktop to type up how to rule the world. As I was saying, you must get rid of your computer. Or smartphone. Or tablet. Or Google/Samsung watch thingy. Then you can exercise your ultimate focus and concentration on the world’s pressing problems and squash any naysayers and rebellions and stuff.
Instagram. Haven’t been on there in a while. Oh, cuuuuuuute picture. And that one. Oh, that one, too!
What was I saying?
Let me get back to you about that ruling the world thing.
It’s been a while since I checked Pinterest and I really need some inspiration for my Super Bowl party…
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday blog post. Each week, Kristi at Finding Ninee and other fine bloggers (this week’s cohosts are Michelle at Crumpets and Bollocks and Anna Fitrunner) host a writing prompt. Join the fun!
How right you are! I never realized how much time I spent on the computer until I had a baby. Now I’m lucky to check my email! But I have my phone on me frequently, to deal with work, corresponding with clients and friends, sending pictures of my baby to her grandmothers…. And then it hits me that my baby is right there, on my lap, growing older every second. And I put down the phone.
Jessica @ Absurd, She Wrote recently posted…All The Things My Parents Did Right
We didn’t have smart phones when my kids were babies, just the old cell phones. And yet I was still at the desktop checking stuff! Maybe 50 years ago it was magazines and TV for those moms. Enjoy your growing baby. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
Yep we could use this post for so many aspects of our lives. I used to take one day a week off from social media. That last two whole weeks. I turned off all the bells and whistles (notifications) but I think that just makes me check more. You’ve given me so serious food for thought. 😉
Oh, those notifications! I still have it on my list to change my Pinterest ones. They’re silly actually, but make me look every time.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
It’s like you’re at my house, peeking over my shoulder!! I’ll look for you next time I take a selfie and post it to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…The Waiting Game: One I Hate Playing
Not if I don’t look for you first! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
HAHA awesome. Also you just reminded me that I need to help my son make a Valentine’s Box for V-day. Thank goodness for Pinterest! Wait, there was something about taking over the world? Or was that just a reminder that I forgot to reply to a tweet? 😉
Great ending to the prompt and I really appreciate you linking up!
Kristi Campbell recently posted…I Don’t Want To Rule The World. I Just Want To Change It, That’s All.
Thanks, Kristi. I’d like to link up more! You ladies are a great group. Oh, my phone just dinged excuse me…
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
Yes, now about world peace. Shall we start with … damn, hang on I have to check twitter. Sorry, eh. I’m back. I suggest we start by taking a look at … oh now that is so great she’s blogging again. I’ll just zip over and have a quick read. Cool. What? Or Sorry. What was I saying? World peace? Yes, I have the perfect solution. All we need do is … Sorry. Again. My phone is ringing. i’ll be right back,eh.
By the way – your mention of Easter twigged my memory. Shall I ship you my ten bags of shredded Easter coloured paper? They’d be just the ticket for your display. You can’t start too early …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up
Kelly, I appreciate the shredded paper but i think customs between our two great nations makes that cost INeffective. I’ll just pop to the drug store and buy some for 99 cents. Or there’s always handmade Easter grass on Pinterest! (I think. Probably!)
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
LOL…alas! the social media addiction.
However, I am trying to take a challenge of turning away from all my gadgets after 8pm until 8am the next day. Some days it works…some days nah!
ruchira recently posted…The Power Hungry!
After 8 pm. That’s a good idea! I’ll try that one day. Fingers crossed.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
I so agree with you! I took FB off my phone and it has been awesome. And I don’t do on any social media over the weekends. I love it! Such a time suck and often, a mood kill!
Allie recently posted…FLC Guest Posts: Resolutions
If you can’t see it, you won’t be tempted by it. I like that idea about FB off the phone!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How To Take Over the World
Yes, the distractions of modern life. It’s not just social media, but all of the other little, time-demanding, things that creep into our everyday life. I’m not sure that I have any really helpful answers about to how to solve any of this, but it is an important first step to recognize that we have to be careful how we devote our time. Great post!
Anna Fitfunner recently posted…The Ultimate Pinterest Party, Week 36
My best is how many times a day I tell my kids to get off their screens… with my head down in my screen! Even they get the irony.
I adored your Canada expose, Katy – you and Kelly make a great team 🙂
Wonderful to see you at FTSF. And I just followed you on Twitter. Did you get a notification yet?
Nicki recently posted…My World
Oh, Nicki, so true! Usually it’s my husband using his phone 24/7 and complaining about our son’s video game time. Yikes. I followed you back on Twitter. Nice to tweet you!!
You been lookin’ in my windows? Spot on!
Jill recently posted…I Will Rule the World in my Yoga Pants
Oops, yup, sorry! I’ll stop peeking. Kinda creepy, aren’t I? 😉
HA! Nailed it!! It’s really getting that bad, isn’t it. I am RIGHT there with ya, girl!
Chris Carter recently posted…What Is True Love?