We were a family divided this weekend. My husband and seven-year-old daughter flew to Virginia to attend a family wedding. My ten-year-old son and I stayed home so he could play in a baseball tournament.
Nothing says SUMMER like weddings and baseball, right?
And nothing says FUNNY like the things that came out of my kids’ mouths about weddings and baseball.
Going to the Chapel
My daughter was thrilled to be going to a wedding and told me as much:
“I’m going to see people kiss, I’m going to see a pretty dress, and I’m NOT going to a baseball tournament!” she said, ticking off her points on her fingers. “In your face!” she added for good measure.
Me thinks someone’s been dragged attended too many of her brother’s baseball games in her lifetime.
In case you’re wondering, she and my husband had a great time at the wedding.
Who’s on First
Meanwhile, my son and I had two baseball games on Saturday and one very early Sunday morning at 8 am. The coach wanted us there for warm-ups at 7:15. I informed my son Saturday night that we would need to leave early for his game Sunday morning. His response surprised me:
Me: We have to leave for your baseball game no later than 6:45 am. What time do you wanna get up?
10yo: 6 am
Me: 6 am!! How long does it take you to put on your uniform and eat a bowl of cereal? How about 6:30?
10yo: MOM! 6 am. I have to do all that and I need some “Me time”.
In case you’re wondering, his baseball team finished the tournament with a respectable record of 2 wins and 1 loss. His Sunday morning “Me time” may (or may not) have contributed to his team’s Sunday morning win.
How about you? How’s your summer going so far? Kids playing baseball or going to weddings? Getting some “Me time”?
HA!!! I love that your son needed to get in his “me time.” A good reminder for all of us that it’s worth getting up a little earlier to enjoy that luxury.
katie @ pick any two recently posted…How To Keep Your Self-Esteem Intact While Bathing Suit Shopping
Yes! I like your way of thinking. It’s always good to have that “Me time”!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Summertime is for Weddings and Baseball
The “me time” cracked me up, but I’m like that too. I can’t just get up and go either. My husband, on the other hand, could get up and be out the door in ten minutes.
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…12 Delicious Recipes for Your Summer Barbeque
I’m still giggling that he said “Me time”, especially as he and I are the larks in our family. We usually spring right up in the morning. Meanwhile my daughter and husband will sleep through the zombie apocalypse.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Summertime is for Weddings and Baseball
Too funny. Got up early this morning to walk with a pal who was dropping her daughter off at 6:00 AM swim practice. “Did Annie have any difficulty getting up?” “Nope – she came in our room at 5:00 all dressed and ready to go.” Amazing. She must need her Me Time too.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…A Promise Is A Promise
So funny! Sounds like something my little boy would say about the “Me time.” We have 3 weddings so far to attend this summer and we plan on going to a local baseball game soon. Saw your link @ Whatever Wednesday and now following on G+. Have a nice day. 🙂
Bernadyn @ B is for… recently posted…Bring on Summer 2014
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Me time!!! LOVE it!
Chris Carter recently posted…Perfect
Hahaha! So cute! And your son is smart, waking up earlier so we can take it easy is much much better than going on a frenzy because we’re running late. 🙂
Thanks for linking up at the Whatever Wednesday Blog Hop. Have a great week!
Jhanis recently posted…Whatever Wednesday Blog Hop
So adorable! I wake up early for that me time too! Much needed! Thanks for sharing at Whatever Wednesday on Thank You Honey! Hope you to see you again next week!
Sarah @Thank You Honey recently posted…Shitake, Pancetta, & Cilantro Frittata AKA Father’s Day Frittata