You can refresh your memory about this in my first Rage Against the Kindergarten Machine post. Basically, after 6 worksheets, Sydney didn’t want to color her kindergarten homework anymore and I didn’t think she needed to.
But obviously her kindergarten teacher thought she should!
Well, prepare yourselves.
Poor fine motor skills?
Here’s the story:
I noticed that Sydney colored this page in, say, an interesting manner.
My first thought: WOW! Somebody’s pissed.
But when I asked her calmly to tell me about it, she explained that she was drawing “background”. We chatted some more and I learned that the kids are learning about “background” techniques in their kindergarten art class, which is taught by an art teacher down the hall.
So she’s an artist!
We sent in her worksheet and I almost died when it came back. But I’ve got thick skin now. And I realize Sydney is a misunderstood artist whose teacher doesn’t “get” background.
Now, before all of you ask for the school address to write letters in Sydney’s defense and ask for the head of her teacher, let me just tell you that her teacher is the sweetest, most perfect kindergarten teacher out there. She’s like if Buddy the Elf from the movie “Elf” was a kindergarten teacher.
So her question marks and frowny faces were born out of love for kindergarten. She just doesn’t want anyone to have a bad day in her class.
It’s all good.
By the way, when Sydney did see this worksheet and me taking a picture of it, she rolled her eyes and said, “I hate coloring.”
i love this. sydney cracks me up, so does her mom.
Hee hee! You’re the best!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh My Gawsh. My cousin went to Catholic kindergarten in the 60s. The nuns called his mom in and told her they thought Chuckie was possessed by the devil. In response to her request for evidence, they displayed several weeks of worksheets scribbled in black. She asked them if they’d talked to him about it. They hadn’t. Chuckie’s explanation? He just wanted to be done and go outside to play.
Kindergarten is some tedious kind of stuff.
Maggie S. recently posted…When It’s Legit. Holiday Stress.
Way to go, Chuckie!! Awesome story, thanks for sharing. 🙂
My son got in trouble in Kindergarten last week because he told the teacher he didn’t want to finish his work. (I’m reading your blog and responding to it while at work, by the way!) Kindergarten sure has gotten stressful!!
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…Candied Almonds
I know! The pressure’s on!
Katy recently posted…More Rage Against the Kindergarten Machine
I’m with Sydney. Sometimes, following directions is REALLY boring. 🙂
Lynn Kellan recently posted…What Santa is REALLY thinking…
She’s going to take me on a good ride through life, is what I’m thinking! Can’t wait to blog through the tween and teen years.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…More Rage Against the Kindergarten Machine
I thought it was great background work. A++
Lou Lou recently posted…A Very Swedish Christmas – part 2
All the great artists started somewhere!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…More Rage Against the Kindergarten Machine
I believe you have a budding artist in your midst!! Save that paper and you can sell it when she is older and famous!!! 🙂
Chris Carter recently posted…You Are Equipped…
Chris! You were right and I found your lovely comment in Spam. Glad to approve it and welcome you to the ranks of the commenting here at EBM. 🙂
I know you are saying she is sweet, and yada, yada, yada.. but seriously who the %$^&%* is this teacher? I mean really, in kindergarten? It’s not like she is handing in a thesis for god sakes? If your daughter is proud of her background work, then met with sad faces and question marks…. what kind of message is that? You are a good mom for not reacting, and still thinking highly of this power trip. This teacher would not want one of my boys in her class that. is. for. sure.
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…Birth Rehearsal
I’m thinking my Sydney is going to grow up and be a strong, powerful woman like someone else I know…:)
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…More Rage Against the Kindergarten Machine
I feel like coloring like that, most days, too….
Kim recently posted…A Girl Can Only Take So Much…
HA! A friend of mine had a son who hated to draw/color. When he was 6, the instruction was to draw a hat. On white paper, he drew a triangle with an extended line at the bottom, the simplist hat he could draw. He did not color it, so the teacher asked him about it. “it’s a white hat,” he said. He was NOT doing one thing more. Your Sydney is a hoot!
Mare recently posted…Seeking Justice (part 2)
Sydney is no ones fool. She has figured out how to avoid all of that boring, fiddly coloring.
Elizabeth@Transitional-Woman recently posted…Have You Heard the One About . . .