My 16-year-old daughter is a high school junior now, so our family has started thinking about what comes next after graduation. Since college is on the table, that means we need to make time for some college tours. What’s the campus like? Is it walkable? Are the dorms nice or are they repurposed barracks from [Read More]
Grocery Shopping for Teenagers: 10 Reasons Why It Will Make Your Head Spin
My 19-year-old son moved home from college for the summer. While I’m thrilled to have him home, I’m not thrilled with how much food he eats. Goodness, it’s like I’m Jesus feeding the 5,000. Only I’m not Jesus with His knack for multiplying fishes and loaves and there’s just four people in my house! My [Read More]
Of Death Tea, Mailboxes and Walmart Walkers
This month I’m happy to report that several things have been bugging me lately. And who better to complain to than my loyal readers? After all, you’ve listened over the years as I’ve complained about things such as kindergarten homework, teachers that hold erasers hostage, and making dinner for my kids. So sit back and [Read More]
The Best Cat Memes for Cat Lovers
If you’ve been around the blog for a while, then you know I like cats. Don’t get me wrong, I like dogs, too. In fact, my family always had at least two dogs in the house when I was growing up. But I don’t own a dog now and I probably won’t own a dog [Read More]
The Best Grocery Shopping Memes
How’s your grocery shopping going these days? For me, I have couple reactions every Saturday when I push my cart with the squeaky wheel around the aisles. Sometimes, I feel like a grumpy little old lady. “Bah!” I’ll cry out. “This used to be $2.99 in the good old days, now it’s $4.68.” Or I [Read More]
80s Movies Besides Top Gun Maverick That Waited Over 30 Years To Make A Sequel
Like most of America, I went to the movies to see Top Gun: Maverick. And, like most of America, I liked it. After all it has a good story, good action, and a good shirtless football scene. Watching Top Gun: Maverick got me thinking, though. What other notable 80s movies never made a sequel? What [Read More]
A Zoom Meeting with My Menopausal Symptoms
Like many people, I have attended one or two zillion Zoom meetings since the pandemic started in 2020. I’ve become well-versed in sharing my screen, hiding my self view (I don’t need to see myself, thank you) and am super grateful l don’t have to manage break out rooms. Yikes. All of these Zoom meetings [Read More]
Office Space Again
Last month I started a new job and it’s hybrid. Some days I’m in the office, other days I’m working from home. After two years of solely working from home, I’ve got office space again. For those of you who don’t know me in real life, this is a big culture shift. Like many others, [Read More]
Forget Christmas, I Want A Hallmark Movie Winter
It’s that time of year again. Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas. Wait. Isn’t it ALWAYS that time of year on the Hallmark channel? I mean, aren’t they always showing Christmas movies and counting down to Christmas starting in, oh, January? No matter. I actually enjoy the sugary sweetness of their holiday movies. But they fill me [Read More]
7 Funny But True Reasons Why I’m Jealous of My Teen
“How many have you had?” I asked my teenage son as he popped another buttered roll into his mouth. We were dining at Texas Roadhouse, a restaurant that serves rolls before the meal. “Nnnnh,” he replied, his mouth full of doughy goodness. I believe he meant nine. Nine rolls. By the time our entrees came, [Read More]