This post on things I don’t get was inspired by a universal experience. I say universal because I’m willing to bet this has happened to you, too:
You’re out shopping when you have to go to the bathroom.
You find the nearest public restroom and step inside. There are at least 10 open stalls. It’s quiet. No one else is in the restroom.
You pick the cleanest stall and sit down to do your business.
Two seconds later another woman enters the public restroom and PICKS THE STALL NEXT TO YOU.
Right?! Why oh why couldn’t she leave a buffer zone? Or pick a stall across the aisle? Any one but the one right next to you?
There are lots of other things I don’t get. Things like:
-When you go to the movies and it’s mostly empty. So then the only other people who come in pick seats right in front of you.
-People who say they “forgot” to eat.-Why anyone gets fruit in their Dairy Queen Blizzard.
-Quantum physics.
-Why it takes three remotes to watch anything on Netflix on my TV.
-Most technology.
-Why the grocery store rearranges the shelves every few months when everything was perfectly arranged before. It’s like they want to mess with people’s heads.
-How come I feed the fish and the cat when my children SWORE they would if I just let them get a fish and a cat.
–The Beefalo. Half cow, half bison. Fully freaking me out.
There you have it, things I don’t get.
What about you? Is there anything that makes you scratch your head in bewilderment?
I don’t get why people who’ve only been blogging for a few months are awash with followers, whereas I’ve been doing it for over a year and am limping along lol! Even though I’ve been told I’m ‘hilarious’ (no not just by my hubby and friends hahaha). I also came across a blogger yesterday who, after only a month, had acquired 400 Twitter followers…Bleedin’ Nora!! Again…over a year and I’m still not at that heady total!! I guess it might help if I counted words and forced in keywords, or followed 100s of bloggers, but…I don’t. Obviously my own worse enemy. I’m enjoying the writing though and I love pressing ‘publish’. It still gives me a thrill. So I’ll keep limping along 🙂
I apologise, I know that’s not what you were expecting when you asked ‘What about you?’ Lol!
Midlife Dramas in pyjamas recently posted…Just call me Hyacinth…
I hear you. If it’s any consolation, I’ve been blogging for years and am not huge nor do I make a profit. I worked really hard for a couple years, too, taking classes and doing everything “right” on social media before I realized that unless I’m selling something every day (Amazon books, deals on clothes, etc.), or offering something (printables, coupons, etc.), that I’m just not going to be huge. Nowadays I try and focus on a “Bloom where I’m planted” philosophy. I get little opportunities here and there that I like, such as products to review, and I’m working more on freelance writing, but mostly I blog because I enjoy the writing aspect and the community aspect.
Probably not the reply you were expecting either, lol! 🙂
Katy recently posted…Things I Don’t Get
Oh and I am suddenly toying with the idea of starting an email newsletter, because all the experts say that is imperative for growth/success. Well, that’s what they said about Pinterest, Facebook, getting a WordPress blog, etc. , LOL. Haven’t jumped on it yet!
Katy recently posted…Things I Don’t Get
I’ve no idea what an email newsletter is or how that differs from just following a blog!! I had high hopes for Pinterest and did what I was told…I’ve spent HOURS making the suggested ‘long pins’ (haven’t got round to changing them all yet) but still no-one comes flocking lol!! I’m not prepared to buy into services to do my Pinterest or Twitter for me, maybe if I did I’d be swamped but I’ll never know. I like the idea of my blog growing organically, but from time to time I wonder where I can get my hands on some supersonic manure 🙂
Thanks for replying x
Midlife Dramas in pyjamas recently posted…Just call me Hyacinth…
we all feel this way sometimes. I’ve found that often the people I enjoy reading the most have the least amount of followers. I’ve been at it three years and know that it can be easy to get down sometimes.
Jeremy@ThirstyDaddy recently posted…The Loneliness of the Modern Father
Hahah. Thanks for the giggle.
If I “forget” to eat, I start to get hangry very quickly!
I do get fruit in my ice cream though…it’s refreshing sometimes. Especially in things like strawberry cheesecake flavors. 🙂
Lexie recently posted…9 Things That I’ve Learned in 9 Months of Motherhood
See, strawberries in strawberry shortcake flavor sounds reasonable. The shortcake compensates! 🙂
i often forget to eat but it’s due to the medication I’m on it’s an appetite suppressant, i actually have to set the alarm on my phone to remind me to have lunch or I do actually forget to eat….sorry #triumphanttales
That’s a very good reason why. Meanwhile my brain is always telling me “EAT! EAT!” which is why I’d like to try a day on the opposite end of the spectrum, LOL.
I loved this so much! Every single one of them I was nodding my head in agreement! Thanks for making me smile 🙂
You’re welcome! Comments like yours make my day because I’m just trying to spread a little happiness here on my blog. 🙂
Oh this is so funny! Oh and don’t get me started on the 3 remote controls to watch netflix – drives me mad – I just want to watch some tele! #TweensTeensBeyond
That’s why it’s so crazy, right? You just want to watch TV and…ugh, how do I get there and get it going again?
I come from a family who often ‘forgets’ to eat…really what happens is we keep ourselves so busy that everything else just feels more important until we’re starved or it’s 10pm. It’s so bad for the body. And the Beefalo…**shudder** Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!
Leslie recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link Up #66
I could always eat, which is why I wish I could try livin’ the way where my brain forgets to eat!
I wouldn’t even know where to start with a list like this! I feel like I spend half my day asking my family why they would do whatever they had just done! #happynow
Jeremy@ThirstyDaddy recently posted…The Loneliness of the Modern Father
I’m curious now–maybe this would be a good blog prompt? It would be fun to hear how it’s going in someone else’s house!
Katy recently posted…Things I Don’t Get
I’m with you with both the cinema and loo thing….come on ? A bit of space please ? #tweensteensbeyond
daydreams of a mum recently posted…A boys first love – A guest post from my eldest
Glad to hear it doesn’t just happen to me! But why does it happen at all, right? Personal space!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, great post. Although I forget to eat sometimes, then make up for it by eating everything in sight. Yeah, I don’t do balance. Thanks for sharing with #GlobalBlogging
Rach recently posted…A Step Too Far
Yes, I could see that. I’m the type of person who exercises a little bit and then thinks it’s okay to eat everything. Um, yes, it doesn’t work that way!
Oh gosh there are plenty. Why it takes half an hour to get any music to play on the car! Why my teens turn it up full volume and then roll their eyes when I can’t hear them. Why the rabbit up-ends her bowl every time I feed her and then won’t eat it because it’s soggy on the bottom of her cage. Shall I go on?!! Thanks so much for sharing your fab post on #TweensTeensBeyond
Sharon Parry recently posted…Spot the Year 6 leavers!
Ha ha! It’s not just me, then. I’m supposed to be able to stream music in my car through my phone. Emphasis on “supposed to”!
Yes to all of them. The TV, the music – I die a little inside every time I try to entertain myself. It’s never simple. And yes, the people thing – I always sit as far away as possible and someone will always find me. And then the empty car park – scarier than a full one. We are all crazy – right? #tweensteensbeyond
LOL – “I die a little inside every time I try to entertain myself. It’s never simple.” No, it’s not! We better make sure our kids live close by in our old age to help us run things, ha ha ha.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Things I Don’t Get
I know! Why do they do that? Totally annoys me as well. I also hate people who say they forget to eat, it goes completely against what being a human means lol. Thanks for the laugh and sharing with #StayClassyMama!
Completely with you on the space issue. I particularly hate it when you are chatting to someone and they come right up to your face? Is that because they are deaf and need to lip read? It’s the same as standing in a queue. There is always someone who feels the need to get right up behind you and almost push you along. We all need a bit of personal space around us. Glad to find so many kindred spirits. Thanks for linking. #TweensTeensBeyond
Jo – Mother of Teenagers recently posted…Tweens, Teens & Beyond #14
Oh, yes, how could I forget about the close-talkers and the people who dare brush up against me in line?!
So my strawberry cheesecake blizzard is considered healthy fruit maybe? I think I am just going to go with it 🙂
Jen recently posted…The Bolivian Corn Cake Of Your Dreams!
Go. With. It!
I don’t get the cinema thing either! I also don’t understand people who post their cold symptoms on Facebook. Like, “I have a runny nose & a scratchy throat. My ears hurt too. So tired.” Seriously???? It’s NOT WebMD!!!
Yes to the cold symptoms! What am I supposed to do with that knowledge anyway except stay away if I see you?! 🙂
You nailed it, Katy! The public restrooms, the movie theater, TV remotes. LOL I don’t get why people stand with their shopping cart in the MIDDLE of the aisle at any given store. You are in my way! Be courteous and move to the side, please. Thanks for sharing on #TrafficJamWeekend.
Oh, Kimberly, good one about the grocery store! So true. It’s like a road, people. Stay to the right!