I’ve been wanting to complain about a couple things for a bit.
So I thought why not resurrect the wildly popular (okay, with me at least) blog series, Things I Want To Complain About.
Yup, it’s been awhile since I’ve written a Things I Want To Complain About. Maybe there was a global pandemic or something.
Or my oldest child graduated from high school.
Or I was taking a nap.
(Probably the nap!)
In any case, here is the latest edition of Things I Want To Complain About:

Karate chop pillows
Every designer right now is displaying pillows that look like someone yelled, “Hi ya!” before slapping them.

Does a big dent in a pillow look comfortable? No.
Does it look fashionable? Not to me.
I think a karate chop pillow looks like some toddler straddled it, giggling, while his parents yelled at him.

If I saw one, I wouldn’t know whether to sit down — or counterattack.
Maybe I should sweep the leg?
Yellow Jackets
We have an unfinished basement, filled with junk.
But every now and then when it’s hot my daughter likes to go down there where it’s cool and play her ukulele on an old coach.
It was her little oasis–until a couple weeks ago when she came running up the stairs.
“There’s like 20 bees,” she panted.
I took a peek and confirmed my daughter can count. There were at least 20 bees.
I snapped a picture and sent it to a friend who tends bees.
“Those are yellow jackets,” he said. “Nasty.”
So $250 and 6 hours of cowering upstairs with a towel stuffed under the door to the basement and fear coursing through our veins, we got the nasty yellow jackets removed by a professional. He said he got the queen, thankfully!
What do want to complain about? Do share!
yellow jackets are the worst. I’m not sure I would have spent the $250 but I’m sure things went a lot smoother and less painful than they would have here #happynow
There was a free option–a team that comes and removes the nest for free and sells the venom to researchers. They were 2 hours away and needed enough nests in an area to make the trip. I might have gone with that option—except for the fact that the nest was in my house, not out on a tree somewhere. YIKES!!!
Katy recently posted…Things I Want To Complain About – Part V
The yellow jackets! The stuff of nightmares. Yellow jackets are seriously bad jerks!
Amen. They’re such jerks they even cost a lot to leave!
Katy recently posted…Things I Want To Complain About – Part V