I don’t know about you, but I’m not baking bread from scratch or learning a new language during this quarantine.
No, I’m having my okay-est quarantine life here in Michigan, where we’ve been under a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order since March 15.
Here’s what I’ve “accomplished”:
I finished Tiger King on Netflix. Very entertaining. Very weird.
I cleaned out half of the top shelf in the spare bedroom closet. Don’t be jealous that I cleaned out half of it.
I’ve worked from home every Monday-Friday. And I’ve actually worked.
I’ve gone for a walk in my neighborhood most nights, usually with my husband.
I’ve grown bored looking at the same houses in my neighborhood over and over. I might have grown bored looking at the same man over and over, too.

I’ve ordered lots of stuff online. So much stuff that I can’t remember what’s coming until I check my bank account. And it’s so random. One day it’s a book. The next day it’s ramen noodles or glue sticks.
I spent time trying to make a homemade mask before I gave up and ordered some online. I’m good at ordering things online.
My family and I finished a puzzle. That was actually fun.

I’ve eaten a lot of meals.
I’ve snacked a lot between a lot of meals.
I’ve done a lot of indoor workouts because I’ve eaten and snacked a lot.
I celebrated a major holiday. (Happy belated Easter!)
I reached out to some older neighbors that I hadn’t seen in a while. Turns out they are happy and healthy, just hunkering down. I’m pretty sure they are getting better groceries delivered than I am.
I’ve loved my family.
I’ve become annoyed by my family.
And I’ve talked a lot to my cats.
But at the end of each day at least I am still here and I am very lucky to have my family and a nice place to stay at home. A huge shout out of thanks to the healthcare workers, first responders, and every body who helps with my grocery pickup. I mean it!
How’s your quarantine life going?
That sounds far too similar to me! I’ve attempted crafts, which means I order the things needed to make stuff but never did. Also watched the whole of Tiger King in under 24 hours so I guess that is some kind of achievement?
Steve L recently posted…15 things I wish I knew before becoming a Dad
That Tiger King was addictive, wasn’t it! After the Carole Baskin episode I just couldn’t look away.
Well, at least you have all the craft materials for when you are ready to craft one day. 🙂
I too am living my okayest quarantine life. ha! Today we made Easter gingerbread cookies, even past Easter, did part of the work we were supposed to do, and now the boys are playing video games and making YouTube videos. It was the okayest. 🙂
Some days it’s all about being the Okay-est. I think that’s most days for me during this thing!
Katy recently posted…Living My Okay-est Quarantine Life
Okay-est life?! That is so me! I ordered masks too. I am really good at ordering things as well. Only these days it takes forever to get them. No Tiger King yet. I am close, but quite ready.
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #212
May all your packages come swiftly and your orders be completely fulfilled and not missing anything!
Katy recently posted…Living My Okay-est Quarantine Life