It is highly ironic that I’ve grown up to be a Hockey Mom. That’s because I grew up in southern California in the 70s and have never played a game of ice hockey in my life.
Yet both of my kids, ages 13 and 10, play ice hockey. They love it! Because they love it, I love it, too (duh).
I have noticed certain characteristics that I have taken on in the last few years that identify me as a hockey mom. I hope other hockey moms can relate.
Here’s my fun list of reasons you might be a hockey mom.
You might be a hockey mom if…
You carry a blanket with you at all times.
Your car seems to drive itself to the ice rink.
You’d buy a new stick for your child before you’d buy a new outfit.
You own a cowbell or know someone who does.
You think the refs are all crazy.
You think the other team’s parents are all crazy.
Your kid has gotten yelled at in a hotel for playing mini sticks.
You know what phrases like “bar down” and “two and ten” mean.
You refer to your child as an ’03 or U10.
You’ve lost entire weekends sitting in ice rinks watching games.
You know all the kids’ nicknames on the team, but you can’t remember the other parents’ first names.
You know the really, really cold rinks from the just plain cold rinks.
You’ve spent hundreds of dollars on skill crane, vending machines, and snack bars just to keep younger siblings entertained while at the rink.
You love to watch your child play hockey.
That last one is my favorite, obviously. I might never have guessed that I’d grow up to be a hockey mom, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
What about you? What would you add? Or what sports do your kids play? Is there anything specific about their sports that identifies you as a swim mom, dance mom, etc.?
Ice hockey isn’t thay big in the UK but can totally relate to ferrying kids round…gymnastics, singing and musical theatre here!! #globalblogging
Yes, no matter what they choose, it’s up to us to get them there! Over and over and over. 🙂
I’m a hockey mom of an ’05, first year peewee. This is his 7th year playing. This list is perfect! Right on the money. I think I may be closer to my hockey family than my own family and longtime friends.
I love my fellow hockey moms. We get each other like no one else!
❤it! I am a hockey mom of twins. Not sure how other accomplish it having kids at different levels.
Well, lots of trips back and forth to the rink and tag-teaming it to tournaments! It’s crazy but good. 🙂
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
I have an ’04 and an ’07. Families that have more than two kids in travel hockey boggle my mind! My husband and I both played growing up so we understand – it’s not just hockey. It’s everything else they are going to learn about teamwork and leadership and having to put in the effort to learn how to do that slap shot or give that body check (yikes – that is coming next year for my ’04!)
My 03 started checking this year. It’ll be okay mama! (Knocks on wood) I love all the lessons that being on a hockey team teach, too.
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
As a hockey grandma..620 miles were put on our van last weekend! Three travel hockey players in two states at the same time. A friend took one, I took one and mom, then mom took that one to one part of Kentucky while we took the other one to a different part of Kentucky.. It was nuts!! Keeps you young or crazy. Not sure which.
I am a hockey mom of a 96′ & 98′. The 96′ boy no longer plays but my 98′ girl is playing her last year, senior year for her high school team.
Enjoy every minute because it goes by fast!
I will, Gina! My 03 will try out for a high school team next year. How did that happen?!?
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
I am a hockey mom x 4. I have four boys that play. I’d agree with your list. I would add:
At any given time you have two rolls of hockey tape, a puck, and sex wax in your purse.
You know what rink you’re at depending on the food.
You have yelled at the ref & your child from the stands thinking they can hear you.
You know where all the Starbucks are located with in 5 miles of every rink.
You’ve seen other hockey dads with ice auger in the parking lot of a rink at 6:30 am.
You’ve ran the clock or Penalty box doors for a game.
You’ve ran the clock for practice for one child while doing homework with the child who just got off the ice and helping tie skates for the next child to go on.
LOL – You have yelled at the ref & your child from the stands thinking they can hear you.
So true!!
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
My son is 2001 and my daughter is 2002. They both play rep hockey. I have two other daughters 1998-1999-they love and hate hockey. Some days they say Hockey ruins families! Some days they are so excited for their siblings when we discuss the games and practices. Our entire family enjoys watching NHL hockey and it’s something that brings us together. The non players know the game, the rules. I think it’s like any sport families do, they have something in common they can share. There’s always a game to talk about, which usuall results into talking about other aspects of family life. Just now as I am writing this my son said guess what!? Ovechkin just got his 1000th goal against Montreal.
I enjoyed reading this list..I know I am a hockey mom because I know every arena and how far the nearest Tim Hortons is from any given arena. I have packed a million dinners in Tupperware and my main hallway is always decorated with drying hockey equipment . It’s all my pleasure because I love what my kids love. All the best fellow hockey moms!?
It really does bring us together as families! My daughter (U10) started playing just to join in the fun that my son and husband (who coaches) were always talking about.
So true about Timmy’s near the rink, LOL.
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
Ooo my kids are a bit young for full on sports though my eldest did ‘play’ rugby for a while! #globalblogging
I am a Hockey Grandmom. I started watching my grandson play a few years ago (08). I enjoy every minute of any game and time with him. We even played in my kitchen when he was about 3 until this year because he is too
I also love watching AHL and NHL hockey.
I’ll always remember the fun my kids have had playing mini-sticks or knee hockey in the living room! Thanks for sharing.
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
This list is spot on! My sister still plays and I still play…at ages 40 and 47! I don’t have kids, but now her daughters (an 07, and O9) and son (a 12) all play. I work at and serve on the board of my local association, and her husband is on the board of their local association. Most of our friends have kids that play, and I can honestly say that hockey people are some of the very best people around!
I agree that hockey people are some of the very best people! I’ve been writing this blog for years and I have never gotten ALL positive comments (someone always complains or whines) until this post on Hockey Moms!
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
Spot on! My kids have played other travel sports, but our hockey families are by far the closest and most loyal! Mine are ’99, ’01, ’03 and my ’12 keeps asking to play, but trying to hold off until the oldest graduates! ?
Hockey families are definitely the most loyal. Good thing for your family is you have lots of gear to pass down when that ’12 comes into the game!
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
I am a hockey mom, hockey coach, hockey player and hockey wife. I spend 5 to 6 days on the ice and my new vehicle purchase is the hockey mobile and had to be able to fit 4 hockey bags at most. Love my hockey family. I spend most days in hockey pants and jacket.
That sounds bad-ass that you’re the coach, too. I love that my daughter is growing up playing the game as well as my son.
My last vehicle purchase was also based on how the hockey bags fit. Plus, comfort for driving to tourneys.
Katy recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
I laughed so hard while coming to the realization that is it not just me. I have and 03 and an 08 goalies. This is my life… minus the cowbell.
Hee hee. I don’t own a cowbell either…but I know someone does!
I have a wee hockey player (’10) *and* a figure skater. (Also, I figure skate and have played hockey in the past, so…yeah, pretty much living at the rinks.) We are at 3 different rinks 6 times a week and I am exhausted October–February but my kids love it and I love it. 🙂
I have been a hockey Mom since 1998. I have two sons. One retired at 21 and my other one still plays at 19. They can only play to 21 in leagues here. Then you play beer leagues. True to say good times and the social atmosphere with parents is fun and tail gating at the rink between periods even more. You know you are a hockey mom when can get up at 6am no problem for a game or practice but work..hit snooze.
I, also never even watched a hockey until I met my children’s Dad. I have a 00′ and 03′. Who have been running around hockey rinks since birth (their Dad has been coaching since 99′). I absolutely love watching my children skate, I love hearing what “the other teams” say about them, when they show there skills.
My daughter’s hockey career is somewhat coming to end and really hard on the whole family.
Enjoy the good games and the really bad ones.
Hockey family for life!!
Not a hockeymom myself but am a hockey daughter. It’s not that common in Germany and I started back when I was 16, but mom knows which team is ‘good’ to play against and which one isn’t fun to play. And which rink is clean and which does not even have toilet paper or appropriate locker rooms/showers.
Your list was spot on! As well as the additional ones listed. Don’t forget becoming the team Mom too. Hockey Mom of 4 players (3 boys, 1 girl). Enjoy it, as it goes by so fast. My youngest now plays for his HS team, after his game the other day I stayed to watch a squirt game. You just can’t seem to get hockey out of your blood. Those squirts were adorable, I miss youth hockey! The bonds you create with other hockey families last a lifetime!! ?????
This list is great. My son is playing Juniors now. He is a 98. I managed his team for years. Once high school came, I just managed the golf outing fundraiser. Now I have to watch most of his games online since he plays in Minnesota/Canada and I am in Michigan. It has been tough, but seeing the joy on my son’s face as he is living his dream to continue his hockey career. There has been so many amazing memories while my son has grown up playing hockey. I love this sport, not much can match it.
Growing up in Ireland I had no idea what hockey was until I moved to Quebec Canada in 2001. I now have a 06, and twin 08s, husband coaches both teams and I am team manager. I always know where the Starbucks, or in Canada the Timmys are and arena fries are the best tasting fries in the world. I wouldnt change it for the world.
I’m a soccer mom. I hate the cold too much to be a hockey mom. A lot of these things are similar though. And I hate trying to explain to my son who he is U^ when he is already 6. I think he deliberately misunderstands me!
Rabia @ The Liebers recently posted…Mama Mayday
My kids have just started taking part in “extra-murals”, ballet and karate.. So I still have some time to “settle” in.. haha! I hope! I do love watching them and I will probably be the mom with the camera GLUED to her eye! I am curious about the Cowbell though? 🙂 #globalblogging
One Messy Mama recently posted…Little Tikes – Product Review
So the cowbell. Have you ever watched ski races in Europe and someone’s always ringing a cowbell in the crowd? It’s the same thing in hockey. Some mom (not me) usually rings a cowbell in the crowd whenever her team does something good. Except we’re all enclosed in a rink so it’s loud. And some ring it way more than others! It can be annoying or fun. Depends on a lot of factors.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…You Might Be a Hockey Mom If
I grew up in Minnesota with a hockey playing brother. I spent many hours freezing my butt off in an ice arena bored out of my mind!
I think that’s exactly why my daughter started playing hockey herself!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Things I Won’t Miss From My Kids’ Childhood
We’re definitely not a hockey family, but my sister is very much a “baseball mom”. They definitely lose whole weekends to that sport! Thankfully my kids are still young enough that we can avoid that level of dedication…though I don’t think it will be long. My oldest wants to join the gymnastics team. ?
Leslie recently posted…5 Fantastic Birthday Party Themes Perfect for Winter
As a professional figure skater and coach, I laughed through pretty much all of your list! So glad you shared it with us at #FridayFrivolity!
Oh, you can definitely relate!
You know you are a hockey mom when you can put the levels of bantam, Pee Wee, Squirt, Midget and Mite in the correct chronological order by age!
Yes!! It took me a while to figure it out when the kids were younger, but now it makes total sense.
4th year travel hockey mom to an 08′ 1st year 10U Squirt here ?️
This article is spot on!!
Hockey mom’s always know where the nearest Starbucks is to every rink ?
The majority of the colors in your closet resemble the colors of the hockey association. Outerwear is carefully selected based on home colors!!
Some more are:
You schedule your vacations around hockey seasons.
You listen to you hockey kid tell you about their stategy for their games.
You know your location based on which ice rink you are near.
You have freqently worn Uggs in August…You know the nearest Dunkin/Starbucks to multiple rinks in multiple states….you know the exact (usually Dad, but not always) to ask about “Tournament Math”.
yes, yes yes!!
The best part of having kids play ice hockey is the community that surrounds it. Hockey teams and leagues tend to be more tight knit communities because it is a sport that not everyone plays and has a lot of unique characteristics from gear to ice time and many others.
Just don’t be one of the parents that get out of control and it can be a great experience.
Getting up for the early morning practices & then getting your kid ready too is one major task. My kids love playing hockey and are always BusyPlayingHockey over the weekends, but there are some days that it get hard to get them out of bed. It is totally worth it though seeing them happy when they get on the ice.