Ermagherd, guys, do I have a thing going? It’s Friday and I thought I’d share the funny stuff that made me laugh this week. I did this last Friday, too, so it must be official:
I’m a blogger with a thing on Fridays!
(Don’t hold your breath for next week.)
Here are the funniest tweets I saw this week:
At Target. Really wish I could tell the cashier, "Don't let me spend more than $20."
— Amber Myers (@WhisperAmber) February 27, 2014
3-year-old: Daddy, I can brush my teeth
*squirts toothpaste directly in her mouth*
I’m only mad because I didn’t think of that.
— Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 26, 2014
Preschool birthday party rules:
Year 1: We go to everything
Year 2: We only go to parties that had beer in year 1.
— Hunter Steele (@FatherWithTwins) February 22, 2014
YAY! I have my OB/GYN annual today!! Said NO woman ever.
— Chris (@themomcafe) February 27, 2014
And now for a slam-dunk of a cartoon, courtesy of NickMom [ via: ]:
What made you laugh this week?
HA! Love them all!!
I made my OB/GYN feel my hairy legs… I thought it was funny. She just thought it was creepy. 😉
Chris Carter recently posted…Blogging Reciprocity
At least your OB/GYN was a girl. ha! I saw your tweet about it and and loved it. I’m going to go get it and put in here. 🙂
Love that cartoon so much!! The tweet that made me laugh the loudest was the birthday parties with beer – so true!!! Thanks for the laugh, I needed it!
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