While at the farmer’s market this weekend, the kids and I visited a stall selling artisan soap. There were many different soaps, all handmade with essential oils (ooooooo!).
We picked up 3 samples for $1. I picked one scent and each of the kids picked one for themselves.
This is Sydney’s sample. It smells like cinnamon. When I went to give it to her to use in the bath last night, she shook her head no.
“I want to keep it,” she told me.
“Oh, you don’t want it in the bath?”
“No, it’s my toot air conditioning.” Then she held up the soap to her nose and said, “See? When somebody toots, I just hold this up here and sniff it.”
Toot air conditioning.
Who would’ve thought?!
P.S. I didn’t have the heart to tell her it should really be toot air freshener!
Stopping by for my laugh:)
The Mommy Psychologist recently posted…What If You Were The Mother Of James Holmes?
HA! pretty smart cookie you have there. Great idea. We should all carry one!
mare ball recently posted…Heartbreak….again
That is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! Just LOVE it 🙂
Erin recently posted…What does The Tooth Fairy Bring?
Oh my lord, that is so cute! My daughter is turning 3 in December, and I cannot wait for all the ridiculous things she will say. Lately everything is either ” iscusting” or “AMAZING!” lol
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