If you’re like me, then you are staying home these days due to the coronavirus.
But now you are trying to figure out how to exercise. And maybe you’re a bit tired of walking around the same block.
I’ve got your back! That’s because I’ve always enjoyed exercising from home.
After all, I don’t like gyms–paying for them, driving to them, sweating with a big bunch of strangers, and paying to sweat with a big bunch of strangers after driving to the gym.
So here are my favorite workouts from home that you can try now in your own living room. Or bedroom. Or basement.
I’ve found these over the years while searching for “indoor walking workouts”, but most are much more than just walking in place. They have lots of moves, are lots of fun, and take as lot–or as little–time as you want.

Leslie Sansone Walk at Home
Some might call Leslie Sansone the Queen of indoor walking. She’s been pushing out indoor walking videos ranging from 5 minutes to an hour since before most of our kids were born.
Their are four basic moves (march in place, side to side, knee lift, and kick) but she also can throw in some dancier moves from time to time.
I like that she includes other people walking with her in her videos, usually of different ages, races and sizes.
Her 1 Mile Happy Walk is a good example of her style:
Up to the Beat Fitness with Gina B
Up to the Beat is my new favorite workout channel. Each video is lead by Gina B., a spunky (but not obnoxiously spunky) Australian who leads good ol’ fashion low impact aerobics workouts to popular music.
She *says* her videos are walking videos, but trust me, there’s only a little bit of walking and a whole lot of dance moves, like the salsa and chassé. Her workouts make me smile and totally remind me of the low impact routines I used to do to VHS tapes back in the 90s.
Here’s a favorite:
Lucy Wyndham-Read
I stumbled upon Lucy Wyndham-Read’s videos after trying to find quick, no equipment videos I could do in my office at work for a little pick-me-up.
I started doing this 4 minute arm workout and never looked back:
Lucy is British, with a lovely accent, and offers nearly 1,000 videos. Besides her quick but powerful arm workouts, I’m a fan of her walking videos and standing abs series. She honestly has so many videos I’m sure you’ll find something you like.
None of her workouts are to music, though, so when I want music or more dance moves I try Gina B. or Leslie Sansone mentioned above.
There you have it, my favorite workouts from home. Tell me, what are you doing to stay in shape, stay positive, or just release stress these days?
You just may have saved my children’s sanity. Nothing says “Welcome Home!” quite like being cooped up with an exercised challenged mom. Thanks, Katy.
Good luck, Kelly! Yesterday our power went out for the afternoon and it was raining outside. So I pretended I was Ma Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. It was not fun.
Katy recently posted…My Favorite Workouts You Can Do From Home
Ugh. It really does just keep getting better and better, doesn’t it?