The abyss. The black hole. The crumb catcher. I’m taking about that sliver of space between the driver’s seat and the console in your car. In my car, it’s one of the dirtiest places. That’s why I’m pleased to be working with Drop Stop®, who provided me with a pair of neoprene seat gap fillers to cover up that nasty space. Plus, using Drop Stop® has safety benefits, too. Read on to laugh at the dirty spots in my car, learn about Drop Stop®, and see how YOU can win a pair for your own car!
First up, let’s have a laugh at my expense (but maybe you can relate?!)
The 5 Dirtiest Places in my Car
- That sliver of space between the driver’s seat and the console.
- Those little nooks in the arm rest on each door. What the heck is supposed to go in there anyway? Currently, those nooks are littered with lint and crumbs topped off with rocks, seashells, Rainbow Loom cast-offs and old tickets from the laser tag place.
- The bottom of cup holders. Can you say “sticky”? How about “unidentified substances”?
- The passenger sun visor which is decorated with what I think is pizza sauce that must have been on my son’s fingers all 8 times he’s ever used the sun visor.
- The floor. Just, no. Gag!
So Drop Stop® definitely helps keep my car cleaner, but it’s main purpose is to keep me safer.
Drop Stop®
Drop Stop® simply stops you from dropping your phone, wallet, sunglasses, etc. into the abyss. And, because you are not blindly flailing under your seat to find something while you’re driving, you are a safe driver and NOT a distracted driver.
In fact, Drop Stop® is heralded by police departments and AAA as a great safety device to reduce driver distraction for all vehicles. It fits in all cars, trucks, and SUVs. It fit well in my husband’s car and mine and was simple to install. I wouldn’t even use the word install. I just tucked it into the space–easy!
The folks at Drop Stop® (who first made their mark by appearing on Shark Tank and partnering with Lori Greiner) are offering one pair of their seat gap fillers to a lucky Experienced Bad Mom reader. Follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter to enter to win. US residents only, please.
Good luck and stay safe!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The makers of Drop Stop® provided me and a winner of the giveaway with free product.
I entered! Man could I use some of these. Have I ever told you of the time I went to a craft fair and purchased a lovely silver ring? On the way home I was admiring it (yes, I know – bad driver!) and wondered if it was a weensy bit too big. Shook my hand far harder than it would ever be shook in real life. Ring flew off and soared down into the space between my seat and the console. Pulled over. Nearly got my hand trapped in futile attempt to retrieve it. Only the thinest credit card width would have any success. Of course a credit card was far too shallow though. Ended up going to a car dealership. They had to remove the seat. Just typiKel. Drop Stop would have been the perfect ticket.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…My Very Good, Very Bad Cat
#2: Wait, you mean that’s not what those nooks are for?
Do you know I JUST dropped my receipt in that stupid little nook tonight!! I tried to dig my fingers to get it, and all I got was nuts, a wrapper, fuzz, hair, dirt, dried debris of some kind, and a jelly bean. LOL
Yeah. I could use one of these gizmos.
Chris Carter recently posted…“The Busy Mom’s Guide to Creativity”
Well crap. I didn’t read the directions for the comment before I commented ^^^ up there. The ENTIRE car is disgusting. It seriously needs someone to do a major wipe down and vacuum. Derek usually cleans it annually on Mother’s Day. LOL
I suppose the floor is the grossest of all. A close second is my bins full of snacks and crap. If you took that stuff out- you would gasp. I do- so I just don’t take the stuff out. 🙂
Chris Carter recently posted…“The Busy Mom’s Guide to Creativity”
Definitely the back seat where my kids are.
I vividly remember seeing this product on Shark Tank. I also remember that when it was first introduced I thought it was ridiculous. But then the Sharks (who are clearly much more visionary than I am) started asking questions and I saw how amazing and necessary the Drop Stop is! I entered!! Fingers crossed!!
Mo recently posted…Wine In A Can And Other Randomness
Oh, I don’t EVEN want to go into the dirtiest places! But my grandbaby’s car seat is there permanently, if that gives you any idea!
Doesn’t everyone use the floor as a trash can??
Friday Frivolity
melinda recently posted…Meme Me Me Meme
Wow, I’ve never heard of this product, but it sure does sound handy! Thanks for linking up with us at #FridayFrivolity and hope you join us again this week!
Lisa/SyncopatedMama recently posted…5 After 5, Broadway Edition
the dirtest place in my car is under the seat and floor board
Man! Sorry I missed this one. My van is a mess. My kids leave the backseat looking like a landfill. Did you know that if you leave soda in a cup too long it will eat its way out?? I DO!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…The Satisfaction of a Great Sandwich
Ugh all of these are a problem! Now this product is something I need!
Jen recently posted…Put A Little Breakfast In Your Banana Bread