I brought back some Haitian currency from my trip. My kids, ages 9 and 6, aren’t huge collectors of foreign money, but I thought they would find it interesting.
Sydney looked and touched the money for about 10 seconds. Then she moved on with her life.
Will examined the Haitian money a bit longer.
“It’s called Gourdes,” I explained. “It sounds like ‘good'”
He looked some more.
Wow, this is educational for him! I thought.
“Can I spend it?” he asked.
“It’s Haitian,” I replied. “You know, from Haiti.”
“I know. Can I spend it?”
This is the same (great) kid who finished an essay this week on why McDonald’s should sell 2 kinds of hot dogs–1 with sauerkraut and pickles and 1 with chili and cheese–for $2.99.
I wonder if McDonald’s takes Haitian money?
Too funny!!! My kids would ask the same question!!! LOL
Chris Carter recently posted…Empty Spaces…
HA! Foreign money is only interesting to adults, I guess. I like your son’s McD plan. 🙂
from The Dugout
Do you remember that show with Bill Cosby “Kids Say the Darnest Things”? Sydney should be on that show – too cute.
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…Harlem Shake