The nights are getting longer and the temperatures are dropping, which makes it the perfect time of year to cozy up with a good movie. Luckily, my teenage daughter enjoys movie night as much as I do. She and I both like movies that feature dynamic female leading characters and storylines. We’ve watched the six fantastic [Read More]
7 Easy Halloween Costumes for Men Featuring a Flannel Shirt
Every year my husband’s workplace throws a Halloween potluck. And every year my husband waits until the night before the Halloween potluck to lament how he doesn’t have a costume. He wants to be festive and join in the fun, but he just runs out of time and steam. Luckily, he’s married to me, the [Read More]
The College Tour Experience: 7 Things That Parents and Teens See Differently
My 16-year-old daughter is a high school junior now, so our family has started thinking about what comes next after graduation. Since college is on the table, that means we need to make time for some college tours. What’s the campus like? Is it walkable? Are the dorms nice or are they repurposed barracks from [Read More]
My Son’s Grown Up But I Still Have These Four Baby Items In My House
This summer my firstborn turned 20. Technically he’s no longer a teen but a young adult. And his little sister is sixteen and driving now. How’d that happen so fast?! I’m helping my young adult move into his first apartment later this month. Yup, he’s done with dorm-living at college and is movin’ on up. [Read More]
About That Day We Lost Scooter
This month marks five years since we said goodbye to our sweet cat Scooter. Those of you who have been around my blog a while probably remember me writing about her–she was quite the cat! She loved people, chatted with us, and went for walks on a leash. She was sweet and cuddly and even [Read More]
Grocery Shopping for Teenagers: 10 Reasons Why It Will Make Your Head Spin
My 19-year-old son moved home from college for the summer. While I’m thrilled to have him home, I’m not thrilled with how much food he eats. Goodness, it’s like I’m Jesus feeding the 5,000. Only I’m not Jesus with His knack for multiplying fishes and loaves and there’s just four people in my house! My [Read More]
Moms, These Are The Pictures You Should Take At High School Graduation
One of the best parts of my son’s high school graduation was unexpected. It wasn’t the processional, with hundreds of young people looking dapper in their caps and gowns marching onto the football field. It certainly wasn’t the speeches. Although the ones at my son’s graduation were short and generated a few good laughs thankfully. [Read More]
10 Reasons Why I Don’t Feel Guilty Watching Below Deck
Below Deck is a frothy show about the deckhands, stewards, and chef working on a superyacht. The crew are young, good looking, and working and living 24/7 with each other in tight quarters. What could go wrong? It’s been airing over a decade, but I only discovered it during the pandemic. Since then, I’ve caught [Read More]
Of Death Tea, Mailboxes and Walmart Walkers
This month I’m happy to report that several things have been bugging me lately. And who better to complain to than my loyal readers? After all, you’ve listened over the years as I’ve complained about things such as kindergarten homework, teachers that hold erasers hostage, and making dinner for my kids. So sit back and [Read More]
The Best Cat Memes for Cat Lovers
If you’ve been around the blog for a while, then you know I like cats. Don’t get me wrong, I like dogs, too. In fact, my family always had at least two dogs in the house when I was growing up. But I don’t own a dog now and I probably won’t own a dog [Read More]
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