I was flipping through the channels when I saw it.
I gasped and started laughing.
Teletubbies was back?
Then, I had this thought:
Oh, those poor parents.
You see, I remembered that back in the late 1990s and early 200s, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La La and Po burst onto the scene and captured the hearts of America’s children.
They also captured the ire of pop culture enthusiasts, political commentators, and parents.
The Teletubbies ARE weird after all.
Jerry Falwelll ignited a firestorm when he called the purse-carrying Tinky Winky gay and seemed to insinuate that if you let your kids watch Teletubbies, they might become gay, too.
Remember, Millennial moms and dads, this was before social media and smart phones. All we had was cable TV and the internet. Heck, I don’t think anyone was even blogging yet.
My son, born in 2003, was an active baby. I still remember the day I matched all his traits to the description of “active” baby in the What to Expect book. It meant he slept very little, but might turn out to be bright from all the stimulation he sought. I clung to that future promise as I stumbled my sleep-deprived self through each day.
But, then, one day when he was toddler, he stopped his incessant movement and stared at the Teletubbies on TV.
He was mesmerized.
Something about those nonsensical lumps of red, green, yellow and purple captivated him.
When my son watched Teletubbies, I got 15 minutes of freedom. 15 whole, lovely, God-given minutes.
It was a blessing. A gift.
I could sit down. I could clean up. I could go to the bathroom.
My husband worried that the Teletubbies were psychedelic, and that letting our toddler watch them was equivalent to giving him drugs. Or the fact that the show was just plain weird and we would raise a weird kid.
Maybe, Millennial Moms and Dads, you have these thoughts, too.
But the Teletubbies did not ruin our son. Rather, they saved me in those dark, monotonous, exhausting moments of motherhood when you just need a break.
The Teletubbies gave me 15 minutes.
They gave me a break.
And to them I say, “Big hug.”
I’m right there with ya! My daughter watched Teletubbies back in t he day. I think the show has no rhyme or reason, but it obviously captivates little ones.
Terra Heck recently posted…bObsweep PetHair: An Innovative Way to Vacuum – Review
I know, right? Some sort of weird blobs of moving color just sucked them in!
OK, I will admit it, there is one kids program my kids MAY NOT WATCH.. And that’s the Teletubbies. Nope, Never, No way!
One Messy Mama recently posted…Every Mama Deserves a Little Bling – Michael Hill Review
Hee hee! It was the ONLY thing that made him stop. The ONLY thing. 🙂
While i personally cannot stank the teletubbies, whatever show you are able to handle in order to give you a precious moment to do ANYTHING is absolutely worth it. Anyone who gives you crap for letting your kid watch a bit of TV to give a mom a bit of sanity is just plain mean.
Amen, Brandi! All moms need that time, whether it comes from Teletubbies or the iPad or whatever. 🙂
I caught one episode when Tommy was small and was like, “Nope.” I couldn’t.
Amber Myers recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay!
I wish I could be Nope. It’s funny to think how much it drove my husband bananas. Such small potatoes, really!
My son hated the Teletubbies, the vacuum thing terrified him and luckily no one else around here has gone down that dark road. Although one more episode of Little Einsteins and I just might…..
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #28
I haven’t seen Little Einsteins in years but I tell you that theme song pops into my head at least once a month. Sigh.
We were never Teletubbies watchers. But I’m really getting sick of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Maybe it’s because I’m 6 years in. Thanks so much for joining us at the #hapynowlinkup!
Leslie recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link Up #28
Wow. You are a saint for enduring 6 years of the Clubhouse! My daughter watched it off and on for a year and that was enough. 🙂
Oh, this is a riot! My sister plopped both of her kids in front of the “Tubbies” in the late 90s and early 2000s and TREASURED the extra few minutes of Me Time she was able to squeeze out. She was so grateful to the Tubbies that she named a character in her book series after the vacuum (named the “Noo Noo,” Jen…in case you forgot!)
My children are just 4 and wouldn’t know about the Teletubbies if not for their sneaky aunt who was determined to introduce them by way of old books and puzzles. My husband continues to conduct regular Tubby search and destroy missions but the books seem to multiply!
Thanks for your post! #happynowlinkup
Oh my gosh thank you for reminding me about Noo Noo!! Now I’m smiling.
Noo Noo! I remember Noo Noo! So funny. Oh, Katy, Teletubbies was indeed a godsend for you. Whatever works, right? I remember watching them in the middle of the night and being rather soothed by the lovely green grass. My kids liked them and use to have a game where they would chant the characters’ names over and over and over and over …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Hanging Out With The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Whatever works, Kelly. EXACTLY. Do you remember them saying Big Hug? Big hug to you today!
My first exposure to Teletubbies was babysitting for a little girl who loved the show. The first time she turned on the TV and Teletubbies was on, I was pretty freaked out.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…Top 7 Moments from Conference Weekend
They are truly psychedelic! I’m still freaked out.
My daughter loved those bizarre creatures, I bought her all the toys associated, even after one was dubbed gay.
Because like yourself, it bought me alone bathroom time & the luxury of brushing my teeth and combing my hair.
For the record, my daughter made it through childhood & isn’t dropping acid at Coachella. So I think we’re the real winners here.