I never thought my son and I would bond over HGTV’s Beachfront Bargain Hunt.
Of course, thirteen years ago when he was born I was simply trying to keep him alive. And not run myself into the ground trying.
But here we are all these years later hanging out and watching a real estate show where buyers tour three, sometimes four, houses and then decide which one to buy.
Why have we bonded over this show? Because I certainly couldn’t bond with him over Minecraft and Pokemon. Plus, It’s fun to hear the buyer’s wish list and budget, peep inside other people’s houses, and then guess which house the buyer will pick.
Oh, who am I kidding? We bond by poking fun at the buyers’ rock-solid wish list, supposed budget, and then the compromises they make on both their rock-solid wish list and their budget.
Together, my teen and I have made some scintillating observations from watching Beachfront Bargain Hunt. It’s our honor and duty to share these with ya.
First, there are no “bargains” on Beachfront Bargain Hunt. These people are paying more for a “bargain” beach home than I paid for my everyday house.
Second, the buyers ALWAYS comment on big bath tubs. “Ooo, honey, look at that bath!” they’ll say. What adult takes a daily bath? I haven’t since I was eleven. Plus, my mom has one of those huge Jacuzzi tubs in her house and NEVER uses it because it takes two hours and 527 gallons of water to fill up.
Third, the buyers ALWAYS comment on the entertaining space. Who are these people? You’re moving to the Dominican Republic away from everyone you know because you love the beach. You have no friends anymore to entertain. And aren’t you always going to be at the beach? Moreover, as an introvert, I object to all that entertaining. I would want a nice place where it’s quiet and I can sit with a good book.
Fourth, most of the buyers SWEAR they want a single family home. Fast forward twenty minutes and their moving into a condo with a gorgeous view of their neighbor’s patio, but they’ve got a big bathtub and plenty of space for entertaining.
Finally, the buyers on Beachfront Bargain Hunt ALWAYS cave on their budget. “I know my budget was $650,00,” they’ll say, “but we just fell in love with Playa del Cocos Locos and we had to have it at $1,200,000.” Uh huh.
Do you watch Beachfront Bargain Hunt or its various iterations like Lakefront Bargain Hunt, Island Life, Caribbean Life, House Hunters, House Hunters International, and more? Why do you watch?
It must be a Canadian thing but I do have a bath every day. At the end of the day I soak in the tub! Yup. So don’t be concerned that your new cottage getaway’s bathtub won’t be used for anything other than rincing out the suits. You see I will come visit. Promise. Won’t stay for longer than 3 days because like fish, guests tend to get a bit “smelly” if they stay much longer. Or so my sister, the one with a beachfront getaway, advises me. She lets me stay longer but I’m family.
Do you have “Love it or list it?” I used to watch that but it’s too predictable. The house that’s being renovated always Hass hidden fault that requires the owner to cough up thousands which means there’s no more money and the “downstairs powder room” can’t be renovated. Always.
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Our 94 Year-Old Goes Home To Honolulu
Pfffft – Has for Hass!
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Our 94 Year-Old Goes Home To Honolulu
We DO have Love it or List it. I think my recollection is they always love it. All those memories of being in the old house trump any sort of new house that David can find.
BTW, I do love how many Canadian couples from Edmonton appear on the beachy shows. Just goes to show there is only so much arctic wonderland a couple can take.
Katy recently posted…Observations from Beachfront Bargain Hunt on HGTV
I am a little obsessed with these shows. How in the hell do they manage these crazy budgets!?
Thanks for linking up to #globalblogging
kristin mccarthy recently posted…What’s Happening With The Environment? Oh Right, It’s Dying.
Yes, those crazy budgets make me laugh. Why they ever put “bargain” in the title is beyond me. Just call it, Beachfront Vacation Home or something.
Katy recently posted…Observations from Beachfront Bargain Hunt on HGTV
I love peeking into other homes, but I don’t watch these sorts of shows. In fine with magazine and books on interior design and architecture. I can only dream of owning a home right now. #globalblogging
Paula from Her Life Is Love recently posted…Spring Cleaning Series – Organizing the Bathroom
You sound very refined! I’m too lazy to look at books. 🙂
Katy recently posted…Observations from Beachfront Bargain Hunt on HGTV
I love all of those shows in large part because I love to judge the people buying the homes. I especially love the folks on the Tiny House shows who SAY they want a tiny house but also want full-size stainless steel appliances, a king bed, and a work-out room.
Mo recently posted…Boston Fun And Pi Day
So right, Mo! My daughter can’t watch the Tiny shows anymore because at the wise age of 10 she gets so irritated when they want more space in their tiny house. 🙂
Katy recently posted…Observations from Beachfront Bargain Hunt on HGTV
I have watched a view times and my jaw always falls open at the budget these people have. I’m all, “What? Our budget was like $150,000!” I don’t think $500,000 is a budget. That basically means you’re rich.
Amber Myers recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay
“I don’t think $500,000 is a budget. That basically means you’re rich.” – YEEESSSSS.
I recently saw some tweets where people were teasing the couples who appear on these shows about their jobs, too. Like the husband is a hamster wrangler and the wife knits socks for ebay and they’re budget is still $500k, lol.
Oh gosh this is one of the shows I missed once we cut cable out. You are right, there is no bargain in this specific beach front world 🙂
I don’t watch any of these shows, BUT as I read this there is one on in the background right now! Soundss like you’re spot on about the budget! Thanks for linking to #GlobalBlogging
Lucy | Leaning In recently posted…The Mum Project: Motherhood, marketing and marathons
Lol! There are so many things I relate to here. Trying to keep son alive? Check (It’ll be a miracle if my climber makes it to adulthood) And it definitely seems like every budget on home buying/renovating shows gets completely blown. Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!
Leslie recently posted…Colorful and Modern Boho Master Bedroom Reveal (6 Week Renovation)
Ha ha – yes it was hard keeping up with my boy when he was little! The fact that we can sit down together for 30 minutes is a miracle.
I’ve watched that show a couple times. I like looking at other homes, even if there’s no way I’ll ever be able to afford it. You’re right on all accounts about the conversations that go on.
Terra Heck recently posted…Gift Ideas to Show Teacher Appreciation
It is fun to peek in other homes. Unless I remember what it was like 6 years ago when I sold our first home. I cringe at the memory of people walking through and picking things apart.
HILARIOUS. Cass and Cade watch ALL the HGTV shows!! They are obsessed with them! The running favorite is that one with Chip and Magnolia I think? They buy nasty homes and transform them into UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous homes in one lovely hour long show.
I love Chip and his adorable spirit and he is hilarious and totally entertaining. Their family is precious. I wish I could remember the name of this show… Flip this house? That doesn’t sound like the right one- if Cass was here she’d tell me in a nanosecond. But as you can see, I’m just one of the ‘watch while I clean the kitchen, cook meals, clean house moms’ We always swoon over the homes and dream of expanded budgets like theirs…. lol
Christine Carter recently posted…Christian Books For When Motherhood Gets Messy and Hope In The Waiting
Ooo, I love Chip and Joanna, too. But I’m too lazy to watch an hour show so I like the bargain hunters 30 minutes better, LOL. 🙂
This made me laugh with the bath tub and the entertaining space! Too much water and no friends! Lovely that you’ve found something that makes you both tick. It saves you playing minecraft. Thanks for sharing with #tweensteensbeyond
LOL, “it saves you playing minecraft”. So right you are!
ooh i like a bath every day and that would be a selling point for me, i have 4 boys so it’s a good job i love sport as it’s all that is on in our house, hubby bonds with the kids over a share of movies, but they’re usually action movies and i don’t like them, so i leave them to it
My husband and son bond over hockey. I leave that to them! I’m good for about 15 minutes and it has to be the playoffs (so it has to count).
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
We have a lot of these kind of shows in the UK and I am totally obsessed with all of them because I am always dreaming of that “other” home and I love being nosy!. They are a good reality check though too as it makes you realise that nothing is perfect unless you start from scratch. Like you I am always amazed at how people react and how they change their minds from what they said at the beginning, especially in relation to the budget or they decide they are not buying anything after all. This is great stuff to bond over too. Thanks for joining us again. #TweensTeensBeyond
Jo – Mother of Teenagers recently posted…Tweens, Teens, Beyond #9
The buyers do change their minds, don’t they? I think it’s like the brides who want a very specific dress they saw in a magazine and then when they try it on, it’s a no.
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
I am addicted to these shows and DVR them if I can’t stick around to see which one they pick. I need like a 12-step program.
Don’t forget they all
1) want to be on the water or have a water view
2) need a dock for the boat that they might-maybe-possibly buy one day
3) have a drink at a bar with their Realtor before they tour houses which means they are drunk and then the budget and wish list make total sense and lastly
4) the requisite sequence where the family has high adventure in their new location totally making the fact that they left everything and everyone they know behind A-ok.
Yes to 1-4! How could I forget about the water or view? And they’re always disappointed when one window looks out at a parking lot, even if it is the 3rd guest bedroom LOL.
And the drinking with the realtor! Brilliant observation. 🙂
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
This is definitely a thing! A lot of the TV that I watch with my teens are programmes that we poke fun at! We do sometimes watch Jeremy Kyle so that we can feel less dysfunctional than other families! Thanks so much for joining us at #TweensTeensBeyond
It is fun to watch together and poke fun at these shows. 🙂
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back
So I haven’t watched the show but I know exactly what you’re talking about. The bathtub. Who cares about the bathtub?? You know what our bathtub is for? Hanging sweaty running clothes over the side and occasionally scrubbing out the nasty rug from the kitchen. That’s it.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…7 Quick Takes about More Chocolate Strawberries Than You Can Shake a Stick At, Branding Fails, and the Fear of Missing Out
Currently giggling at the image of your bathtub in my mind!
Katy recently posted…When You Love Things That Don’t Love You Back