Did you know that I am the middle of three girls? That’s right, no brothers. Which is important because I’m continually surprised about things while raising a teenage boy.
Things like:
- That bodily function jokes are so funny.
- How any one person could have so much energy.
- That boys seemingly cannot think of more than one thing at a time and the one thing they are thinking about rotates between bodily function jokes, video games, school/work, and food.
I could go on.
Of course, I am extremely blessed to be the mother of my son. He made me a mom and he’s a fantastic guy!
Lately I’ve been writing about him as he earns his full-time teenager stripes.
I’m trying hard to write about my teen and respect his privacy, yet it is cathartic to share my thoughts as I go down this unknown path. And, I hope my words about raising my teenage son reach other moms who may be feeling the same way. Your Teen for Parents has been a welcome home for my thoughts.
So without further ado, if you need a laugh, I suggest you read my piece on Homecoming. You’ll never believe what one mom hinted that my son should do.
Speaking of which, my son decided to go to his high school Homecoming after all (one week before the big event) and he said it was awesome!
Or, if you’re seeking a tug on your momma heart, then might I suggest my piece on waiting for my son to grow from a boy to a man. I know he is going to change before my eyes any moment and the wait for it is hard, but bittersweet.
There you have it, a couple reads on raising a teenage boy. May they bring you laughter/mirth, or comfort and relatability.
(Loyal readers know that I have a tween daughter, too. So, yes, I’ll soon get to experience all the joys of teen-dom with the opposite gender. And I’m sure she’ll roll my eyes any time I try and relate by saying, “When I was a teen…” )
Being stuck in the realm of babies. I forget that there are so many more stages of my children’s lives, that I will get to enjoy, or roll my eyes at… I would be mortified if another mom suggested that. What if my child didn’t particularly want that? Haha… Good advice Katy.
I feel like I got the baby/toddler thing down and kept them alive during the elementary school years. But teen-dom?! Oh my word what am I doing?! Will it turn out okay? 🙂
As you know, Homecoming isn’t a thing here in Vancouver. Dances are, but they aren’t calledHomecoming. I love that your son decided to go and smiled when I thought of you scrambling to get him an outfit at the last minute. That photo of him is wonderful. I’d say “precious” but he might stumble on to my comment and if he’s anything like my son, he’d not take kindly to “precious.”
As for the boy humor – oh man, I’d forgotten. Thanks for reminding me.
kelly L McKenzie recently posted…How Our 94 Year-Old Spent The Summer
No, he would not take kindly to precious. But you and I as mums know that that is EXACTLY what that picture is. And I will cherish it.
Ahhh teens! I have 2 right now. Lord help us, right? Love them though for sure :)Your guy looks very dapper in his homecoming picture!
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #82
Thanks, Jen! Sometimes I shake my head in disbelief because I know he’s going to look very different by the time he’s a senior.
I’ve so missed your blog!! It’s good to be back and catching up on my fave bloggers.
It’s funny because I just posted about being a mom and how ass kicking having teenagers can be. Motherhood…not for the weak, am I right?
Your son is a cutie…hang in there, I have faith you’re raising an amazing young man.
Welcome back! And thanks for the kind words. Yes, this parenting teenagers is not for the weak, aka me. Somedays I have no idea what I’m doing.
Oh I do love that last picture – priceless! I have no experience of teen boys and they remain an enigma to me. I have three girls myself. Your blog is a fantastic resource. Thanks so much for joining us at #TweensTeensBeyond
Aha. I hear you don’t have Homecoming in the UK but you should pop over to my Your Teen post on Homecoming to really get an idea of what a 14yo boy is like. Hint: he’s still a boy.
My teen boy has now fled the nest and I thought that would be the end of it. But no. He returned this weekend from Uni and it continues with the same eye rolling from him and exasperated sighs from me. It just never ends but where would we be without them? With nothing to write about and share maybe! I am going off to check out some of your recommended reads. Thanks for joining us again. #TweensTeensBeyond
Jo – Mother of Teenagers recently posted…Tweens, Teens & Beyond #24
having raised 4 boys through their teens into adulthood, the one thing that they still do that winds me up, is feel they need to wind me up still with their male humour and sarcasm, it just never stops #tweensteensbeyond
It’s amazing to watch them transition through the teenage years. I had two boys, now I’ve got two men! Both 6′ , both with deep booming voices and yet both still under 18! What’s lovely is that they’re both still happy to have a cuddle 🙂 #TweensTeensBeyond
Midlife Dramas in pyjamas recently posted…Poetry Challenge!
Brilliant Katy. As a mother of a teen daughter and no boys, it is always good to find out what is going on on the other side. A very amusing post and what a lovely lad. Surely, you’re not serious about selling him??!! Thanks for joining us and continuing to support the #tweensteensbeyond linky
I love that last meme. My daughter says that to me ALL the time.