I mentioned in my Pregnancy v. Parenthood post a couple weeks ago that I know a lot of expecting mothers.
One of them had a baby girl last week and she’s adorable. I know this because exactly 1 week after being born, this little baby had the sweetest newborn photos posted on Facebook. You know, the professional Anne Geddes-type portraits where the newborn fits in a hat or a stocking.
Very cute.
But adorable newborn pictures just confirm I’m a bad mom.
Why? Because one week after having my first born, I did NOT get any newborn pictures taken.
One week after having my son, I’m not sure I had gotten out of my pajamas.
One week after giving birth, I was a hormonal mess who wanted to hack off my breasts and just give them to the baby. (Remember my breastfeeding disaster?)
One week after giving birth….oh, geez, I can’t remember 1 week after giving birth because I was so sleep-deprived!
I should be thankful, as a bad mom, that Facebook was not around when I had my son. And, yes, for those of you wondering, I am the *Experienced* Bad Mom for a reason! I did not rush out and get newborn pictures of my second child either.
I guess my children should consider themselves lucky that I have any pictures of them at all.
Nope. No newborn photos for any of my four children. EBM, you have a lot of competition.
Elizabeth recently posted…Am I Zonked or am I Zonked?
I’m just glad I’m not alone in my realness…I mean, my badness!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Newborn Picture Perfect
I didn’t either. I can’t even remember when we got the first pics taken. Hmm…do we even have pictures of the kid??
P.S. This baby pic is ADORABLE!
The Mommy Psychologist recently posted…Helicopter Parenting Just Isn’t My Style
I’ve decided that I should put “Did not have adorable newborn photos taken” on my wish list for my kids’ future spouses. That way, my kids won’t feel left out when they get married and the photo slide show of the happy couple growing up is played at the reception!
I hadn’t even had time to have a shower at 1 week…
Lou Lou recently posted…Sweden’s Symphonie Fantastique
I didn’t with my first, but I did with my second. Hopefully, there’s no resentment. LOL
Adrienne recently posted…By Grace Alone.
It seems to be more of a recent phenomenon so I can see where the older kids missed out. If I was pregnant nowadays, I’d probably get it all lined up along with decorating the nursery, buying baby clothes, etc.!
I had pic of the kids, but I was not in the them, I simply hate my pic being taken, and not to mention I looked like I was hit by a semi truck for weeks after both deliveries. Just stumbled across your site, love it!
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…Better Than Chocolate
Glad you found me! Thanks for your comment.
GREAT post! Cannot wait to read more of your site, as I can already tell I will LOVE it! 🙂 Coming by from SITS and so glad I did. Love a mom who will tell it like is! 😉
thedoseofreality recently posted…It’s a Mann’s World
Yay and thank you! Hope you come back often.
Visiting from SITS!
I was incredibly sleep deprived. I remember the euphoria of sleeping for four straight hours. I don’t think I took a shower for a week. But. When I had my first, I was a creative memories consultant. I breathed photos. So…I did manage to get lots of pictures. And odd ones too. Ones so that I could use certain stickers or papers. It was odd. Really. And still exhausting 🙂
disneykatrina recently posted…Star Wars Weekends at Hollywood Studios
Ahh…Creative Memories! I started an album once. In 1994 I think. 🙂 No wonder I didn’t get snaps of my kids as newborns. Thanks for stopping by!
If it makes you feel any better – I still take TONS of pictures – thousands of them – my poor kids say I am obsessed. But I haven’t printed a photo out in almost 10 years. I have them. But that’s it 🙂
disneykatrina recently posted…Star Wars Weekends at Hollywood Studios
Isn’t constant nursing and nurturing enough? The only pics I have are the ones from my own camera…no special Anne Geddes photos for my kids! They were still all precious! I’m still trying to get photos in albums after a 8 year haitus! Please check out my crazy family life at http://www.normalchaosforamultitaskmom.blogspot.com
I think constant nursing and nurturing are enough, too! Will come visit.
Ha! Ha! I’m visiting from SITS. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only mom who did not get new born pictures taken. I have taken pictures myself, but I haven’t paid to have them done. I did get my 1st child’s pictures taken at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. After that I got them taken every 6 months. Then #2 was born and well we stopped having pictures taken after his 3 month pictures. Not only were the expensive, but I wasn’t happy with how they turned out.
I, too, tried to get them at 3 mos, 6 mos, etc. at JCP. I think I made it until my 2nd turned 2. Now it’s those bad (!) school portraits all the way. Not the best, but convenient! Thanks for commenting.