It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Except if you are a mom.
That’s because there’s the season’s planning, budgeting, and juggling added on top of your everyday amount of planning, budgeting, and juggling.
All whining (and reality) aside, it’s pretty good being the ultimate caregiver and provider of love, affection, magic and toys this Christmas.
But what about us, Moms? If the three wise men were to show up at our doorstep bearing gifts, what would we want those gifts to be?
Here’s what is on my ultimate Mommy Christmas wish list:
1. Sippy Cup for Wine, aka Insulated Wine Tumbler:
2. An Automatic Elf on the Shelf. This is the special edition that moves itself to a new, creative location every night.
3. A maid
4. A cook
5. Oh heck, just send me Martha Stewart. She can cook gourmet meals, make the guest room snazzy, and wrap all the Christmas gifts while she’s at it.
6. The Frozen Blu-Ray+DVD+Digital Copy+Bottle of Wine combo pack. Ok, just the wine part.
7. Laundry that folds itself.
8. Packed lunches that pack themselves.
9. Hugh Jackman
10. Hugh Jackman serving me wine in a sippy cup, moving the Elf each night, cleaning, cooking, watching Frozen with me and the kids while he folds the laundry and packs lunches!
What do you think of this list? Anything you’d add? What’s something special on your gift list this year?
Hahaha! Brilliant list Katy. Brilliant. I’d keep everything as listed and add one minor detail. HJ also wrapping the presents. I love selecting and buying gifts so he need only wrap them. Oh! And toddle alongside to carry my purchases of course.
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Guest Post: Coach Daddy Eli’s First Tree
RIght you are! Much better to have Hugh carry our packages and wrap them than have Ms. Stewart do that.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Ultimate Mommy Christmas Wish List
BWAHAHA! I told my husband last night I wanted Rosie from the Jetson’s for Christmas so that I could spend my time shopping and getting my hair done like Jane does. She could also move the elf, since I so am stinking it up and we are only 4 days into the month!
P.S. If Hugh is on your list I guess that means I should scratch him off and add Ryan Gosling to mine instead?
Jen recently posted…Idina Menzel Holiday Wishes
Ooo, good call on Rosie from The Jetsons! Love it. I’m sure I could share Hugh, but to be safe, yes, you’d better scratch him off and put Ryan on yours.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Ultimate Mommy Christmas Wish List
Yes, please give me laundry that folds itself!
Amber recently posted…Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Being Shouted At For The Walking Dead Spoilers
How about the silent movie version of Frozen so that you don’t have to listen to all those songs anymore? My five-year-old’s obsession with that movie only grew when he went to kindergarten and realized that knowing all the words to Let It Go makes him very popular with the little girls.
Colleen @MommieDaze recently posted…On Being an Only Child with More than One Child
I LOVE this post so much! I totally got the Wine Tumbler for my dad’s wife last Christmas! She LOVED it! Cannot wait to share this post! SO FUNNY!-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Would You Rather: Talk Santa Or S-E-X?
I am thinking I would take Hugh over Martha any day of the week, just saying…. Love the sip wine cups, awesome idea… That horrid scary Elf never made it into our house, thank goodness!!!! Folding laundry, will it put itself away too??? Love your list and I have my fingers crossed for you….
BritishMumUSA recently posted…We Own a Hedgehog
Your list is good – especially to include a maid, wine with Frozen (I’ll take rum and Coke), and instead of Hugh Jackman, how about Amber Heard? I’d cook for her. And fold laundry.
On my list: geez. Since Amber Heard’s here now, I’ve kind of forgotten about my wish list.
Eli@coachdaddy recently posted…Go Ask Daddy About Racin’, Beepin’ and Votin’
Hehe. I made similar lists on my blog in years past. Check them out under the Christmas tag. I finally bought myself a four slice toaster. Lol
brandy recently posted…Favourite Reads {5}
I love the automatic Elf on the shelf idea! Genius! Oh and Hugh! Yum! Thanks for sharing. Your list is magnificent!
Lauren recently posted…December Acts of Kindness
Oh my gosh I absolutely love this Mom’s Christmas WIsh List. However, the only change I would make is exchanging Hugh Jackman for my one and only, next to my husband of course, Kenny Chesney! I so really wish that would come true as I have been dying to meet him for so many years…for awhile there I had my girls’ convinced that was going to be their new rich Daddy until I met my husband, Kenny… 😉
I have given the wine sippie cups to a few of my friends as “just because gifts” and they absolutely love them! I hope you receive your very own this Christmas season as they are great for those of us that are clumsy spillers! 😉
Thanks for Sharing with #MommyReality.
A friend sent me a pic of those wine sippy cups and I thought they were hysterical–and useful! Good to have a real-life review.
I wish you and Kenny Chesney the merriest of Christmases!
Nice to connect with you!
I am so incredibly with you on #6! Oh, and the automatic Elf on the Shelf mover. Hilarious list!! Tweeting it now… thanks for linking up!
Celeste @LeapfrogandLipgloss recently posted…Lloyd’s Barbeque #Giveaway – 5 winners!
Since Mr. Jackman will be *busy* at your house…can I request Chris Hemsworth? Otherwise this list is superb!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Ten Things NOT to Buy my Kids
This list rocks!! I would totally do an elf on the shelf it was automatically done for me. And definitely sign me up for self-folding laundry!!
Janine Halloran recently posted…Christmas Coffee Filter Snowflakes
I love this list! Is there really such a thing as a wine sippy cup? Now I can think of a few people who would appreciate such a thing. And as for Hugh Jackson, not bad at all….Although I will stick with Ryan Gosling; after all there is only so much Hugh to go round!
LOL ! Such a hilarious and a practical Wish list 🙂 Thank you for linking at Bloggers Brags . I have pinned to Bloggers Brags Pinterest board. We would love to see you today at the party.
sahana recently posted…Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party [Co-hosting week – 7]
#10 sounds pretty darn good to me, but I’d like to a massage into that whole mix 😉
Bev recently posted…I’ve (almost) survived my first holiday season
Love it, Katy! Anything wine related is fine by me! There were nights I wanted someone to move our Elf on the Shelf. And the night I went to move it and it had already been moved–I almost fainted! It took me a minute to realize that my husband had done it. LOL Thanks for sharing on Traffic Jam Weekend!
Kimberly H. Smith recently posted…Throwback Thursday Tell-All Linky, Blogiversary, and Giveaway