Moms and Dads, have you ever heard of Equine High-Ya disease?
I know I’d never heard of it until recently.
It’s a serious condition and I must share what I know. Everything about the disease I learned from my husband and daughter, 8.
They were playing horsies one evening with those cute Melissa & Doug horses and a lovely wooden barn. It made my heart glow to see my 6’2″ husband lounging on the floor with his horsie beside my daughter with her horsies.
“Daddy,” said our eight-year-old. “My horses have High-Ya disease.”
“Oh, no,” he replied. “Which ones?”
“All of them,” she answered. That’s right folks. Three out of three Melissa & Doug horsies had the dreaded High-Ya disease! It was getting serious.
“What is High-Ya disease?” my husband probed.
Our daughter grabbed two horses and crashed one on top another. “HIGH YA!” she screamed as the horse on top karate chopped the horse on the bottom.
The third horse, also suffering from High-Ya disease, jumped into the fray. “HIGH YA!” he shouted.
Soon, all three horsies were consumed by HIGH-YA disease, jumping on one another and karate chopping each other until the bitter end.
I said bitter end, folks. High-Ya disease is fatal. Sniff!
When I heard about the disease, I admit it: I laughed until I cried!
Moms and Dads, may your horsies be spared from High-Ya disease.
What funny things have your kids done or said lately?
Ok so this isn’t quite what you might have expected as an example of high-ya but it is true. A few years ago my two were doing private lessons with their swim coach over the winter. At the end of the pool there was a ping pong table. Two men sporting extraordinarily voluminous swimming trunks and unique rubber swim caps were engaged in a rousing game at the same time as practise. Each time one would score on the other they’d both bellow “HIGH-YA!” I was a good mommy and avoided eye contact with Matt the coach throughout the entire practise. It was only as we were saying goodbye to him that he grinned and bellowed “HIGH-YA!” Too funny. Sadly we never saw the gents again.
Also -could you please tell your daughter that I think her horses are splendid?
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Skating on Thin Ice
I will pass along the good news about your opinion of the horsies! And I think those table tennis dudes were probably suffering from High-Ya disease for sure!
Cute story. I hope it makes your anthology that you write after your first book. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Sobering Truth about Equine High-Ya Disease
OH THAT IS HILARIOUS!! Can people get the disease too? Sneak up on her and slam her with a HIYA!!! Tell her you caught it from the horses. LOL
Chris Carter recently posted…The Challenge of Saying “No”…
That’s hysterical. I seem to recall my boys being inflicted with this disease a time or two. It’s short lived as soon as the injuries start piling up, but apparently you can catch it over and over again!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…December Memories
Uh oh! I forgot that High-ya disease can be caught over and over. 🙂