For years I sat through Elmo and Caillou (ACK!) with my daughter.
I’ve watched tween comedies like Liv and Maddie and The Loud House.
My daughter, 11, even went through a savage Full House rerun phase.
But I’m happy to report that those days are over (mostly). That’s because we are watching full-blown reality TV together these days. Specifically, we enjoy watching Live PD on Friday and Saturday nights.
For those of you who haven’t heard, Live PD is a show that follows cops doing their job in real time. It airs on the A&E network. Per their website:
“From DUI checkpoint stops to high-speed chases, bar fights to gang shootings, domestic disputes to drug busts, A&E’s documentary series Live PD captures it all.”
That’s right, I’ve gone from watching Caillou and tween comedies with my daughter to watching high speed chases and domestic disturbances!
Why we like Live PD:
1. It shows how messed up you can get from doing drugs. The cops arrest people every night who are doing drugs, and acting stupid, or selling drugs, which is just plain stupid.
2. It highlights the importance of not being in a relationship with someone who hits you.
3. It’s hilarious, because people are dumb and do dumb things. Like the guy who stayed in a bathroom at the auto parts store for over an hour and the store had to call the police to kick him out. He was just on drugs, of course.
4. Policing is like parenting. I swear police officers say the same things that parents do, like:
- Wanna tell me what’s going on?
- Well, that was a bad choice.
5. It’s fun because it’s live and happening as you watch it. I’ve always been a fan of the original “Cops” that aired for years, but this is a bit more exciting because it’s live. Warning: because it’s live, sometimes they miss beeping out a swear word.
6. Live PD shows that there is bad in this world. It’s a reality check.
7. Live PD shows that there is good in this world. The cops are genuinely trying to help.
8. It’s full of girl power! There are lots of female role models on Live PD. Our favorite female officer is Officer Zendejas in El Paso, who is strong and empathetic.
9. My daughter should be a good driver after watching Live PD. People get pulled over for broken taillights, failure to stop at a stop sign, etc. Just follow the laws, people.
10. The hosts are a hoot. They aren’t trying to be, but they are. They provide commentary from a studio in New York on what they see. You swear you can almost hear them say “dumb a##” under their breath.
So if you like reality TV, action, and want your kids to see first hand the dangers of drugs, then check out Live PD. There’s also a fun community on Twitter using the hashtag #LivePDNation that you can chat with as you watch.
Have you seen Live PD? What is your favorite reality TV show?
That sounds good. I’m gonna have to see if we get it up here! Thanks for the advice. Policing and parenting are indeed very similar 😀
Eric recently posted…Month in Review: April
Ooo, are you in Canada? How did I miss that?! Maybe there’s a mounted police Live PD version. 🙂
I’m a sucker for good reality TV but have never watched Live PD. Clearly, I’m missing out on a gem!
Mo recently posted…The West Wing Weekly Podcast – Nerd Nirvana
You’ll either love it or pass on it for the likes of The Bachelor or Real Housewives.
It’s a pretty good show. I didn’t think i would like it but I do. My kids prefer “COPS” lol
Wrae recently posted…5 Unhealthy Triggers
Ha! Old school with the Cops. Sometimes the original is the best. 🙂
I’m addicted to these types of reality shows, as we live in Dubai, other than Netflix which is limited, we get little choice on our TV and these programmes seem to be really popular and accessible on you tube. I’ll add this one to my to watch list #tweenteensbeyond
chickenruby recently posted…What does Ramadan mean to a non Muslim living in the Middle East?
I always like when you comment because I learn something new! Netflix in Dubai. Who knew?
Katy recently posted…Why We Watch Live PD
I struggle to find something that we can all watch as a family and that we will all actually enjoy. This sounds ideal. I wonder if there is anything similar in the UK. I like the idea that there are some life lessons in there and that teens will be learning about society without them even realising! Thanks so much for sharing at #TweensTeensBeyond
I was interested to read this Katy because my daughter is absolutely fascinated with a similar programme here called Police Interceptors. I’ve seen some of them and would love to equal her ability to watch so many things. She is very engaged with the characters and it does, as you say, present many areas to learn from. Thanks for sharing with #tweensteensbeyond
I’ve watched Live PD a few times. It’s good reality TV. It amazes me how crazy some people act.
Terra recently posted…First Four Winners For May
I think it’s that crazy surprise factor that entertains us most! Especially all the people who get pulled over and don’t have a license? How did that happen? And if you don’t have a license, shouldn’t you drive extra, super careful and NOT get pulled over?
Both my teens have a vast array of reality based TV series and documentaries that they watch and there are some that I do quite enjoy watching with them too. It is so easy nowadays to all end up in different parts of the house doing different things and watching different things and a good TV programme or movie is a great way to pull the family together. Thanks for sharing this with us Katy. #TweensTeensBeyond
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