I’m working on getting my 5-year-old to dress herself. I think I’m still hovering over her because she’s my youngest. My son Will, who’s now 9, was dressing himself from age 3 1/2 on simply because I had his baby sister to attend to.
But it’s time to cut the apron strings!
So the other night Sydney got out of the bath and dried herself off. I told her to go get her jammies on. Meanwhile, I dashed over to the computer and got lost for a few minutes reading blogs.
Then she came to stand beside me at the computer. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that she was still wearing only a towel.
“Did you get yourself dressed yet?” I asked as I typed away (adding another insightful, yet humorous blog comment I’m sure).
“Boy,” Sydney started. “You’re really unsmart tonight. Can’t you see that No, I didn’t get myself dressed yet?”
Wait, now.
How come she’s so smart – but she can’t dress herself yet?!?
So cute! I rushed my first son to potty train b/c I had a second baby on the way, and to this day, I regret it. I wish I would have just let him go at his own speed. He’s a bit intense to this day. Live and learn. 🙂
I like your comment. It makes me relax! I’m sure she won’t enter high school without being able to dress herself (hopefully, in a cute yet age appropriate and non-hoochie way!!)
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Unsmart