Normally, if someone told me I had a mustache, I would be offended. However, when the hilarious Kelly L. McKenzie tagged me to play “I Mustache You Some Questions”, I felt honored, not furry-lipped.
Kelly asked me 12 questions that I must answer honestly. You’ll see I’ve taken some liberty with the number of answers I give. Whatevs. Then I tag four other bloggers and hope they’ll play along and answer the same questions.
Like any good game show, there’s even a BONUS question to watch for!
1. Four names people call me other than my real name
Katy. Ha! Katy is not my real name, it’s a nickname for Kathryn.
Katrine (rhymes with “latrine”). While living in Canada, a French-Canadian professor pronounced Kathryn as “Katrine” while I walked across the stage to receive my Master’s degree. My family thought it was hilarious and hasn’t stopped calling me Katrine since.
Katy the cleaning lady, from an old commercial in the 70s and 80s.
Big Mack because I’m tall and my maiden name was Mack.
2. Four jobs I’ve had
Chicken ripper*, Secretary, Childcare teacher, Researcher
*As for ripping chickens, I used to stand in the line of an outdoor BBQ buffet. When customers came through the line, I asked “White or dark meat?” Then I picked up a hot, BBQ’d half of a chicken and ripped down the middle, dividing the breast/wing from the leg/thigh. Then I handed the customer their white or dark meat selection. I wore double pairs of industrial cloth gloves, too, but I could still feel the burning!
3. Four movies I have watched more than once
Adventures in Babysitting, Can’t Buy Me Love, Sleepless in Seattle, and While You Were Sleeping
4. Four books I would recommend
The Bible and any humorous cozy mysteries by Elaine Viets or Jenn McKinlay
5. Four places I have lived
California, Arizona, Maryland, North Carolina, Michigan, British Columbia, Canada and New South Wales, Australia (I just felt like listing them all.)
6. Four places I have been
I’ve been to all 50 states. All of those, except Hawaii, were visited in a motorhome during my childhood. That’s part awesome, part tragic.
7. Four places I would rather be right now
Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, the beach, Disney World, asleep
8. Four things I don’t eat
Lima beans. The end.
9. Four of my favorite foods
Pizza, Almond Joy, Smoothies, anything I don’t have to cook
10. Four television shows that I watch
The Middle, Call the Midwife, Expedition Unknown, and Last Man Standing
11. Four things that I’m looking forward to this year
Planning my vacation, going on my vacation, summer weather, and a probable return to Disney World next winter
12. Four things I’m always saying
“And why is the carpet all wet, Todd? I don’t know, Margo!”
“Stop hurting your sister.”
“Stop hurting your brother.”
“Have you done your homework?”
And now for the Bonus Question (to fit in with this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt!):
Four things I’d do/think when it comes to the end of the world
That was quick.
At least I know where I’m going now.
Stop hurting your sister.
Stop hurting your brother.
I nominate Colleen at Mommie Daze, Adrienne at The Mommy Mess, Jessica at Absurd, She Wrote, and Katie at Pick Any Two to join in a rousing game of “I Mustache You Some Questions!”
Readers, I’d love it if you picked one question to answer in the comments. Let’s get to know each other!
This has been a rather random contribution to the Finish the Sentence Friday linky. This week’s fabulous hosts are Kristi at Finding Ninee, Nicki of Red Boots, and Jena Schwartz.
Travel to 49 states in a motorhome in your childhood. That sounds like material for a great book! And, um, what on earth is a chicken ripper?!?!
Mo at Mocadeaux recently posted…Reliable Wines
When National Lampoon’s Vacation movie came out in the early 80s, my family and friends thought of us. It was like looking in a mirror!!
As for ripping chickens, I used to stand in the line of an outdoor BBQ buffet. When customers came through the line, I asked “White or dark meat?” Then I picked up a hot, BBQ’d half of a chicken and ripped down the middle, dividing the breast/wing from the leg/thigh. Then I handed the customer their white or dark meat selection. I wore double pairs of industrial cloth gloves, too, but I could still feel the burning!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Mustache You Some Questions
When I woke up this morning, I didn’t know that one of my favorite new phrases of the day would be “chicken ripper”…oh, my! Your description is so vivid.
It paid well, too. I think that’s why all us high schoolers got jobs there, even if our hot little hands were ripping chickens!
I so enjoyed your humor in this post! The relentlessness of telling the kids to stop hurting each other…oy! I love how that will be the last thing in your consciousness and/or uttered right before the Earth is hit by a giant meteor. Good times, good times. Parenting is so intellectually stimulating, isn’t it?
Four places I have lived: Brussels, Belgium; Charlottesville, VA; Washington, DC; New Bern, NC
Anne Erickson recently posted…On the Last Day of the World
Yes, parenting school-age siblings is my {humorous} journey right now. They love to pick at each other daily, until someone gets hurt of course. Thank you for sharing your 4 places. I bet your world view was influenced and shaped by your experiences in each of those places!
Okay, you had me at “Chicken Ripper…”
Foods I don’t eat: anything that I can recognize as being a bug in a former life, anything that smells like it shouldn’t be on the table (certain pungent cheeses especially), squid (in any shape or form), and finally foods faster than my fork (sigh, time for the summer diet again)
Anna Fitfunner recently posted…The World Will End Before I Eat This
Bug in a former life – YES! I mean, NO!!! And have you tried calamari? You taste the fried stuff, not the squid. But I won’t push it on you.
This is why we will be fast friends forever: “And why is the carpet all wet, Todd? I don’t know, Margo!”Screaming with delight here at not only the fact that you can toss that WONDERFUL quote with abandon but at the way you stick handled the questions. Bravo! I also learned a lot here and not only about you. Count me in as a neophyte in the chicken ripper department. I’d forgotten you’d travelled to all 50 states. That really is something I suspect not many of your fellow Americans can say they’ve achieved. And no, I’ve not been to all ten provinces and three territories. Ouch. Must get on that. Thank you, thank you for playing along, Big Mack. You did a splendid job.
“All right then, if you’re not man enough to put an end to this shit, then I am.”
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…92 Year-Old Mom Snags Purple Pants
Kelly, I read your comment in Wendy’s where I was dining for lunch and DID laugh out loud staring at my phone. At least it was Wendy’s and not some high falutin’ restaurant like White Spot. 🙂
Laughed out loud at the “part tragic, part awesome” about the 50 states as a kid. We didn’t have a motor home and loaded up my dad’s Scout International and spent weeks on the road. Again, part awesome and part tragic. And what in the heck is a chicken ripper???? Hang on going to see if you answered in comments already…ew! Ok. Good to know! Thanks so much for linking up with FTSF. HAHA to “stop hurting your brother. stop hurting your sister” being part of the end of the world. Classic!
Kristi Campbell recently posted…The Last Day Before Being a Mom, and Then
Yup, my kids will be bugging each other to the very end…
A chicken ripper!! No way! How does one apply for that job and what credentials are entailed? Now your list has led me to another question, why is the carpet all wet? In my home I am not sure knowing the reason why it was wet would be all that beneficial. It is usually better to use gloves when cleaning and just not think about what “it” is.
Jen recently posted…Mommy Reality #34: If I Had One More Hour Per Day
😉 The carpet wet line is a classic from Christmas Vacation. But anytime I find something out of the ordinary (daily), I whip out that saying! My kids have seen Christmas Vacation so many times too that they play along.
I loved your take on this, Kate. So unique and honestly the response when it comes to the end of the world was just hilarious :)))
I think I would shout out a similar instruction to my son…lol
ruchira recently posted…When THE day arrives…
Thanks, Ruchira! I’m trying to be funny so it’s nice to hear I’m accomplishing that. 🙂
5 Movies I’ve seen more than once: Love, Actually; Pride (2013); The King and I; National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation; Elf.
4 things I’m called besides my name: Melis; Mom; Library Lady (I work there); Miss Melis (don’t ask).
Loved the comment about the motor home travels being part comic, part tragic, and I agree with the comment above that there’s probably a book in that!
Oh, but now I WANT to ask about Miss Melis! I’ve seen Christmas Vacation and Elf >5 times, too. Plus, Miracle on 34th Street (original, not the remake). Thanks for playing along!
Okay- you MUST have an ENTIRE YEAR’S worth of blog material for all those fifty states you traveled with your parents, right? I want the tragic side… Come ON!!! Tell us! TELL US!!
Chris Carter recently posted…Teachers…They Are Invaluable
I think I’ve blocked it from my mind, Chris!! I’ll have to start thinking a bit more because there must be some sort of throwback coming-of-age book in there somewhere. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Mustache You Some Questions
4 movies…Grease, The Notebook, National Lampoon Christmas Vacation, Divergent.
Oo, Divergent? With your tween I bet? Or just you? Doesn’t matter. My 11yo was NOT interested!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Mustache You Some Questions
l love the twist on this:). I hate Lima beans, too. I love all the movies you listed and watched them multiple times. I’ve moved quite a bit as well, and would feel compelled to list them all! I LOVE that you’ve been to all 50 states. I take road trips with my kids every summer, and after this summer, they will have been to 42 states by SUV (they would love a motorhome, but I don’t think I could drive one). I’ve been to 45 (but the three plus was by air). Still trying to figure out how we’ll do Hawaii and Alaska. And I believe they would concur on the awesome/tragic dichotomy.
Allie recently posted…Being Fourteen, Then and Now
Goodness, does anyone LIKE lima beans? They will probably make some sort of comeback like brussel sprouts have.
That’s cool that you’ve done the driving through so many states! I was reading books in the back of that motorhome and probably missed 75% of what we drove through. Oh well, my kids I think would miss it nowadays by being on their Kindles.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Mustache You Some Questions
So, obviously, the chicken ripper needs some explaining! I am cracking up at your four end of the world statements…ha, ha, ha!! Love this game and loved your answers! :)-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted…The Dose Girls Interrupt This Broadcast…
All 50 states! That is super impressive, definitely something to aspire to, especially as an immigrant!
Adore your humor Katy. “That was quick.” FANTASTIC!
Nicki recently posted…One Shoe Off
I need to hear more about this chicken ripping. I answered all your questions over on the blog today. Thanks for tagging me!
Colleen recently posted…I Mustache You Some Questions
Just read your fabulous answers! Thanks for playing. And as for ripping chickens, I have added a brief description above. But it may not rival your Amish whoopie pie making job experience. 🙂
Number one on my list of favorite foods is “anything I don’t have to cook.” I also enjoy pizza, spaghetti and tacos! (I’m multicultural!!)
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…And he’s Mine…All Mine! #TuesdayTen
I hate lima beans but I tried butter beans this weekend and they were DELICIOUS!
Thanks for nominating me – I enjoyed playing!