Ack! It’s Back-to-School shopping season!
How much is this going to cost me? Will I ever find everything I need?
I think I’m stressed already.
Which got me thinking.
What if I could laugh about it instead? Yes, what if I could poke fun at all the craziness of back to school in a little blog post?
Here’s a little ditty I wrote to inspire laughter this time of year:
Mom shares thrifty back-to-school shopping tips
A Michigan mother of four has saved $5.17 on $244 worth of school supplies. Molly Miser, tears in her eyes, states that if she can do it, then you can do it, too.
Here are her favorite thrifty Back-to-School shopping tips.
- Start on Black Friday. “Keep your eye out for a discounted three-ring binder when you’re wandering the aisles of Walmart at 4am the day after Thanksgiving. It worked for me.”
- Dumpster Dive. “Every Sunday my kids and I get in the dumpster behind my local grocery store,” says Miser, who likes to dig out the SmartSource coupon books that others throw away. “I saved $.55 on a pack of Bic pens thanks to a coupon the baby found while Dumpster Diving.”
- Shop church rummage sales. “Those old ladies are getting rid of classics like slightly yellowed notepads and promotional pens from an appliance store in 1972. Score!”
- Make your own school supplies. “I like to upcycle empty Gogurt tubes into book covers.”
- Use what you already have. “My ten-year-old carries my Trapper Keeper notebook from 1981. It still looks great, especially with all that duct tape holding it together.”
- Pick up money on the streets. “Last week my kids and I picked up four different pennies. With a pace like that, we’ll get $2.08 cash money in our pockets this year.”
- Shop multiple stores. “I bought three packs of crayons at Office Depot for 24 cents, then drove across town to get a protractor from Staples for 75 cents, and finished the day 20 miles away getting a scientific calculator for $15.” Even though she used half a tank of gas, Miser was thrilled by her bargains. “At those prices, how could I refuse?”
- Look through your neighbors’ trash. “If it’s on the street, it’s public domain,” notes Miser. “Once I found an eraser!”
Miser is confident that if you use these thrifty tips, then you can save as much money as she did.
How will she use the $5.17 windfall this year?
“I’ll splurge on something fun, like one Dairy Queen Blizzard we can all share,” she comments.
What’s next for this thrifty shopper? “I want to see how much money I can save on my kids’ lunches,” says Miser. “I plan on giving the kids ketchup packets from McDonald’s and fungi I collect from the mushroom foraging group I joined.”
Did you laugh? I hope so! What’s your favorite thrifty back-to-school shopping tip?
I cancan’t even think about going back to school yet.. That alone gives me the hives 😉
I know. I saw the display in Walmart by the front door and I wanted to scream “We have 7 weeks yet! Cool it!”
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Thrifty Back-to-School Shopping Tips
Ha! Love this, Katy. You had me grinning, especially over the “I saved $.55 on a pack of Bic pens thanks to a coupon the baby found while Dumpster Diving.”
Gotta say, I don’t miss the back-to-school shopping. Not one little bit. Despite the best of intentions, I always managed to delay doing it until the very last minute. Huge lineups, inevitable scrounging in the bottom of bins for the last pink eraser and never-ending hunts for the perfect pencil case … My particular favourite memory was the time we got everything, survived the line-up and tumbled into the car only to discover the battery was dead. Car wouldn’t start. It was pissing with rain and we were beyond hungry. Good times …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Guess Who I Met This Summer
That car battery moment is just Typikel, right? UGH. Truly annoying that one.
We don’t get our classroom specific lists until a week before school starts. I’m usually diving into the bins as they drag them into the backroom while bringing out the Halloween gear.
Ha! OH, Katy, that would be me. Either the Hallowe’en gear or the Christmas loot …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Guess Who I Met This Summer
So funny! I’m avoiding school supply shopping, although I did put together my three lists for my three school-age kids so I know what I need to get when I can’t put it off any longer.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…Simplest Birthday Party Ideas Ever: No Planning, No Cleaning, No Stress
I’m seeing people in AZ go back to school so I actually did the adult thing and looked up the supply list on my kids’ school websites. I guess I’m prepared–and an adult now!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Thrifty Back-to-School Shopping Tips
I do miss back to school shopping! Truth be told, I still buy school/office supplies – more than I need or will ever use. Perhaps next year, Molly Miser could shop from my overstock. Just a thought…
Mo recently posted…In Defense Of Reality Television
There are some amazing deals on BTS supplies to be had this time of year. I literally hate when one of my kids needs something in, say, March and I have to pay full price!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Thrifty Back-to-School Shopping Tips
I am not looking forward to back to school shopping! Our lists are usually pretty basic, but the kids always want to sparkly, special stuff and then they don’t even end up using it!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Lately
Right? My daughter was eyeing a furry mint colored pencil box the other day and I snapped, “NO!”
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Thrifty Back-to-School Shopping Tips
Aaargh, back to school shopping! Two of my kiddos start tomorrow and the other starts next week. Add in 2 surgeries and our back to school budget is whacked out. I ought to hit the dumpster for real 🙂
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up # 18
I confess I’m amazed my Arizona friends are going back already. Growing up I never remember anyone being in school in July! I bet the dumpsters are hot there, too. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Thrifty Back-to-School Shopping Tips
Yep, probably ought to hold of on the diving until say October 🙂
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up # 19
It is expensive. And yet, i’m going from home schooling them to sending them to school, so I’ll pay them whatever they ask, just please don’t ever make me home school again!! lol
April recently posted…Day 2: Partying with Mickey Mouse and Pals at Epcot
Ha ha! Your honesty made me laugh. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Thrifty Back-to-School Shopping Tips
This is hilarious. I feel like dumpster diving now! Kidding. I mostly just stick to Target, Walmart, and HEB.
Amber recently posted…Why My Husband Will Make A Great MTI
I was inspired by some of those Extreme Cheapskates shows I’ve seen. I cannot imagine dumpster diving unless my life depended on it!
Yikes. I wish I would have kept my kitten Trapper Keeper or my CareBear pencils. Both are back in style, right? Funny post. I’m more into the green items and those aren’t that cheap. I’m sure I can find good deals on them, too. Stay tuned, maybe there will be a recycleable go-gurt notebook.
Caryn recently posted…35 Fit, Fun and Mostly Free Activities for Kids
I’m sure there is someone out there scoring deals on green items – or upcycling their own! 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.
I hate the cost of school supplies shopping, but I actually love shopping for the supplies. 🙂 My kids do not start school until September, so maybe I should slowly start now. I’m usually a last minute million dollar school supply shopper… because three kids + last minute= $$$$$$$$$$$$
Thanks for sharing your humor with us at #MMBH!
Congrats on the SheKnows feature! I like shopping for BTS supplies when I can get deals. When I can’t, grrr!