Like most of America, I went to the movies to see Top Gun: Maverick. And, like most of America, I liked it. After all it has a good story, good action, and a good shirtless football scene. Watching Top Gun: Maverick got me thinking, though. What other notable 80s movies never made a sequel? What [Read More]
A Zoom Meeting with My Menopausal Symptoms
Like many people, I have attended one or two zillion Zoom meetings since the pandemic started in 2020. I’ve become well-versed in sharing my screen, hiding my self view (I don’t need to see myself, thank you) and am super grateful l don’t have to manage break out rooms. Yikes. All of these Zoom meetings [Read More]
Office Space Again
Last month I started a new job and it’s hybrid. Some days I’m in the office, other days I’m working from home. After two years of solely working from home, I’ve got office space again. For those of you who don’t know me in real life, this is a big culture shift. Like many others, [Read More]
Toilet Trouble: Getting To The Bottom of It
Here’s a funny but true story from a long time ago when my kids were little. Enjoy! ~ Katy I never thought I was the kind of gal to have a toilet sitting in her front yard. Yet there it was by my hydrangea bush. Now, I knew full well that my home was not [Read More]
How to Celebrate January All Month Long
After the excitement of ringing in the New Year, many of us are faced with the January blues. The festive feel of the holiday season is gone and the winter days can be gloomy. However, there are tons of days in January that offer something to celebrate. Whether it’s enjoying food, honoring animals, or just [Read More]
7 Funny But True Reasons Why I’m Jealous of My Teen
“How many have you had?” I asked my teenage son as he popped another buttered roll into his mouth. We were dining at Texas Roadhouse, a restaurant that serves rolls before the meal. “Nnnnh,” he replied, his mouth full of doughy goodness. I believe he meant nine. Nine rolls. By the time our entrees came, [Read More]
Laughing My Way Through Middle Age
I noticed a bald patch in my eyelashes recently. “What?” I thought to myself, highly offended. I did what every red-blooded American does: I Googled it. Once I ruled out assorted deadly diseases, I found the real reason for the demise of my eyelashes. I’m middle aged. According to Google, which led me to this [Read More]
Things That Make Me Go Hmm
Here’s a collection of random thoughts I’ve been having lately. Why am I sharing these things that make me go hmm? Just for fun, of course! Mattresses for sale In my neck of the woods, there are often signs by the side of the road advertising Queen pillow top mattresses for sale. Why? Who buys [Read More]
Ok Gen X: Thinking about the 70s and 80s
Last fall my teenage son started using the phrase “Ok Boomer” just about every day. “Hey, don’t forget to take out the trash,” I’d say. “Ok Boomer,” he replied. “Time to go to church! Let’s get in the car,” I’d mention. “Ok Boomer,” he replied. Like most Gen Xers, I was offended by his reply. [Read More]
5 Things I Like That Are Obsolete
“Insert Reward Card.” Insert. “Swipe card.” Swipe. “Pay here or inside?” Here. “Debit or credit?” Credit. “Enter zip code.” Enters zip code. “Scan your retina and sacrifice a pigeon at the gas pump.” Wait…WHAT? Okay, so the gas station pump at which I was filling up my car didn’t ask me to lay a sacrifice [Read More]