‘Twas the night before my kid’s birthday party
And all through the house,
This mother was scurrying,
Thinking you were a louse.
The goody bags had been made
With the utmost of care
In hopes that 8 friends
At the party would be there.
But would there be 9?
The question remained.
You could drop off your child,
But from RSVP – ing you’d refrained.
So I’d purchased 8 more
Plates, napkins and cups
Spending more cash I didn’t have
In case your kid shows up.
I even told the party venue,
“Hold an extra space.”
All the time wondering,
Will we see your kid’s face?
I made extra cupcakes,
Gluten-free because I’d heard,
Your child may have that allergy
And I didn’t want to be a turd.
It’s just too bad
You couldn’t squeeze in a reply.
We couldn’t invite everyone,
So those left out are having a cry.
Will your kid show up or not?
I really have no clue.
Thanks for your rudeness.
The world revolves around you.
So I stress and I fret,
Running numbers in my head
Thinking “How many will come?”
As I lie down on my bed.
But all I can do,
As I hope for a good night,
Is wish “Happy Birthday!” to my child
While I curse you out of sight.
Yes, yes, and yes! It takes no time at all to RSVP and it would be nice if people would take a smidgen out of their day to say whether they’ll be there or not. It stinks not having enough or having entirely too much.
Terra Heck recently posted…Train off the Rails – Children’s Book Review and Giveaway
I know, right? Just make up your mind and let us know!
Ha! As funny as ever. This just reminded me that I need to go and RSVP to a 5th birthday party….
Nice to hear from you! Now make sure you go and RSVP…
I Love This…Sadly, So True.
Thanks, and yes, sadly so true!
It would have at least been polite to RSVP even if it is to say they won’t be attending! Did the child show up?
My experience is that if you don’t hear from them, they aren’t coming. But you never know, right? What if they do come??
We’re not at the party stage yet but I can imagine this is so annoying. It’s seems rude not to RSVP when so much effort goes into it! #globalblogging
Tee recently posted…You Know You’re Getting Old When…
There will come a time when you are going to a party every weekend, it feels. So on the one hand I know that it just slips between the cracks for a few people. But, when you are planning the party you just need to know!
Such a pain. I’m assuming you didn’t have their contact number or email. I truly hope they didn’t turn up. But that doesn’t help in the sleep department the night before when all you can think about is “what if they show up?” And btw – you have a talent for poetry … Loved it.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Naughty Elves or Lingering Ghouls?
This happened more than once over the years. It was classmates that my kids wanted to come, but I didn’t necessarily know the parents well. Chalk it up to another parenting experience that fueled my creativity!
Oh how right you are, and how guilty we are. I always think the Mrs. is doing it, handling the social calendar and whatnot–and I delete the email only to find out that we are those louses you speak of! Yikes. Thank you for this post. You just made me a better mom with one read! <3 #GlobalBlogging
Hee hee! Here’s to better mom-dom. And, I’m not so hardened that I don’t realize folks are busy and it could slip through the cracks. But it’s happened 3 different times now and it drives me batty. #globalblogging
Oh my gosh yes! We just had a part on Friday for my 9 year old and one of the parents never responded even after I emailed them with a time change, but the kids showed up…. Grrr.
Good luck on your party!
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #34
I will tell you that in my experience the non-RSVPs don’t come. But what if they do? Or did as in your case. Sigh.
I always hated this. I also worked for a restaurant and handled all our special events and it surprised me how “surprised” the non RSVP guests would react when we didn’t have a seat for them. I felt bad for the hosts who stressed out looking at me to make magic happen (and we did…somehow). Sigh….I raise a glass of something strong to you. Fellow mom. #happynowlinkup
The Rambler recently posted…My Unexpected Friend
It is…hard! I totally feel for those people having shindigs at a restaurant. Big bucks and big stress about the non-RSVPers.
LOL!!! You just killed the poetry game! Standing ovation to you! Hope you’re having a great week.
WebMDiva recently posted…The Distinguished Man vs. The Vintage Woman
Well, thank you! So glad you enjoyed my verse!
LOVED this! I understand that sometimes parents forget! Hell, I have 4 kids and preggy brain!! So what I do, is the second that invite is received I diarize and reply! Only because I know first hand how frustrating it can be! And as you say expensive!!! It’s just polite really, not just for kids parties, but for any invitation to any event! #globalblogging
One Messy Mama recently posted…Global Blogging #5
I don’t know why is it so hard to just rsvp.. I hope THE MOM will see her ode..
Marina @ Parental Journey recently posted…How Should Parents Help With Homework
Oh my! I hope to not be that mom, but I’m pretty sure I have already. 🙁
As the host it’s awful not knowing and it’s just too bad party bags only come in sets of 8. 🙂
#HappyNow Linkup
Marva | SunSparkleShine recently posted…Bible Verses for the Grateful Heart
I feel like such a louse now. There have been too many times that I missed an RSVP deadline because I was trying to coordinate child care for my other kids, but never got it all worked out. Off now to RSVP for the latest birthday party invitation. Thanks for the reminder!
Leslie recently posted…The Best 54 Free Thanksgiving Printables of 2016
It was nice of you to reserve a spot anyway. If I don’t hear an RSVP one way or the other, I just assume they’re not coming. And looks like they won’t have a goody bag!
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…7 Quick Takes about Breakfast Pie, Not Taking Pictures of Your Swordfish, and Good Names for Internet Villians
Very funny! We had one RSVP but then not show. Didn’t email or text to say something came up. Equally as rude.
Or just check with them that they got the invite…
Novel point. 😉 More than one parent has failed to RSVP over the years. Plus, once I even did confirm they got the invitation and they still never let me know one or the other.
Oh yes… It’s an ongoing issues for us all! I never understand why this has to happen. ARG!!
*Did the GF Non-RSVPer show up? I gotta know!
Christine Carter recently posted…Facing Surgery For The Holidays? A Book To Help You Through Recovery
Well, this has happened more than once over the years. The time in particular that pushed me over the edge? My daughter’s kindergarten year. I even saw the dad at a school event and asked him if they got the invitation. He said yes and that his wife would reply. I never got a reply and the kid never showed up. Whatcha gonna do? Except write poetry. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Ode to the Mom Who Didn’t RSVP